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Charlie POV:

Hopefully Quackity from Las Nevadas would spare some time out of his 'busy schedule' to look over these building permit contracts. if he was wanting to expand out of the left wing, there were several adjustments to the blueprints he'd need to look over.

Charlie strode through the hall happily, smiling at passing staff. He loved being a helping hand around the place. who knew assistant work was so much fun!

He smiled to himself as he approached the door to Quackity's office.

He was so lucky to be able to help out a friend like this. It took a lot to make a dream like this happen, and Quackity from Las Nevadas was obviously a very independent, capable person.

He respected the dedication to his work that Quackity from Las Nevadas showed, especially the professionalism.

he knocked on the office door, but when it went apparently unheard, he pushed open the door.

The sight that met him made him freeze.

His glasses almost fogged up from the tension in the room, and he wiped them subconsciously -a bad idea really, because now they were obscured by slime.

"Ah. Weaseling."

Quackity POV:

He looked up, seeing the Slime enter the room and felt his face heat up -more than it already was- but he couldn't really bring himself to care that much.

Wilbur was staring in amusement, making no indication of moving.

They watched together as Charlie slowly backed out, saying something about...weasels? Quackity decided he must have misheard.

Once the door had been closed, he looked back at Wilbur and they both started laughing.

Quackity didn't really know what he was laughing at, and he could hear himself sounding a little hysterical, but he rested his forehead on Wilburs chest and felt it shudder as they giggled together.

They eventually composed themselves, and Quackity stood up, pulling Wilbur with him.

They went ouside to the balcony, sitting down on the floor.

"I need a cigarette." Quackity said.

Wilbur nodded in agreement and fished them out of his coat pocket.

He lit one for himself and set one in Quackity's mouth leaning forward to light it with his own.

"So what now? Tension resolved, that's it?" Quackity asked quietly, taking a drag.

Wilbur shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere."

Quackity took another drag and sighed. "Fuck" he said forcefully.


"I lost the stupid bet."

Wilbur started laughing incredulously  "Are you serious? How is that the first thing you think of, and secondly, are you honestly saying to me that you think YOU lost? Quackity what person makes a bet like unless they've already lost?"

Quackity stared at him blankly. "Wait so I DIDNT lose."

Wilbur groaned and grabbed his shirt, kissing him again.

They broke apart softly, their faces close.

"dont you ever fucking leave me."

"Leave you?? Quackity has anyone ever told you you're like nicotine? Now I've had a taste, I cant ever get enough. Im addicted to you."

Quackity blushed. "If we crash and burn, I'm taking you down with me."

"I wouldnt have it any other way." Wilbur smiled. "You and me, we're fucked up. We're gunna fuck each other up. This -US, isnt healthy. But we can be fucked up together. No matter how much we fall apart, we're always going to come back to each other. Thats how we are. Our nature. So let us crash and burn. I dont know anyone i'd rather crash and burn with. I cant wait."

"I dont even know if I CAN love anymore. But what i feel with you..." Quackity trailed off thoughtfully.

"I dont really care, honestly. Passionate hate can blur into passionate love when you least expect it. Passion is passion. I don't care if you love me. Just be here, with me. And i don't care."

"I do. I love you. I fucking love you." He said, realisationally, almost telling himself. "I cant describe it... It- its like this big flame eating at me from the inside out, until im fully engulfed. But it makes me feel stronger, not weaker. You gave me my flame back." He said hopelessly.

Quackity remembered something suddenly. "And you know what, I'm not scared of loving you anymore. I'll announce it to the world. Just like the bet said."

He stood up and stalked over to the edge of the balcony determinedly. He heard Wilbur walk up behind him.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted into the wind.


Wilbur laughed, holding him from behind. "Only fair I do it too huh?" He said into Quackity's ear.


Quackity grinned, turning around to face him.

They suddenly heard a quiet, muffled saxophone playing somewhere in the building. It sounded a bit off key.

Wilbur looked at Quackity in bemusement. "Charlie trying to drown out his confusion?"

Quackity snickered. "Probably." He met Wilburs eyes, frowning. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Wilbur smiled coyly and offered his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Quackity looked sceptical. "Really?"

"Sure. Why not?"

He sighed and took Wilburs hand, letting himself be held and spun slowly, stepping quickly as they waltzed along the balcony.

"How curious. That our paths, after everything, met." Wilbur said softly.

"Like destiny?"


"Fuck destiny. We did this. We make our paths."

Wilbur chuckled. "You're right. We pave our own way. I happened to see my path going past you and decided to dig a tunnel." He joked.

Quackity rolled his eyes and hit him half-heartedly.



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