Trick or Troll

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Y/N and Wednesday sat with Harry and Ron at the table, enjoying the Halloween feast, well, Ron was enjoying it, even if he glared at Y/N every now and then. Harry was concerned about Hermione, apparently she'd been in the girls toilets all day, crying. Y/N and Wednesday were focusing on the case they had been tasked with solving.

"Someone desperately wants what was in that vault, and they had to have been in Diagon Alley the day that it was emptied by Hagrid. Harry, who do you remember seeing when you went to Diagon Alley?"

"Well, there was Professor Quirrell was in the pub, Professor Snape was in the potions shop buying some ingredients." Harry replied as Y/N looked at the teachers table. He looked at everyone sitting at the table and began ticking off everyone who was present, but he was stopped when the doors to the hall and Quirrell ran into the hall screaming in terror.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know." Quirrell said as he fainted.

The hall erupted into panic, sheer bloody panic. Students began to scream until Dumbledore stood up from his seat.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore's voice boomed through the hall. "Please do not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories, and teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

As students flooded through the doors following their prefects, Y/N and Wednesday had already rushed off to try and catch Quirrell in the act of getting past the giant three headed dog. As they were running through the corridors they bumped into Harry and Ron.

"What are you two doing?" Harry asked.

"What are you two doing?" Y/N responded as Harry looked at him.

"Hermione doesn't know about the Troll!" Harry responded as Y/N sighed.

"You two go to the bathroom and get Hermione, we've got to try and find out who let this thing in." Y/N said as Harry stopped him. "Harry, the time wasted here could be spent saving Hermione and whatever that dog is guarding, go and help Hermione." 

Y/N and Wednesday rushed off to the room where they found Snape standing guard.

"What are you two-" Snape began.

"Do not ask that question, if one more person asks me that I'm going to hurt them, We figured the troll was a distraction so we came to try and catch the thief in the act. Quirrells not here, no one apart from you and you're not a suspect the evidence confirms that. So...everyone else has gone after the troll, and that means...Hermione!"

Y/N bolted off with Wednesday following him, his mental map of the school coming in handy as he took shortcuts to arrive at the bathroom where he saw Harry being held upside down by his feet and narrowly avoiding the troll.

"Wednesday, you take left, Ron on the right we all have to work to knock this thing out. Thing! Go and help Hermione!" Y/N ordered as he began to send spell after spell at the stroll.


The spell did little to effect the Troll, but it got it's attention, it stopped trying to hit Harry. Meanwhile Y/N thought for a split second and analysed the troll.

"First, cripple movement, attack left knee with sink, then body shots with toilet, finally, disarm and knock out with it's own weapon." Y/N planned mentally.

"Ron, disarm it using Leviosa, Wednesday, hit it in the stomach with the toilet, I'll get it's leg. Thing, you and Mione move now!" Y/N called out as the three students flourished their wands. The nearby sink flew into the trolls left knee thanks to Y/N, the nearby toilet hit the troll in where it was assumed it's ribs were located thanks to Wednesday, and after some encouragement from Hermione, the trolls club slipped from it's hand and landed on it's head with a thud thanks to Ron. The troll dropped Harry who crawled over to his friends as the troll stumbled before falling forward like a plank of wood.

Hermione looked at the troll on the floor.

"Is it dead?"

"No, just knocked out." Y/N said as Harry walked up to the troll and retrieved his wand from it's nose. Y/N set about analysing the trolls feet looking for anything to help him identify where it came from, hoping they were muddy. 

"Oh, my goodness. Explain yourselves, all of you!" McGonagall said as Harry and Ron went to explain until Hermione interrupted.

"It's my fault professor McGonagall." Hermione claimed as Ron and Harry looked shocked while Y/N and Wednesday looked subtly impressed.

"Miss Granger." McGonagall said in disbelief.

"If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead now. Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club. They didn't have time to come and fetch anyone. It was about to finish me off when they arrived."

Harry and Ron tried to look as though this story wasn't news to them.

"Well- in that case..." said Professor McGonagall, staring at the three of them, "Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own?"

Hermione hung her head. Harry was speechless. Hermione was the last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was, pretending she had, to get them out of trouble. It was as if Snape had started handing out sweets.

"Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this," said Professor McGonagall. "I'm very disappointed in you. If you're not hurt at all, you'd better get off to Gryffindor tower. Students are finishing the feast in their houses."

Hermione left.

Professor McGonagall turned to Y/N, Wednesday, Harry and Ron.

"Well, I still say you were lucky, but not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. You each win Gryffindor five points. And Ms Addams you have won Ravenclaw fifteen points." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled. "...for sheer dumb luck!"

Y/N and the group all walked to the Gryffindor common room, with Wednesday using her position of House ambassador to join them as they began trying to think up a list of suspects, with Y/N even beginning to draw up a list of potential other suspects aside from Quirrell, he couldn't rule anyone out yet...

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