chapter eight.

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When he came to, he couldn't help but feel a horrible sense of deja vu - he felt the same old uncomfortable mattress under him, the same type of silky sheets he got for himself at the closest Home Depot snuggling him up like a burrito, the lack of light making it up much easier for his eyes to adjust.

Yet his mind was sirening with red flashing lights and a lot of 'warning' signs because this wasn't his room, this didn't smell like Jaehyuk's rain and oak scent nor did it have the familiarity of his bed-chamber.

On top of that, a very cold hand was locking one of his own in place, making Jaeyun's heart pick up pace as he tried to free himself, eyes finally opening as he stared at the pale hand in his.

"W-What," he tried to speak, but nothing came to him after once he met his eyes with brightly lit red ones. He gulped, again trying to withdraw his hand from Sunghoon's icy grip, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

"Stop," Sunghoon glared down at him, tightening their interlocked hands even more, sending a dull pain up his arm. As much as he hated the situation and as much as he wished to still be passed out and nowhere near the vampire, his inner wolf was finally content. It was at peace because his mate was right here, holding his hand, being in his presence.

Jaeyun still sat up, holding onto Sunghoon's hand because it made him feel better. The werewolf looked at the raven, eyes wide and curious, wanting to know what exactly happened before he passed out.

"Where's Jaehyuk?" that wasn't necessarily the question he wanted to ask, but he still wanted to know because come to think of it - this isn't his room, nor was this even in the werewolf section now that he thinks about it. The walls were black and all of the windows were closed, a chilling breeze sweeping up every corner of the room as Jaeyun pulled the sheets over his legs a little more.

"Your boyfriend's not here," the vampire said coldly, his grip loosening as if he was about to pull away and leave Jaeyun all alone. The thought was enough to make his heart slowly break, he really doesn't want to go through that again. And hold up - boyfriend?

"The Head will be here soon," the raven said again, looking at the smaller with dark eyes, yet somehow, Jaeyun found it less threatening now than when they were separated through an electric barrier.

They stayed like that for a while, their hands awkwardly interlocked over the edge of the bed.

"He's not my boyfriend," Jaeyun had broken the silence, staring off somewhere into the room, noticing how this was a one-person bedroom, he didn't even know those existed in the academy.

"I don't care," the vampire was quick to reply, voice the same old cold tone. Everything seemed to be cold about him.

Jaeyun nodded, letting out a tired sigh, using his other hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He felt way beyond disoriented, but he assumed that this was Sunghoon's room, judging by some of the trophies on the neatly stacked bookshelf. It was quite small but cosy (for a vampire at least, did they even need beds? What even is the purpose of half of these items?).

Suddenly the door opened, making Jaeyun flinch and try removing his hand from the vampire's, but Sunghoon didn't budge, only glared at him and tightened his grip.

"Oh, it's so good to see you awake," the Head said in relief, closing the door and locking it right after, "how are you feeling, boy?"

Jaeyun rubbed the back of his neck, not quite sure how to reply to that: "I feel better."

"Good, now," the wizard looked at Sunghoon, "did you tell him about the deal?"

Jaeyun tilted his head in interest, wanting to know what deal the two were talking about.

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