Sad but happy

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I returned to the place where we all began exactly a week ago, some people had already arrived before me. Roka was there too, looking the same as yesterday. Surprisingly, the boy from day 1 that had been rude to me, had survived too! I walked towards Roka, "Hi!" I said to him. He turned to me, "Hey Y/n!" 

The two girls from the opening arrived, "Welcome back," They both said. "Congratulations" The white-haired girl said. "We're pleased to see that you're safe" The other continued. 

"This is so exciting! We're getting our Nichirin Blades!" Roka said excited. "First, we shall issue you all uniforms" The black-haired said, "We will take your measurements, after which your rank will be engraved" She continued, "There are ten ranks in all:" "Kinoe, Kinoto - Hinoe, Hinoto - Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto - Kanoe, Kanoto - Mizunoe and Mizunoto" They said, "Currently, you are at the lowest rank, Mizunoto" The black-haired girl told us. "Today, we will let you choose the ore of your swords" The white-haired girl said, "However, the swords will take ten to fifteen days to complete" She continued. 

I looked around a bit as they paused their speech. The rude boy looked really angry after hearing how long it'll take before our swords complete. "But first," They both said and then clapped in their hands two times. After that, some crows came flying towards us! "We will now assign each of you your own Kasugai Crow" The black-haired continued. I petted the crow softly, It was sweet. "These Kasugai Crows can be used primarily for communication" 

Everyone was petting their crow. They are tame so why not? After we all paid attention to the two girls again, one of them threw the blanket -that was on the table- on the ground. The table revealed some stone thingies..? "Now then, please select an ore" The black-haired said. Everyone looked confused as she said that. "The steel for the sword, that will annihilate demons and protect you, will be of your own choosing." The other said.

Everyone, that completed Final Selection, gathered around the table and stood still. Like, how do you expect from us that we know exactly what kinds of ore exists?! The thing is, we don't!! 

Eventually, the rude guy stepped a bit closer and grabbed an ore randomly. We did so as well

"So i'll never see you again?" Roka asked with a sad face, "No not like that! We'll see each other again soon." I comforted him, knowing that that might be a lie.. We said goodbye and then began our journey back to our Sensei. 

What would he think? What would Sensei say if I just stood there in front of the door like a mannequin, looking totally beaten and out of energy but also feeling proud that I made it? I was gonna tell him everything! Even the sad parts.. 

When I arrived, I saw light coming from the front window. "He should be awake, right?" I muttered to myself. It had become night at the time I was at his house. I knocked on the door, knock, knock.. It was Sensei who opened the door for me. When he saw it was me, he gasped and almost started crying! "I made it Sensei!" I said with a proud smile. He opened his arms and hugged me. "Welcome back" He said and closed his eyes. After that he told me to go to bed and rest well so I could tell him everything tomorrow. So I did as he told me and went to bed.

The next day I woke up late. Really late! After that I got dressed and walked into the room where Sensei sat. He had already made my breakfast ehhh lunch- "Good morning Y/n" Sensei said when I sat down. "Good morning Sensei!" I responded. He asked me then to tell him everything about the Final Selection, so I began telling him everything, "So when we started, everyone started moving into the forest and later I did so too. I had found a couple of demons the first day and I also had met a new friend..." Sensei was still listening  closely. "Her name was Mei and had Mist Breathing, she later showed me.." I took a small pause between the parts, "Eventually on day 5 we met a strong demon and it jumped on Mei so I used two forms which eventually didn't hit.. Later, the third one hit the demon which killed it. But another demon showed up, Mei used her Mist Breathing to kill it. Turns out that they both killed each other..." I stopped, I think Sensei already knows what description comes next.. "She died and told me to kill the Upper Moons.. The demon had stabbed her with a sort of knife while dying." Sensei closed his eyes to make sure he felt my pain inside.. "After that I met my little brother who eventually completed Final Selection as well."

He nodded, "Hm yes, you did really great and I'm glad that you're back" He said then. I nodded awkwardly. "Sensei, on day 6 or something, there was someone talking to me.." He listen again. "It told me that the moon was really beautiful that night? After I tried doing one of my forms, I totally forgot what It was called! Then, some black fog stuff came from my katana.." I told him. He looked interested, "Has it talked to you more than once?" Should I tell him? I actually should.. He could help me with it if it was bothering me. "Well yes, since I was transferred here it started helping me dodging attacks of multiple enemies" "Did it tell you its name?" Sensei asked me. He does know much about it.. "I guess so, Seiko Takana it was I believe.." Sensei's eyes opened wide, "You will not believe me, but that is ehh was.. The best friend I've ever met.." WAIT! "He died 3 years ago in a fight with some Hashiras, he was the only one that had never returned" Then there was this awkward silence-


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