Chapter 69

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Wilbur POV:

Quackity looked down at him and smirked, his fringe falling softly in front of his face.

Wilbur inched forward and looked up helplessly.

"Don't make me beg." He teased, playing with Quackity's tie.

Quackity laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Why not? It's more fun. For me." He said in a hushed tone.

Wilbur stood up so that he towered over Quackity once more.

He tilted the shorter's chin up slightly, meeting his eyes with an amused tilt.

"Fun? You can have that?"

Quackity's eyes narrowed and he crept his hands up to grip Wilbur's jacket. "Sure I can. You want me to show you?"

Wilbur moved his head up and down in a minuscule nod.

Quackity moved closer and Wilbur's breath hitched.

He closed his eyes.


Wilbur opened his eyes, sitting up in alarm.

He rubbed his face, groaning, and slumped back down in his bed.

He'd had another dream.

But this time, it has been different, hadn't it? He thought.

It wasn't the usual nightmare...

Which was odd. In fact, he couldn't remember a night that he HADN'T had a nightmare.

Nowadays it was usually about the endless cavity and deafening silence of death.

Before that, he'd been haunted by the muffled whine after an explosion, or the feeling of cold steel, sliding into his gut.

It never ended. There was always something that he could never forget.

But what was different about last night?

He closed his eyes, straining his memory.

And then he remembered, sitting back up in red-faced panic.

Oh shit.


Wilbur POV:

He paced around his room, thinking rapidly.

This didn't mean anything, right? Just a stupid dream.

He had dreams all the time. Sure, they weren't usually about his enemies nearly kissing him, but that was normal enough, wasn't it?

He groaned, sitting back down on the bed.


How was he going to face Quackity??

He took a deep breath. He would just pretend it never happened. Ignore that little betrayal of the mind and just go on as he normally did.

Avoiding Quackity as much as possible didn't seem like a bad idea either.

Quackity POV:

Quackity grabbed his jacket and secured his beanie before heading outside.

He was walking towards the other main building when he spotted Wilbur walking past the outskirts of Las Nevadas and changed path, going towards him.

He noticed Wilbur started walking faster, but he quickly caught up to him regardless.

"Hey, dickhead! You got a cig?" He called out pleasantly, striding up beside him.

Wilburs' eyes flicked towards him and he nodded, fumbling in his pocket.

"Hello, Quackity." He said, handing over his packet of cigarettes.

Quackity noted that he sounded a bit weird.

Wilbur POV:


He steeled himself. He'd literally been to hell and back! Surely he could handle this simple interaction. He just needed to act normal.

He realized Quackity was staring at him expectantly.

"Light?" He asked.

"Oh, right," Wilbur said hurriedly, bringing it out and lighting the other's cigarette.

Quackity looked at him curiously.
"Are you...good??"

Wilbur shrugged the question away. "uh, yeah of course. I'm fine. I'm so fine. How are you -um, sugar?" He tumbled out, sending finger guns.

Ouch. Not his best.

"Uhh...I'm super." Quackity said sarcastically, still scanning Wilburs' face in bemusement.

Wilbur tried to edge away. "welp, I have somewhere to be, so, bye bye big Q."

Quackity frowned and stood in front of him. "Are you avoiding me?"

Wilbur tried to summon his usual suave self. "Maybe I am. What's it to you? Bothered?"

They reached a bench and Wilbur sat down on it, trying to sit as cool and collected as possible.

Quackity looked down at him, his fringe falling softly in front of his face.

Wilbur went red and whimpered, practically melting into his seat.

Quackity made a face, obviously weirded out. "What the-? What's your problem? What happened to you?"

"I- was just- I- this dream, and- I- ugh." Wilbur tripped over his own words. This was ridiculous, he was Wilbur soot for god's sake, he didn't GET flustered.

Quackity blinked, trying to follow what he was saying. "Wait wait wait, Dream? What did he do?" He snarled, his hand subconsciously gripping the axe handle at his waist.

Wilbur shook his head abruptly "No! No, he didn't do anything, I wasn't talking about- oh whatever just forget it."

He slumped in the seat, mentally telling himself to get his shit together.

Quackity frowned and sat down. "Oh-kay then."

He seemed like he was about to push the subject when Wilbur suddenly saw something that made him thank the gods.

"Oh look, how pretty! A butterfly!" He said casually.

Quackity sat up stiffly. "Where?"

Wilbur smiled. Aha. "Oh, it's coming over here!"

Quackity stood up. "I have to go" he started to stride off, but then turned and addressed Wilbur.

"You're really weird by the way."

He saw the butterfly near his head and quickly fastened his pace, almost running back towards Las Nevadas.


A/N: thank y'all sm for all the reads!!! I'm loving reading your comments, they make me laugh :)

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