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"Okay so it's all cool around here, but I have someone to deal with right now" I said. Urogi didn't respond. He hasn't talked since we arrived at the Infinity Castle.

Wondering how we got in? Yeah I'm still confused too, but we sort of got teleported into it the moment I heard a biwa sound.

"I kind of need to go back, Urogi" I kept pushing. He didn't respond, again.

The Infinity Castle was pretty cool though. It had ordinary rooms, small, big, long, literally every kind. And it kept on going.

After a minute or two of flying in the Infinity Castle in Urogi's claws, he put me down. Well, he didn't put me down.. he threw me on the ground. But I didn't expect much kindness from my enemy.

"Wait here" He demanded, crossing his arms over each other.

"Did you even listen to me?" I asked, kind of more annoyed now.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear it!" Urogi yelled.

So I waited there, in a random room in the Infinity Castle. Everything looked the same, so boring.. Though, when I looked through a window on my right, I noticed a big, fancy house in the middle of a pond with a lot of flowers and such. It was really strange..

But this whole Infinity Castle is strange so a random pond wouldn't make a difference.

"So.. for how long am I gonna wait?" I asked Urogi.

And once again, he didn't respond.

Then Urogi started moving. He spread his wings and flew up, without me! Not that I wanted to go with him, but didn't he need to take me with him or something..?

Tengen's POV:

This is so unflashy! This dude's so strong and he even captured Y/n!
I launched many attacks at Akaza but none of them seemed to weaken him. Sanemi on the other hand, had successfully damaged Akaza multiple times.

When is this fight going to stop?! The Upper Moons didn't appear for so long, yet I have to fight an Upper Moon 3!

The fight stopped for a second. What...why?! Was Akaza out of breath..?
"Tengen, Sanemi, why don't you guys become a Demon? You would be so strong then!" Akaza said. Is this guy serious?!

"I'd rather die than become a demon" Sanemi responded confidently. "Same here. Plus, you're way to unflashy to ask me that" I said and smirked.

Akaza laughed as I said that. He didn't seem to like it as we refused his offer though.

Akaza's face turned serious again. "Very well then"

I'm not gonna lie, this is one of the strangest demon I've ever encountered. I've met ones who first fucked their prey before devouring them, but in my opinion, Akaza's the strangest or could I say... mysterious.

Whatever I found him, he's definitely not flamboyant, like me. Even if he wasn't a demon and my enemy, I would still dislike him.

I started looking up in the sky a bit, hoping for the sun to come up already. We were a few hours away from that. We'd either have to fight until sunrise, make Akaza flee or just kill him. And in the worst case, he'll kill us, but that's not happening!

I'm way too handsome to die yet. I need to get old and ugly first.

"Why are you even asking, are you too pussy to fight us?!" Sanemi snapped.

"Why wouldn't I be asking? We have jobs to do, and they can be fulfilled earlier with more demons"

Such a pathetic answer. He's probably just scared. Scared to kill such a beautiful man like me! "Then why are you asking instead of making us demons from the start?"

"You don't want to end up like Yasuo, do you?" Akaza said that with a wide grin. So he knew what happened in Y/n's fight with the Upper Moon 4 demon?

Based on Akaza's behavior, he's not friends with the other demons.. So did he watch? Overheard? Was it an announcement? Did he ask?

I don't know but it has to be one of those.
Could he possibly be spying on Y/n..? Spying on a Hashira? He should fear her rather than spy on her. Poor girl..

What do I do with that info? I can't shout it to Sanemi now, Akaza would hear me.
I can't rush to the Master real quick to tell him, I'm in the middle of a fight.
I can't alert the other Hashira's, it's already too late.


"Hell cares what the fuck happened to him" I heard Sanemi shout. Was he... angry? No..

He never really liked Y/n and Yasuo in the first place. He doesn't like anyone! Not including me of course, I'm too hot and too kind to hate.

Meaning he doesn't care about them at all. He wouldn't mind abandoning Y/n in oh Lord knows where she is.

Anyhow, he was annoyed. Not angry. Or maybe he is angry but only just deep inside.

Why am I even thinking about this now?

"I'm surprised to hear that you don't care about your fellow Hashira at all, why's that?" Akaza noticed, licking some blood off his arm.

I find him such a weird figure.. Stripes everywhere, they're like tattoos.

I'm gonna be honest, his head looks like a basketball with the curved stripes on his face.

I almost laughed by the thought of it, but I didn't let the laugh escape my mouth.

Sanemi frowned. "Why do I need to tell my business to a flighty, ugly, annoying, pathetic demon like you?!"

"I just wanna know" Akaza said as he smirked. "Shut the fuck up and just fight!!"

Sanemi was so damn eager to fight again. I do not get this guy.

"I must disappoint you," Akaza began. Sanemi already stood ready to fight again and didn't back up as Akaza began speaking. "My time is up here. However, I do have someone you can fight" Akaza finished with a smile on his face.

Not a friendly smile... an evil one!

"So I'll take my leave now" Akaza said and disappeared. Ran away.

"We can't let him go Uzui!" Sanemi snapped.

I nodded at Sanemi, signing him that I was ready. We were about to chase after Akaza to wherever the Hell he went, until I saw nothing anymore. We saw nothing anymore.


It was dust. A lot of dust, and it was in my eyes!

Was this a distraction or something?.. No..
Something had landed in front of us, from the sky. Making all the dust and rocks fly all over us.

As I opened my eyes -still seeing nothing much more than dust- I saw a figure.
Was it a demon?
Was it here for us?
For sure.
Is it strong?
Don't know.

What kind of demon it that?..

Heyyy!! I'm kinda back! I took a long, really long break. I sometimes forgot that I had a book to write. I'd been calling my friend in a vc for weeks and forgot abt Wattpad.. sorry..
I was able to write a full chapter this time! :3   (1195 words)

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