chapter five.

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"He's up!" Jake groaned from the sudden noise, not expecting to be interrogated first thing when he woke up. Especially after he doesn't even remember going to bed.

"Don't move too much, I'll get you water," He could vaguely recognise that as Jiwon's voice, automatically calming him down because that means he was not in a random house with random people.

Jaeyun opened his eyes, pleasantly surprised to find that it was not light outside and there is no sun glaring down at him. He looked around, noticing Jaehyuk anxiously sitting on his bed, biting at the skin of his fingers.

On his other side, he saw his Physics professor...? And the Head of the school?!

Maybe he should go back to sleep...

"Young man, please stay conscious," Jaeyun gulped but opened his eyes anyway, slowly getting up so he could sit comfortably on his bed. He felt a little feverish as if he'd just woken up from a night in a sauna, heart a little heavy for some reas- mate.

He had found his mate. His fated fucking mate.

"Sim Jaeyun, born November 15th, 2002, presented December 8th, 2010, moved to Brisbane Australia at the age of 5, known family is his mother and grandparents, father unknown."

Jake played with the ends of his sheets awkwardly, slightly embarrassed from how the Head just read his private information out to everyone in the room.

At that exact moment, Jiwon came back, a glass of water in her hands, offering it to Jaeyun with a sympathetic smile.

"We have some things to talk about," the Head closed his book, gesturing for everyone to leave the room, "this is quite serious, my boy."

Jaeyun felt himself shake, his anxiety worsening with each person leaving the room, leaving a very frightened Jaeyun and a deep-in-thought Head.

He hopes he hasn't gotten anyone in trouble, or worse, himself. He doesn't want to disappoint his mother or his grandparents, after all, they've done for him, it would be horrible to get expelled after only two weeks.

"Relax, boy," the Head sat down, pulling his cloak up from the floor, "you're not in trouble."

Jaeyun gulped, still not confident in forming sentences that make sense.

"I have already talked to Park Sunghoon on the matter because he was conscious after the whole situation," the man explained, for some reason, the sentence made him more embarrassed

"I hope I'm not the one who breaks the news to you, but you're seemingly half-blood. You're a part werewolf, part vampire."

Jake's heart physically stopped in his chest after the Head announced the news. He felt his head pound once again and his arms shake with no control, a million questions running through his mind, the number one being - What the fuck?

"I have contacted your mother for confirmation, and she said yes, your father is in fact a vampire," the male kept talking slowly, trying his hardest to allow the boy to let the information sink in.

Jaeyun gulped, feeling so many things simply click in his head - about how repulsed his grandparents were of his father, how his mother never mentioned him, how they stayed in a secluded area, far away from anyone else but them. How he never seemed to be built like any other of the werewolves, how his skin never seemed to change no matter how much he tries to tan, how he would easily get sick if he stayed out in the sun for too long or hell, how he enjoyed his meat just a little extra raw.

And she didn't tell me?

He felt so many things, so many things that he simply wishes he didn't. He came here to start a life for himself and not be a burden to his mother, but now? Now that his soulmate is a goddamn vampire, he wouldn't place his best on his grandparents welcoming him home with open arms.

"I know this must be a lot," Tell me about it.

"But I wish for you to continue your studies here," Jaeyun's ears perked up at the mention of not being expelled, "as I said, I talked to Park Sunghoon, your, uh, mate, about this, he didn't say much about it, but we agreed to keep this between us - the school and the two of you, alright?"

Jaeyun nodded, thinking back to how the vampire had looked, trying to picture the full image of his mate in his head.

"We already announced that the reason you crossed was because of a barrier malfunction and we erased the students' memories of the two of you finding the soulmate bond."

Jake nodded in understanding, anxiously playing with his hands before speaking, "M-May I talk to Park Sunghoon?"

The Head simply looked at him, "Well, that's not up to me, now is it?"

"Hah, guess not," Jake offered a small chuckle before thanking the Head once again, feeling his chest start to tighten with all the sudden information crashing down on him. He wanted to cry and screams his lungs out, wanted to hide away and never be seen because what the fuck is he?

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