The Bet

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(A/N: Disclaimer! ^^Art not mine!!^^ I couldn't find artist to give credit but if you know please lmk!☆)

Quackity POV:

The casino was almost empty, but the bar was full when Quackity heard the squeak of the stool next to him, indicating company. He didn't glance over, however, until a familiar irritating voice called out to the bartender.

"I'll take whatever he's having," Wilbur said, jerking a thumb towards Quackity.

"And get him another round too, on me." He added, winking.

Quackity ground his teeth.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to get lost."

Wilbur cocked an eyebrow. "Oh yes. And you really told me didn't you." He said sarcastically. "I was shaking in my boots before I remembered that I don't care."

Quackity slumped back in his stool, already too drunk and tired to argue too heavily. "Well if you insist on being here why do you have to stick around me like an annoying insect with attachment issues?"

Wilbur shrugged. "I suppose you'll just have to put it down to your winning personality." He spun around in his chair to face Quackity, resting his arm on the bar and grinning.

Quackity ignored him and started up from his stool.


He turned his head back questioningly.

"C'mon, stay! Get drunk with me. It's so boring being by myself all the time."

Quackity hesitated for a few seconds but reluctantly sat back down with a sigh. "Fine. And I think the word you're searching for is LONELY."
He'd wanted to get drunk tonight anyway.

Wilbur looked mockingly offended. "Are you implying that I'm sad and lonely and will die alone? Because that is outrageous."

"I'm not implying anything. I think that's just a known fact at this point."

Wilbur gasped. "How dare you. With my stunning personality?? Is it the rotting flesh? I knew it. Eau de' death isn't in anymore."

Quackity almost laughed -but that might have been the alcohol. However, it got a smile to his lips and he didn't miss the flash of victory in Wilbur's eyes.

He accepted the drink the bartender got him and soon they were ordering another, and another.

Although Quackity would never admit it out loud, Wilbur, he noticed, was a good person to get drunk with. And Quackity was especially cautious about that.

Maybe it was just that he was a little too buzzed but he was beginning to enjoy himself.

The two had made their way over to a couch in the far corner and were bumbling their way through a dice game.

Neither of them really knew what game they were playing, but it seemed too late to ask.

"That's a four." Said Wilbur with slightly slurred speech, staring at the dice.

"Yup." Acknowledged Quackity.

Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows. "Go fish." He grinned.

Quackity wacked him -without much force. "Take this seriously!"

"I am! I'm taking this extremely seriously, are you?"

Quackity groaned. "this is dumb."

"I thought you liked gambling ducky."

"One, don't call me that. Secondly, this isn't gambling, cause there aren't any odds."

"Well, what is it then?"

"A dice."

Wilbur nodded thoughtfully. Then he got a glint in his eye. "Well then, what do you say we get some odds happening? Spice things up a bit." He suggested, sounding soberer.

Quackity looked at him suspiciously and tried to un-fog his mind a tad. "What do you mean?"

"A bet. A wager if you will. Not just now, but...for the foreseeable future, I guess."

This piqued quackity's interest. "Oh? What kind of wager?"

Wilbur paused. To think of something or for dramatic effect, quackity couldn't tell.

"A wager about who will fall first." Said Wilbur slyly, tilting his drink towards Quackity.

For a split second quackity was about to say that that was an easy bet if he just pushed Wilbur down the stairs but then his brain started to sober up and it dawned on him.

He blinked, taken aback, but quickly regained his composure. "What, like, for each other?"

Wilbur nodded.

"What makes you think I'll fall first?' Quackity asked immediately.

Which probably wasn't the best answer if he was completely honest, and he blushed slightly. He should have immediately chewed Wilburs' head off for suggesting such a thing, or laughed in his face -and it's what he usually would have done.

Stupid alcohol.

Wilbur smirked. "Oh, I have my ways. What's to say I haven't already won?" He took a swig of his drink.

"You wish. And besides, what's the point of this wager? What do I get out of it?"

Wilburs' smile grew into a grin. "I told you it was a game."

Quackity considered this. He and Wilbur both knew he couldn't refuse a challenge or a good bet.

"Alright. I'll humor you. It'll be fun watching you make a fool of yourself when you LOSE."

He met Wilburs' eyes.

"Besides. You'd never leave me alone until I agreed would you." Quackity looked away.


"For the record this is stupid."

"Isn't it thrilling though?"

Quackity let out an exasperated laugh. "Right."

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