Rolling In The Fields

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Wilbur POV:

Quackity had promised to meet him downstairs, so he waited patiently by the bar.

When the other finally arrived, Wilbur slid him a drink across the bar.

"fancy whisky," he said, amusedly.

Quackity stuck his tongue but took it gratefully.

Quackity POV:

They started the night by slowly drinking themselves into a pleasant buzz, both not speaking much.

Finally, when Quackity had drained his third glass, he saw a familiar glint in Wilburs' eyes that told him the older man had a stupid idea or plan.

Further proving him correct, Wilbur grabbed his hand and pulled him off the stool.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He said, grinning excitedly.

Quackity looked at his hand, unsure whether he should be pulling away or not. In the end, curiosity overcame his pride and he followed along. "where are we going?"

"you'll see."

"No seriously where are we going." Quackity pressed as they exited the building.

"Honestly? I don't know. It's a nice evening. The night is young. We might as well go for a little adventure."

Quackity considered this. "fine. whatever."

They walked through the streets for a while until they reached a large, clear grassy area, obscured by a few hills. The sky was clear apart from a few straggling clouds, and it was just reaching dusk.
The area was deserted aside from them.

Quackity looked at Wilbur. "Seriously? I don't think I'm drunk enough for rolling around in a field."

Wilbur laughed and held up a pack of alcohol. "not yet." He joked, his eyes twinkling.

Quackity shoved him with his shoulder but stole a can anyway.

They kept walking, laughing, and stumbling along until they found a patch of grass that they decided to collapse at.

Quackity took a swig of his drink. He knew he was getting pretty hammered but he didn't really care.

As much as he disliked his present company, he felt weirdly safe.

So they settled down on the grass, watching the sky turn and darken in the peaceful evening.

Wilbur suddenly stifled a laugh and Quackity looked at him weirdly. "What? What's so funny?"

Wilbur grinned. "Just remembering the look on dear Charlie's face when you threw a book at his head."

Quackity groaned and covered his face. "Shut up I didn't mean to. You're lucky I missed. I wouldn't feel any guilt at all if I hit you."

"You need to work on your aim apparently."

"I do not. You need to stop ducking."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "No, usually that's your job isn't it Quackers."

Quackity growled. "Don't call me that unless you want my boot in your teeth."

"Wow! you're THREATENING to step on me? Usually one has to pay for that sort of thing."

Quackity made a noise of disgust and shoved Wilbur over.

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur let himself fall back with a laugh that almost transformed into a giggle. But he'd never do that obviously. Not publicly.

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