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"Charlie!" Quackitys shouted out, sitting behind his office desk.

He didn't have any work at that moment, but he felt that his current position gave him a feeling of power, especially when about to order someone to do something.

He opened his mouth to shout out again but jumped when he saw Charlie out of the corner of his eye, standing next to him.

"How did you get here so fas- You know what? Nevermind." Quackity sighed. "I need your...advice."

Charlie's eyes widened excitedly, and he held the top of his clipboard in front of his mouth to hide his grin.

"I'm always happy to help." He squeaked out.

Quackity looked at him, lightly concerned. Maybe he should ask more often, if this was the enthusiasm. Or maybe he shouldn't, for the same reason.

He was already scraping the barrel asking him for any form of advice or help.

The only advice he'd give was probably something emotional or genuine.

Quackity shuddered at the thought.

"Uh yeah. Anyway how would someone go about...'thanking' someone, Per say." He looked up expectantly. "For lack of a better word." He added hastily.

Charlie's eyes almost sparkled and Quackity immediately regreted this conversation.

He rushed on regardless. "I mean, in a non-verbal way of course. Thanking someone for a non specific general, companionship. And a good time. I MEAN NOT LIKE TH- oh whatever you probably don't even get the innuendo." He ended by burying his head in his hands.

He didn't even really know why he was doing this, but there was NO way he was going to express his emotions with anybody, let alone his arch enemy. Frenemy? He didn't know what they were anymore.

Charlie raised his eyebrows. "Oohh-kay. Well generally flowers are a common way to vaguely appreciate someone."

Quackity looked up to glare at him. "I am NOT sending him flowers."

"Ah, so it's a guy?" Questioned Charlie. "I thought you told me men were all useless, pointless, sacks of shit and that I should stay away from them?"

"And I was right." Quackity snapped. He took a breath. "In any case. Flowers are a no go. And, it might be a little better if it were anonymous as well."

Charlie sat down in the chair opposite him, with a straight backed polite posture that irked Quackity slightly, so he slouched a bit more.

"A letter?" Came the next suggestion. "Or maybe a gift.

Quackity waved them both away. "I wouldn't know what to write. I've never been good with words like he has. I'm too blunt. And a gift is too...random."

Charlie shrugged. "you could try communication? Also this chair smells like cheap Cologne and chanel perfume had a lovechild."

Quackity ignored the second comment. And the first.

"I wonder if there's anyone I could kill for them."

Charlie made a face. "I don't know who it is, but I reaally don't think that would be the right move."

"No no actually I think it would." Quackity said. "But I won't." He added, seeing Charlie's face.

He sighed. "This is impossible. I just won't do it. Maybe it can just be like a silent acknowledgement."

"Whatever you think is best Quackity from Las Nevadas!"

Quackity groaned. "I'm overthinking this. Maybe I just..." He trailed off.

Charlie blinked. "Just what?"

"I don't know, I was hoping it'd come to me by the end of the sentence." He slumped back in his chair so much his feet actually touched the ground.

Charlie nodded thoughtfully. "Smart."

Quackity was about to tell him that it would have been if it actually worked, when he heard a knock on the door.

He got up from his desk and went to open it, but when he did there was no one there.

"Did somebody just fucking ding-dong-ditch my office??" He said incredulously.

He stepped outside to go see if they were still around the corner so he could yell at them but stoped when he nearly stepped on something. He looked down at the floor, on which rested a rather big bunch of red carnations and orange lilies. Flowers.

He picked it up, noticing a card inside and opening it.

'your'e welcome Quackers.'

Was what it read.

Charlie come over curiously. "What is it?" He asked, but Quackity wasn't listening.


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