Another Bet(Dumbasses)

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Quackity POV:

The next time they saw each other, it was mid-morning, and Quackity came downstairs to check on his casino. All seemed to be going smoothly until Quackity noticed a slight ruckus and walked over to find -of course- Wilbur at the centre of it.

"What's going on over here huh? are you bothering my patrons Wilbur?"
Quackity said sharply, approaching the two men.

Wilbur grinned at Quackity with his usual cocky demeanor. "no...just a simple misunderstanding of sorts. We're betting see, poker-ing." He flashed a few cards and tokens.

Quackity scowled. He shooed the other man away and turned to Wilbur. "Do you even know how to play poker?"

Wilbur shrugged. "I know how to cheat. I'm more of a solitaire man myself."

Quackity groaned. "No cheating in my casino tú maldita perra sucia!"

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur laughed and held up his hands. "fine fine. play a game then?"

"You don't know how to play poker though."

"We don't have to play that. we could play...chess?"

Quackity considered this. "ok. how about...$50 on the line. This being our first game and all."

Wilbur grinned and held out his hand to shake. "best out of three, $50, and a favour."

Quackity hesitated only for a second, then he shook Wilburs' hand firmly, looking him in the eyes. "deal."

They set up the chessboard and began to play.

Wilbur knew quackity was in his element with betting, and they were in HIS casino, but he was a cards man, so Wilbur still had the upper hand.

They were fairly evenly matched so far, however, although neither one of them wanted to admit it.

Wilbur won the first round, and Quackity the second.

Now they were intently interested in the board, knowing whoever won this round won overall.

And it wasn't only the money they lost, it was their dignity. And in their weird friendship, bragging rights went a long way.

Quackity POV:

Quackity could see the cogs whirring in Wilburs' brain as he calculated his moves and any possible move Quackity could retaliate with.

He guessed that was the point of chess. Scanning the board quickly, he saw something that made a plan begin to form in his head. Luckily, he had an amazing poker face.

He made a move, trying not to be too obvious in its foolhardiness.

Wilbur ate it up, his eyes lighting at the mistake he thought only he had caught.

He made his move, leaning back in his chair smugly.

Quackity feigned shock. "oh shit, what do I do?? oh. Oh wait. check. mate. motherfucker." He said grinning and moving his piece.

Wilbur looked taken aback and looked across the board, a wave of realisation across his features. then he smiled. "Well played ducky man."

He chuckled and fished around in his pocket, handing over the cash.

Quackity took it and tucked it into his beanie fold.
"Never challenge ME to a game in my own casino unless you want to be schooled." He said matter of factly, picking up the board and sweeping all of the pieces onto the table to pack them away.

He remembered something. "Oh, and About that 'favour.'

Wilbur got closer. "Oh yes, what do you have in mind?" He prompted huskily. "Anything you wa-ant." He said in a sing-song voice.

Quackity considered this. "Oh yes, I think I have an idea." He said, equally as suggestively.

"Ooh I'm intrigued, do tell." Said Wilbur, sitting on the table.

Quackity leaned close, his lips mere millimetres from Wilbur's, and whispered seductively. "Guess what?"

Wilburs' eyes flicked up to his eyes and down to his lips. "mmm?" He hummed

Quackity thrust a mop into his hands. "My cleaner just quit, congratulations you've got the job for the day." He said, backing off and winking.

Wilbur stood there bewildered, mouth agape, completely speechless.

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