Wait, You Were Deadass?

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Quackity POV:

Trying to work with a splitting headache, Quackity didn't remember much of the night before. And the bits he did, he was trying to forget.

He heard a knock at his office and swung his chair around lazily. "it's open." he said.

Wilbur pushed the door open and did sarcastic jazz hands.

"oh, it's you," Quackity said, feigning disappointment.

"the one and only," said Wilbur, sitting down in the chair opposite his.

"Well. what do you want?" Quackity said, bored.

"I was going to talk to you about last night."

Quackity froze, wondering what he could have done.

Wilbur saw his expression of panic and chuckled.

"Don't worry I just mean about this little contest of ours."

Quackity's head snapped up. "Wait you were serious about that?"

Wilbur shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."

"Well, I suppose that's true." He muttered

"Anyway." Wilbur continued, "I think you were right. We should add some sort of...prize to this bet. Apart from the magic of love obviously."

"Like what exactly." Asked Quackity curiously, a spot of interest entering his facial features.

"How about...Las Nevadas."

Quackity stood up abruptly. "Excuse me? No way."

Wilbur leant forward. "Why. Scared? Do I tempt you?"

He scoffed. "As if you could bait me like that."

Wilbur smiled pleasantly. "I thought you might say that. How about we lower the stakes, and say the loser has to admit their -quote-unquote- 'undying love' to the world."

Now this, Quackity considered, calming his breathing and crossing his arms. "fine. it's a bet. Just get out of my office." Wilbur already publicly embarrassed himself enough as it was but he supposed it would be funny to see. Although he still couldn't believe he was agreeing to this...

Wilbur hopped up, giving a mock bow. "my deepest apologies master Quackity sir." he said. he gave a wink before walking out the door.

Quackity sighed deeply and placed his head in his hands. What was he getting himself into?

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