First Lesson...

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The first lesson was transfiguration with McGonagall. 

As Y/N walked into class he saw a grey cat sat on the table.

"Good Morning Professor." Y/N said as he sat at a desk. The cat jumped off of the table and transformed into the professor as McGonagall looked at him.

"However did you know?"

"The cat's hairs, it's the same colours as yours. Then there was the hairs on your robes yesterday in the sorting ceremony. Grey and black hairs, like the cats, some may deduce that you simply own a cat, but then there would be one simple question, where is your cat basket? Simple you don't need one because you are the cat. Then there's your hands, people with cats usually at least have one scratch on their hands, you didn't have any, your clothes, not one single scratch on them. All of which add up to you yourself being the cat, my guess is that you're an Animagus, your Animagus form being that of a cat." Y/N said as McGonagall smiled. 

"Ten points to Gryffindor." McGonagall said as she looked at Y/N. "You're just like your father."

Y/N paused for a moment, his face hardening before looking at McGonagall.

"No I'm not, at least I hope not." Y/N said coldly as McGonagall looked surprised. 

Hermione and Wednesday walked in next, with Wednesday sitting down next to Y/N, they shared transfiguration with Slytherin, along with potions, flying lessons and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"I got your message. What's wrong with Slytherin?"

"I'm not a fan, I'd prefer somewhere closer to the library. Besides, I'm not a huge fan of the idea of spending the next seven academic years sharing a common room with Malfoy." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked.

"I'm not fond of the concept of anyone having to spend any amount of time with the little git." Y/N said as Wednesday smirked.

"Ms Addams, I believe Slytherin students sit on that side of the classroom. Would you not prefer to sit with your house mates?"

"No thank you, I'm quite fine here with Y/N, if that's no issue Professor?" Wednesday said dryly as Y/N smiled.

"Very well." McGonagall said as she turned to her desk and began working again.

As the students filed in Y/N glared at Malfoy as he came in talking to Crabbe and Goyle.

"That freak Addams doesn't even belong in Hogwarts, let alone Slytherin." Malfoy said as Y/N turned to Thing.

"Thing, you wouldn't happen to have any chewed up bubble gum would you?" Y/N asked as the hand gave a thumbs down, "Shame."

Halfway through McGonagalls lesson, the class was silently writing while McGonagall was on the desk in her cat form, the door opened, and in walked Harry and Ron who were out of breath.

Y/N and Hermione shook their heads in embarrassment.

"Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said earning Hermione shaking her head in disbelief and Y/N to pinch the bridge of his nose and let out a smirk as the cat transformed into Mcgonagall. "That was bloody brilliant."

"Oh, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time." McGonagall scolded.

"We got lost." Harry said trying to defend them both.

"The perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats?" McGonagall said as Y/N sighed before looking at Ron.

"Stupid boy." Y/N remarked to himself.

(Yes, this line is going to be a running gag for Y/N whenever Harry or Ron [mostly Ron] do anything stupid)

(Yes, this line is going to be a running gag for Y/N whenever Harry or Ron [mostly Ron] do anything stupid)

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"I got lost."

"Crabbe managed to find his way here before you two." Y/N muttered as Harry and Ron sat next to Y/N and Wednesday.

They went through the rest of the lesson as normal, with Y/N, Hermione, Lavender Brown, and Wednesday practically racing to put their hands up and answer the questions that McGonagall asked.

When the lesson was over Y/N checked his timetable and saw that he was in Potions next, also with the Slytherins...

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