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Yasuo looked at me with a curious look on his face. "Yeah sure, ask anything" He responded. "What has changed you?" I asked. Yasuo looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" "Well, you were being so mean towards me at Final Selection, but now you're different.. Why?" I explained. It was quiet for a long time, like Yasuo didn't know how to answer the question. "I don't know.." He finally said. "I guess you changed me" He continued. "When I got to know you, I remembered that I only have one life. And I have to live that one life properly with someone who's nice towards me. I can't insult that person anymore because this person is special to me, and has a place in my heart" He turned to me again and showed a bright smile. "And that person are you, Y/n" He said. I smiled too, "You're in my heart as well, Yasuo-san" I said. 

We kept following the crow until dusk, when we finally arrived at the village. It was quiet and dark, and all the people were probably asleep already. But whatever the situation was, we still had to kill a demon, and if that would wake all the villagers didn't matter. The crow flew away and we were left alone all by ourselves. "What do we do now?" Yasuo asked me when we walked into the village. "We split up, and ask villagers about suspicious circumstances that may be caused by a demon" I answered. Yasuo nodded and walked away to the left. "Oh and Yasuo-" He turned around and lifted his head a bit. "Pay close attention to people, and.. I'll see you soon" He nodded and walked away, and so did I.

After a few hours, the sun started rising again and the people were waking up slowly. I was planning on asking questions to the very first person that I saw. I was on the roof and my black and purple haori wasn't that striking so the people couldn't possibly notice me. I waited a few more minutes until there came a young man who was probably in his early 20's, walking out of a house on my left side. 

I jumped off the roof on the back and ran towards the man. "Excuse me" I said while grabbing his shoulder carefully. "What is it?" He replied and turned around. "Uhm" I didn't know what to say for a moment. But then I realized that I was on a mission to kill a possibly Upper Moon demon. "I heard there are rumors of a really strong demon roaming here, is there any change you know more about it, sir?" I asked politely. "Well, I don't know much, but I did hear people saying that there was a strange man moving into a house over there" He paused and pointed in the direction the house was. "And that many people had gone missing in that area" He told me. I stared at the houses the man pointed at. "That's great information, sir! Thank you so much" I turned around again and looked at the man, he nodded. "Please, it's my pleasure. Good luck!" He started waving and walked away. 

I was just on my way towards the house the man pointed at, before I heard intense screaming coming from that house.. Everyone that walked nearby, ran away. Good thing they ran away, because a young man came flying out of the house all covered in blood! I ran towards the man and checked up on him. I put my hand on his neck to hopefully feel his heartbeat. Bum Bum Bum Bum. He was still alive! "Sir, can you hear me?" I yelled softly and tried to make him open his eyes. After a minute he finally opened his eyes slowly. "Oh my Lord" I whispered to myself under my breath. "Come on sir, you've got to get out of here quickly" I looked at his legs who were badly injured and then looked around. I noticed a man still standing behind a counter in a shop. "Hey you there behind the counter!!" I yelled at him. He heard me and looked at me angry, then he noticed I was a Demon Slayer and his angry face faded away. "Please take this man to a nearby doctor!" I lifted up the man and carefully brought it to the shop man who came running towards me. "Yes, ma'am/sir!" He took over the guy and brought him to a nearby doctor. I turned around, towards the house. "AAAAAAAHH" I screamed out loud. Apparently, Yasuo arrived too. "Yasuo-san, WTFF YOU GAVE ME A DAMN HEART ATTACK!!!!" I yelled and hit him on his upper arm really hard. He didn't flinch though instead, he grabbed his katana. "Let's go Y/n, we have no time to waste" I grabbed mine too and nodded. We walked inside.

It was really dark but because of my Shadow Breathing's thick fog, I can see pretty well. Yasuo on the other hand, was just almost falling over every single decoration in the house just because he couldn't see much. It was too funny. "Yasuo-san, watch where you're walking" I said. I laughed even more. "Haha, very funny" He replied sarcastically. Yasuo broke pots, drawers, paintings, just anything! "Shh-" Yasuo quietly hissed and he put his finger on his lips. He signed with his hands to me that he was going upstairs and I had to investigate the ground floor. I nodded to show him I agreed with his plan. I don't even know if Yasuo could've seen me nodding. Doesn't matter, he was already gone anyways. So I continued too. 

It wasn't really interesting. I heard nothing, saw nothing and felt nothing. I wondered if Yasuo had found something yet. I wanted to ask him by screaming, but the demon would obviously hear that and know that we are here. Makes sense. I'm just dumb dammit. I need my fighting spirit right now. I'm not taking this seriously!

Ew that took me more than a week! SORRY<3 I was just really busy with school. 1022 words

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