Chapter X - Red Alert

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Ah, January... The coldest month of the year, where people bundle up in thicker coats and sometimes scarves to keep themselves protected from the elements. Sometimes, it gets cold enough for the city to be blanketed with snow, but given how Tokyo has a subtropical climate, the snow doesn't typically linger for very long, often melting after about a week or two. This still gives people ample time to build snowmen, an activity popular with the children.

Today, me and Mami were having a date at a café to get ourselves warmed back up after walking in the cold. The two of us were now sipping on hot cups of coffee as we began to talk about recent happenings.

Me - Say, Mami?

Mami - Hm?

Me - Did you know that the Olympics are coming up soon?

Mami beamed with delight when I asked that question.

Mami - Yeah! My father's been telling me all about it! You may not know this about him, but he's a huge sports fanatic, and the Olympics are no exception. Now, where did he say they were being held? Pyeong... chang?

Me - Yep! You got it right.

Mami - Well, they're being held across the sea in South Korea. Even better, he's been telling me that the northern and southern teams will be competing as one unified team in a statement of peace.

Me - That's great! I'm glad that diplomatic fiasco has been dealt with.

Mami - Agreed! Now, how are you liking your coffee?

I took another sip of my coffee. This particular coffee was a nice soothing latte that Mami had suggested to me when we walked in here.

Me - It's top notch! Easily one of the best coffees I've ever had.

Mami - That's great! I knew you'd like it!

Me - You know, you've gotten pretty good at finding nice places for us to go to.

Mami - Hehe... Well, just doing my part to make every day we spend together a fun time.

I smiled at her as she took another sip of her coffee. I've gotta say, Mami has definitely improved quite a bit ever since we started dating nearly half a year ago. She's taking it upon herself to ensure that we both get a say on what goes in our relationship, rather than just relying on me the whole time. Plus, when we were out and about, Mami hasn't been as cautious as she was before. This right here is a sign of progress; Mami is learning to let go of her worries, and that's allowing her to truly live life to the fullest. I want to ensure that she continues on this path, both for the good of herself and our relationship. Needless to say, I'll be ready for what life throws at us.

[Timeskip - At the mall]

After we had finished at the café, me and Mami had decided to do a little bit of shopping at the nearby mall just to kill some time. However, just as we were about to head to our first store, Mami gave me a tap on the shoulder.

Me - Hm? What's up?

Mami soon pointed in a seemingly random direction, and when I looked in that direction, I noticed someone who looked strangely familiar.

Me - Hey, is that Kazu?

Mami - Indeed it i--

Me - Hold on...

My eyes soon darted to the person who was walking right next to him and was holding his hand. This person appeared to be a young girl with long red hair and a small braid on her right bang, and she was wearing what appeared to be a white cardigan and red skirt. I have never once seen this girl anywhere, let alone with Kazuya.

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