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Quackity POV:

Quackity sat at his desk, nervously picking at his fingernails.

He couldn't focus on what he was working on. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking about Wilbur.

He hated it.

He hadn't seen him since they'd had that little fight, which was uneasy, because usually, Quackity couldn't get him to fuck off.

This was ridiculous. It was just a fight! They had them all the time!

But this time was different. Quackity massaged his temples, sighing. He wasn't sure why he was so bothered by this.

Maybe he'd begun to enjoy Wilburs' company despite his best efforts. Maybe he'd thought they were putting to past behind them (god knows he wanted to, that was the whole point of Las Nevadas, putting his past behind him...) and becoming... friends?

He groaned and put his head in his hands.
Then he suddenly swept all the contents off his desk in frustration.

Why did he keep doing things like this? You'd think he'd learn. Not to trust people. especially not someone he knew he really shouldn't.

He had to remind himself that Wilbur didn't deserve his respect. And that Wilbur didn't deserve his heart.

That last thought made him sit up straight. he took a deep breath before placing both his hands on his desk to mentally steady himself.

His stomach twisted slightly and he clenched his teeth.

He wouldn't let his guard down again. He couldn't.


Wilbur POV:

Wilbur sat at his bed thoughtfully. His head was spinning and his brain was simultaneously blank.

He hated Quackity. He hated him. All those years of rivalry weren't for nothing.

But he liked being close to him. He loved feeling alive whenever Quackity was near.

And maybe, he'd noticed, he felt just a tad bit better, and a tad bit more satisfied after making Quackity laugh as opposed to riling him up.

Maybe there was a tiny shred of hope that Quackity might actually be able to make him happy. And that he wasn't just an emotionless asshole to everyone else. Maybe there was a chance that Wilbur could have something again.

But he knew not to get his hopes up.

Something Quackity had said kept returning to his mind.

'a habit of manipulating the people you love until the relationship is beyond repair'

It was true. And he was cruelly reminded of it frequently.

He almost got lost in thought, thinking about people he used to know. People who used to trust him.

But there was no point in thinking about the past.

His thoughts instead turned back to Quackity, and the argument they had had.

They were both very stubborn, he acknowledged, so they would probably ignore each other forever if they each had their way.

It just depended on one of them deciding to be the bigger person and talking to the other.

Besides, it was...lonely. and despite everything, the company was nice. It was someone to talk to at least. Someone who, in at least some ways, was sort of in the same boat as he.

He relented to try and mend the situation. Because regardless of any stupid wager they had made when drunk, they were -or could be- friends.

Wilbur sunk back into his bed.

But he'd wait a bit first, just in case quackity caved first.

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