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Yasuo and I both went into the nearby forest to train. I'd heard from Lord Giyu that the Serpent Hashira wanted to train with me there. Yasuo and I went separate ways, he needed to invent that new Breathing after all. "Good luck, Yasuo-san!" I shouted as we walked away. "Mhm, you too!" He replied. 

I walked up a path that was leading me to a bamboo forest which was apparently called: Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. And the Serpent Hashira was waiting for me there.. I kept walking until I finally saw a glimpse of a bamboo stroke. I was finally at the very top!

"Ah there you are" Someone said to me. I looked up to see the Serpent Hashira standing in the middle of a plain part from the bamboo forest. I nodded when we made eye contact. "Y/n was it right? Y/n Barlow" He said. "That's correct, and your name is?" I can't believe I forgot his name- How stupid can I be?! "Ah, my name is Obanai Iguro, but please call me Iguro" He's so damn sweet and also not to mention, hot as hell..! "Sure! So what have you planned for today?" I asked him. "Nothing, we didn't expect you to come in the first place" He replied. "So we just battle each other now?" He nodded, "Yes, are you ready?" I walked a bit further so that I stood in front of Iguro-san, "Bring it on!" I then said. Iguro-san smiled evilly and disappeared. He will attack me all of a sudden, but not if I make a move first! Shadow Breathing, fifth form: Choke Style!

The fifth form had apparently improved 'cause there was more smoke than before, and it had covered almost the whole plain part of the bamboo forest. In the distance I heard Iguro-san saying, "Pfft" I at least made it difficult for him. The moment he shows himself, I will strike with the third form. 

I also need to remember what forms Iguro-san has and uses. I hear a snake-like hiss coming  from above, this was definitely an attack! 

I figured out that his snake was the key to his attacks, if I somehow manage to get rid of that snake, I can eliminate Iguro-san too. No, this isn't a demon nor an evil demon slayer, this was just the Serpent Hashira that wanted to train with me! I don't want to kill him. I barely dodged Iguro's attack and stood up again to prepare my own attack. Iguro was right in front of me and looked like he wasn't even attacking me at full strength. Shadow Breathing, first form: Slash 'n dash!

He blocked my attack! But I wasn't even aiming for the neck, I was just aiming for his sword. My goal was to break his Nichirin Blade. His katana looked really weird by the way.. It was some unique wavy sword made for only Serpent Breathing users. Now I think of it, Roka has Serpent Breathing as well.. If he wants to become a Hashira as well, he has to invent a new Breathing Technique. What was his goal anyways?

"Cool attack, Y/n. Your dodging is also great!" Iguro said. Aw!! "Thanks!" Shadow Breathing, third form: Dark twisted tears!

I bet Iguro-san didn't see that coming! "Wow" I heard Iguro-san say after my attack. "Surprise!" I then replied playfully. "You just wait Y/n, the best is about to come!" Iguro-san said. And to be honest it didn't even scare me a bit! Is his goal to kill me? No. Then what would I be afraid of?

"Serpent Breathing, fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile!" I heard Iguro-san whispering. Before I could let it sink in, two giant snakes came hissing towards me! I was about to lose this fight, here and now.. Hold up- Shadow Breathing, Fourth form: Massive Purple Flow!

Had I dodged them? The two snakes.. Are they gone? I don't know. I opened my eyes, I was still standing on the ground. Was my body moving on its own?! Iguro-san looked stunned when he noticed I had survived that master attack. Time to strike! Shadow Breathing, Sixth form: Soggy unit!

(A sixth form where the user strikes from different directions unlimited times at full speed)

There were many clinking noises from the swords during that strike, which meant that Iguro-san had blocked all my attacks! Iguro-san fell on the ground, "Wow, Y/n" He said. Was he out of breath? When I looked again, he was gone.. What..?! 


I again heard the two same snakes hissing and coming at me with high speed. Iguro-san came from behind and was ready to strike. My body couldn't move the way I wanted! I basically couldn't dodge his attack! Luckily, I'd prepared myself for this kind of attack. Shadow Breathing, Boiling Combo! 

(Boiling Combo: A defensive combo formed from form 5 and 7, good for attacks you're unable to dodge properly)

Fifth form: Choke Style (A fifth form where the user creates so much dark, thick smoke that's really hard to see through)

Seventh form: Boiling effort (A seventh form where the user lets the fog become hot to slow down the enemies while striking)

I wanted to do a triple combo but since I was almost out of breath, I couldn't possibly make it. It doesn't matter because this combo actually worked! Iguro-san's two giant snakes disappeared and Iguro-san himself fell on the ground. He was coughing up blood. "Are you alright?" I asked as I ran towards him. "Yeah, don't worry" Iguro wiped away the blood from his mouth with his dirty, white and black striped hoari. "I think we're done for today, Y/n. You fought well" He then said and stood up. I nodded, and we both walked back to Mr Ubuyashiki's house. 

"Hey, I'm sorry, Iguro-san" I suddenly said. I looked at Iguro who turned his head towards me. His one yellow eye was glowing as the moon's light shined on it. His blue eye on the other hand, was creeping the shit out of me. It was as blue as the ocean water 1000 meters below. It almost gave me goosebumps! "No need for you to be sorry, I was the one who challenged you after all" He replied kindly. 

"Just as Tomioka-san said, you really are strong!"

For those who are wondering 'who the fuck is the Iguro Obanai guy?' Well the picture is below :)

Isn't he adorable!!!! I know the graphics are a bit low, but if you want to know more about this snakey boy, please search on google

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Isn't he adorable!!!! I know the graphics are a bit low, but if you want to know more about this snakey boy, please search on google. It also helps you understand the story a bit more<3 1119 words

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