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I arrived at the place they call Final Selection.. I entered it immediately, I didn't want to be the last person to come in. It wasn't that far away from Sensei's house so I was fine with walking it all the way by myself. It did become night though-

As I walked up the steps I noticed that there were many people before me. They were standing alone, no one to talk to.. Not that you are gonna make friends here, like you're all gonna die. Two little girls walked up from the other side. 

"Everyone, we thank you for coming here tonight to the Demon Slayer Corps Final Selection" Two little girls said. "There are demons imprisoned here on Mt. Fujikasane, captured alive by the Demon Slayer swordsmen and unable to leave." The white haired girl said. "That's because wisteria, which demons hate so much, blooms year-round from the bottom to halfway up the mountain" the black haired girl continued. "However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound." The other said. "You'll need to survive here for 7 days to pass Final Selection" The black haired said. Okay I can do that! "And now, be on your way" they said and bowed.

They walked away after that.. Everyone ran into the forest as well while I was just standing still all the time, like I'm not gonna waste my energy now if you have to survive 7 more days. I'm not that dumb! There was one more person waiting, standing still.. It was a boy. He looked really strong and confident, maybe I should talk to him? I walked towards him, "H-hey!" He looked at me with a disgusted look, "Who are you? Get away from me weakling!" And he stormed off into the forest. "Well, I'm not weak!" I shouted as he ran off. I hope he dies. I said to myself. Eventually, I also walked into the forest.

I heard people screaming far away, people were already dying.. Or were those screams of joy?- Probably not. I did not see any demons. It was quiet here.. Suddenly I heard a stick cracking behind me. I grabbed my katana quickly and turned around, prepared to fight! I was shocked to see a girl sitting behind a bush with her katana. She was almost crying.. "Uhm, are you alright?" I asked gently. "N-no! One of my friends just got eaten by a demon!!" She sobbed. "You can't sit there all the time, a demon will find you!" She wiped her tears away, "I don't care anymore.." I put my katana away and gave her my hand. "Stay with me then. What's your name?" I asked, "Mei, Mei Sato" she replied. "Well then Mei, my name is Y/n. C'mon" 

We walked further into the forest, still no demons.. Mei had calmed down a bit. We eventually reached a foggy area. Luckily, due to Sensei's training I could easily see through it. But what I saw was terrifying... I saw a demon eating a young looking, dead, boy! Mei gasped and put her hands on her mouth. I grabbed my katana quickly not making any sound at all. But for some reason, the demon had heard us and stood up, walking towards us. It still looked hungry though, not that it mattered.. 

"Stay behind me Mei" She nodded. I can do this, just concentrate! "You two are gonna be my next meal!!" the demon screamed before attacking. I concentrated on his moves and then.. Wind Breathing, first form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter! 

The demon's head was laying on the ground. I had sliced it off?.. Wow.. "Wow, that was really impressive Y/n" It was Mei. "Thank you Mei!" I smiled. "Now the demon can go to heaven/hell" Mei told me softly, walking towards the disappearing demon's head. I nodded. I put my katana back, and we started setting up a sort of base in the foggy area. Since probably no other Slayer or Demon can see through it, we are safe. For now.. 

It was the next day and we rested well, we were lucky that no demon was near. All the human corpses were still there where they were when they died. "Are you awake Mei? We have to continue moving or else a demon will find us" I said as I stood up, checking if we were still safe. "Hm okay.." She replied sleepy. So there we go, wandering around in the wisteria forest. Again. 

At the end of the day we set up another small base somewhere else in the forest. We didn't walk into any demons today, lucky us. Mei was already sleeping but I just couldn't. I was staring at the wisteria trees. The next moment I heard a very loud scream from someone and I actually knew from who it came!! I stood up immediately and grabbed my katana. Mei had woken up as well, "Grab your katana, concentrate" I told her and I ran to the place the scream came from, I must save him!   We arrived, and yes! I knew who it was! A large demon was about to kill him!! 

Wind Breathing, seventh form: Gale, Sudden Gusts! The head was chopped off right away, I did it again! "Are you okay?!" I asked him, "Yes I am, thank you Y/n.." He replied and stood up. "Well, I'd better get going now, see ya Y/n!" And he stormed off. He enjoyed it?!- "Who was that?.." Mei asked me. "Oh that? That was Roka" I turned around, "He's my little brother...."

Pheww another chapter!!! This didn't take that long. Anyways there is coming exam week here so I'll be more studying then writing the upcoming days, I'll still try to tho! <3  [btw the speech of Kagaya's children is totally canon, it's just the same as in the series. And the wind breathing moves and stuff are also canon!!] words: 1030

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