Ready steady

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I woke up extra early today because I was so excited!! I had some weird dreams though.. From the time I just transferred here 3 weeks. "Sensei, are you awake?" I shouted from my room. No response..

Alright I'll explain. Sensei once told me that It'll take 7 full months for me to go to Final Selection, turns out, Sensei was wrong about that! It has been 1 year and 2 months since then.. I don't blame him, I was just weak back then. He thought I was stronger! But anyways, Sensei told me yesterday that he wanted to tell me something important in about 2 days, which is now tomorrow! I couldn't sleep all night, but I still managed to.. - Y/n Barlow

I closed my diary and put it on my desk again. It was almost full, not that I was going to write my Demon Slayer journey into it- But still, I need at least 3 pages or so..

I walked out of my room and went to Sensei's. I knocked on the door, "Are you awake, Sensei?" No reaction... I sat down at the table and waited. He told me yesterday that we were going to wait for night time so we could test my Breathing on a demon. But where is Sensei?..

I decided I'd make some breakfast myself. I knew Sensei liked sushi so I decided to make that for him today. I grabbed the ingredients and started making the sushi.

After 10 minutes, I was done making the sushi. "What you've got there?" HOLY SHIT- That scared the shit out of me!!! I turned around and surprisingly, it was Sensei! He looked really tired but also very awake for some reason... "Oh my god Sensei, that scared the shit out of me!" He smiled in joy, "Am I that scary?"

"Sensei, I thought you were still sleeping, you didn't respond to me.." We sat down at the table and gave him some sushi. "Well, I was outside, meditating, so obviously I couldn't hear you" He told me. It didn't make sense, he looked really sleepy, had he been meditating the whole night?!

We ate our sushi, "This really is delicious Y/n, you made this really well" He complimented me. "Thank you," It was Sensei's favourite food after all! "Sensei.. What did you want to talk about just now?.." I asked him, "Well, I have some bad news and some good news.." He told me.. "So the good news is, you are going to enter Final Selection tomorrow" WHAT?! FINAL SELECTION ALREADY? I'M NOT DONE TRAINING YET- I tried to stay calm, I almost spit out my last sushi! "And the bad news is -what you probably already know- that you have a 50% chance to die at Final Selection.."

Yeah I knew that already. Dad had told us everything when he passed Final Selection. "So we train today right?" I asked carefully, "Nope" He stood up and signed me to follow him. He walked outside and sat down, "We meditate!" He said. No way I'm gonna meditate while Final Selection is 1 day ahead! But I finally sat down in front of him. "Close your eyes and breathe slowly, relaxed and confident.." I closed my eyes, just like he told me too..

So we continued doing that for like, 3 HOURS!!! My throat hurts so fucking much,what the hell!

"Well, I hope you had fun joining my meditation today" I just knew he wanted to annoy me with this. At the look on his face, he knew that my voice would be gone after meditating.

"So, should I make some early dinner" It probably wasn't even a question but I nodded anyway. So Sensei began making dinner, which took really long if I'm gonna be honest, so I went to my room instead. I grabbed my diary and started writing:

Hello again :D,

Sensei just told me I'll be entering Final Selection tomorrow! *huge shock* I thought I wasn't ready yet but oh well, I guess I'll die- Anyways about the sushi, I think he liked it? I'm not sure.. I don't care that much actually, but It's nice to know, I guess? So if I die tomorrow, you'll never see me again *duhh*, and will this diary be transferred to my mom, so she can experience my journey as well! More info when I pass Final Selection!

-Y/n Barlow

"Dinner's ready Y/n!" Sensei shouted from the other room. "Coming!" I replied immediately. I put my diary on my desk and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I saw that Sensei had made a whole buffet of things I liked! I sat down and tried not to look shocked, instead I just smiled kindly. Pork cutlet bowls, sashimi, ramen and even yakitori!! I was so grateful and shocked that I almost started crying! "Sensei.. How can I ever do something back for you?.."

He smiled and sat down in front of me, "You can by passing Final Selection, Y/n"

We ate. We ate until everything was gone. The food was incredibly tasty! So Sensei was also a great cook.. I would have to miss it after Final Selection, even if I die or not. "Thank you so much for the food Sensei!" He nodded while smiling, "Your welcome," He replied while washing every single dish. I had asked him to let me do the dishes but wouldn't let me, so sweet of him! "Y/n, you should go to bed by now," I sighed, always early in bed.. "Only one more thing before you go to bed," He turned to me and came closer "You wanted to know what breathing you'd trained for, right?" "Uhm, yeah I think so.." I replied. Why did he bring that up just now?

"So what you've trained for is the Wind Breathing, really powerful and suitable for you, good thing you already know the forms" I nodded so that he knew I understood it. "Thank you, again" I said and went to bed.. I wasn't going to write in my diary since I'd already done that 2 times today. I fell asleep...


"Y/n!!" Sensei shouted from the other room. "I'm awake!" That was a lie, I wanted to sleep more. I did sleep but I was still tired. My eyes almost closed by themselves! Anyways, I stood up and got dressed. No complicated dish as breakfast today, which was quite obvious.

"Are you ready?" Sensei spoke after we finished breakfast and stood outside, "Totally!" I replied. "Well then, I wish you luck. Use your brain and survive, Y/n" I nodded, turned around and started walking. "I will, bye.." It felt like saying goodbye to a really good friend you've known for 10 years without ever going back to them.. Sensei did feel like a friend, but I couldn't call him that. I turned my head and waved at him, bye bye..

Finally! A new chapter! This part wasn't supposed to take so long to publish, but here you have it! Enjoy!! Words: 1174 (Updated book description)

How we met | Akaza x FEM! Y/N | Demon Slayer story|Where stories live. Discover now