Not Exactly According To Plan.

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(A/N omg 1k reads holy shit🤭)

Wilbur POV:

He needed to talk to Quackity.

He didn't know what he wanted to say, but he figured it would just come to him.

He was walking swiftly in the darkened shadow of Las Nevadas, approaching the main building. He had cleverly thought to bring a torch and shone it around warily. He wasn't sure what type of security Las Nevadas had but knowing Quackity there was a whole code red specifically for him.

He paced below it, trying to gather his thoughts.

Wilbur looked up and noticed that Quackity's study was lit. This sparked an idea.

He went up close to the side of the building and examined it. This wouldn't be too hard, he reassured himself.


Wilbur POV:

Four floors up, he was beginning to see some flaws in his plan.

He gripped onto the side of the building, swallowing hard and trying not to look down.

He reached out carefully for a ledge but heard a noise to his left that made him jump.

He wobbled on the wall and steadied himself anxiously.

He fumbled for his flashlight and turned it on, expecting a spider, or something of the like.

The torch illuminated a pale face in the dark.

Wilbur screamed.

Then he recognized the face.

"Oh. It's you." He said, calming down.

Quackity rolled his eyes

"Why are you breaking into your own office?"

Quackity gritted his teeth. "Obviously I WAS COMING OUT OF IT YOU DOLT! WHY ARE YOU BREAKING INTO MY OFFICE??!!"

Wilbur ignored his question, looking up. "Couldn't you have just used the door?"

Quackity gestured at him exasperatedly. "Couldn't you??!!"


"Why are you breaking onto my office?" Quackity repeated in a tense voice.

"Well I tried throwing stones at your window Romeo and Juliet style but it didn't seem to work, and you ARE on the fifth floor."

"So it was YOU who threw a brick through my window!!!??" Quackity whisper shouted angrily.

"Duh. I'm a romantic."

Quackity POV:

Quackity silently seethed.

"Come on, get your ass up to my office. Just be quiet."

They clambered up towards the balcony, hoisted themselves up and onto it.

Quackity frowned and turned his head towards Wilbur. "Hey, aren't you afraid of heights??"

Wilbur nodded.

"Fucking terrified. But anything for you boo."
He blew a sarcastic kiss.

Quackity rolled his eyes, getting up and offering his hand to Wilbur.

"Well?" He said. "What did you want so bad you had to climb my building to see me for?"

Wilbur shrugged. "I could ask you the same thing. You were climbing DOWN the building. Who does that?"

Quackity rolled his eyes, heading into the study.

"You were coming to see me weren't you?"

"Bold guess."

"Oh cmon, you're so predictable."

For some reason, this rubbed Quackity the wrong way.

"What, you knew I'd come looking for you huh? I'm that predictable?" he snapped.

Wilbur shrugged. "I mean, yeah. I wasn't sure when but I figured you would."

Quackity clenched his fists.

"I am not yours." He said quietly. "I am no one's but my own."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you think you're doing here then? Being 'independent'? Hiding away in your little study, in your little country. So you don't get hurt again?" He said, a little too harshly.

Quackity glared. "Oh, I'm hiding am I? What are you doing Wilbur? What are you even doing here? You have nothing better to do because you burnt all of your bridges."

"I'm here because I went to hell and back, and this place reminds me the most of it," Wilbur said sarcastically.

Quackity laughed humourlessly. "You act as if you dragged yourself out of hell with your own two hands. Dream brought you back on a whim. Because he could. You are living on nothing but borrowed time. Face it. You were done, and now your back, and you're irrelevant."

"So what? I should be dead? Don't you think I know that? Well too bad."

"Oh fuck off with that. You're nothing but a narcissistic, apathetic, bitter loser who can't stand not dragging everybody else to his level."

"Don't act so fucking high and mighty! You convince yourself that you're a good person to stop yourself from going crazy. You keep grasping at moral straws but you need to understand that you're not a good person. At least I don't lie to myself. At least I'm aware I'm not a good person. And you know what? That's fine with me. Because I know what I want in life, and I do it. Do you?"

"SO WHAT?! IM A BAD PERSON. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR??" Quackity yelled. "What's it to you?! You don't know the first thing about what I've been through."

Wilbur's eyes narrowed. "What you've been through?!" He continued. "Are you angry at me or angry at yourself? You're so scared of people leaving you because they've left you before. Again and again. But have you ever thought about the common factor? Maybe you're the problem."

Quackity felt tears prick his eyes but refused to let them fall. "I'm the problem? All you ever wanted to do is make everything nice and neat for everyone, but all you did is make things so much worse for them. I ruined MY relationships? Well, you burned yours."

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur stepped closer. "Yeah? I have my regrets. The thing about you is that I don't think you even regret anything you've done. What happened to you doesn't mean you can act like the victim."

Quackity scoffed. "And who gets to decide that? You?"

He stepped closer, jabbing a finger at Wilbur accusingly. "Why do you get a fresh start huh? Why do you get to just forget everything?" His voice threatened to break, and his tone got softer.

"You think I've forgotten anything? I can't. And neither can you. THAT'S why I'm here. Because no matter how much we despise each other, some fucked up part of our brains brings us back together. THAT'S how I know you were coming looking for me."

"Don't you dare act like we are similar. I am nothing like you." Quackity hissed, looking up at Wilbur's features intensely.

"Similar? We're are practically the same."

"God I'm so sick of being part of your stupid little games. I was doing fine until you decided to come along and mess it all up! Confuse me."

"You were messing yourself up well enough on your own." Wilbur retorted.

"You are such a pretentious asshole!"

They both said in unison.

Wilbur suddenly realized that something in the tense atmosphere had shifted.

Inches away from Quackity, Wilbur's eyes flicked down to meet his, and then down to his lips.

He was breathing heavily from shouting, and he could see Quackity's chest rising and falling in turn.

And then, without either of them really knowing how, their lips were on each others.

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