Christmas Time...

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Y/N was up at 3 am on Christmas morning, using silencing charms to allow him to used the violin and compose, he was trying his best to think, to put all of the present pieces together as he played, he heard the portrait door open, upon hearing the noise he turned and saw Wednesday walked in, her typewriter in it's case, she saw him composing by the window.

"Morning." She said as she set up her typewriter.

"Morning, merry Christmas, Wednesday." Y/N said, his tone being slightly warmer and gentler.

As Wednesday set about typing, Y/N continued composing as they both focused.

"Why would Quirrell want Harry dead? it doesn't make sense." Y/N said to himself as he tried to figure it all out. "What would he stand to gain from Harry being dead? It can't be because he's investigating, Harry still thinks it's Snape. Someone ordered him to kill Harry and he's failed. And Snape was injured after the Troll attack, that would make people more suspicious, everything points to Snape so why risk creating a lead that might link to him?"

"Maybe he's trying to frame Snape for Harry's murder, he'll be arrested and that will be one less obstacle between him and whatever was in the vault." Wednesday suggested as Y/N gave an agreeing look. "But what was in the vault?"

"Good question, the contents of that vault could be the last piece of this wonderful jigsaw that makes everything fit into place...or it could be yet another piece that does not fit." Y/N said as he had imagined a mental evidence board. "The answer to what was in that vault is with Nicholas Flamel, I'm certain I've seen that name before."

"Try your mind palace thing." Wednesday said as Y/N shook his head.

"No, it won't be there, at least I don't think so." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him.

"Worth a try anyway." She said as Y/N nodded and took a moment before focusing.

" She said as Y/N nodded and took a moment before focusing

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"No! Not troll...wait...lemalF salohciN. Flip it around..." Y/N said to himself as he mentally took the image of the writing and flipped it around. "Nicholas Flamel."

Wednesday was watching attentively as she saw Y/N using his mind palace, she was amazed as she saw the memory technique in action.

"Dumbledore knows Nicholas Flamel, If we look up information on Dumbledore then we could find a solid lead on Flamel." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him in pure astonishment.

"That was amazing." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked.

"It was pretty slow. I'm usually much faster." Y/N said as he and Wednesday were headed to the library when they stopped at the sight of Enola arriving.

"Y/N!" Enola cried out as she ran up to Y/N and hugged him, nearly tackling him.

"Y/N!" Enola cried out as she ran up to Y/N and hugged him, nearly tackling him

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"Hello Enola, Welcome to Hogwarts. This is Wednesday Addams. Wednesday, I won't insult your intelligence, you've already deduced who this is."

"Your little sister, Enola. Y/N's said a lot about you." Wednesday said politely as Enola smiled.

"And you're the Wednesday Addams, Y/N has mentioned you a lot in his letters to me. Congratulations, you might be the first person ever that my brother cannot read like an open book. Nice to meet you, I hope my brother hasn't been too bad."

"I would say your brother has been perfect, since I've met him I've helped him foil two assassination attempts, and we're working a case together." Wednesday said as Y/N heard the sound of an umbrella on the stone floor.

Y/N turned and saw him, Michael.

"Ah, hello Brother dear." Michael said snobbishly. "And you must be Wednesday Addams."

"Oh for gods sake, you've read my mail."

"Of course I have." Michael said as Y/N sighed.

"How many of my letters have you read?"

"All of them. We intercept them and then send them off again. Come now little brother, don't want to cause a scene in front of your...friend." Michael said, saying the last word with a hint of sarcasm. "It's Christmas after all."

"Since when have you cared about Christmas, you're too busy monitoring the whole bloody country, or trying to control the lives of me and Enola." Y/N said as Enola stepped next to Wednesday. "Controlling the whole country."

"Oh please, I'm not doing anything like that, I occupy a minor position in the British Ministry of Magic." Michael said as Y/N chuckled.

"Michael here practically is the British Ministry of Magic, when he's not too busy being the British muggle Government, or MI6, or the American Ministry, or the CIA."

"That's enough, Y/N!" Michael said as he banged his umbrella on the stone slab.

"Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do-"

"Ah, yes, the case of the Empty vault, how are you coming along with that brother mine?" Michael said as Y/N sighed.

"Fine. You clearly didn't come to visit for Christmas, so why are you here?"

"Would you believe it was to check up on you-?"

"No, I wouldn't." Y/N remarked as Michael smiled.

"Thought not. I'm here to see Dumbledore."

"You know the floor." Y/N said coldly as Michael chuckled.

"It's been a delight brother dear. Merry Christmas." Michael said as he walked away twirling his umbrella while Y/N glared at him.

Wednesday looked to Enola who nodded.

"It's best to let those interactions play out. It must really be the time of miracles. usually they go on for longer than that." Enola said as Wednesday looked to Y/N who had regained his composure. "Where were you headed to then Y/N?"

"Wednesday and I were just headed to the library to look into a lead we found." Y/N said as Enola smiled.

"Come on then, we can do the real tour afterwards." Enola said as she, Y/N, and Wednesday all went to the Library to begin searching for Nicholas Flamel in the books... 

who fell first? [Male Reader x Wednesday Addams]Where stories live. Discover now