Into The Forest

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The quintet and Malfoy were being escorted by Filch to Hagrids hut.

"A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screaming." Filch said as Y/N looked at him with a raised brow. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forrest."

Filch led them to Hagrids hut where they saw the man sniffling tears slightly.

"A sorry lot this, Hagrid." Filch said as Hagrid sniffled to himself. "Oh, good god, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"

"Norbert's gone." Hagrid said as he picked up his crossbow. "Dumbledore sent 'im off to Romania to live in a colony."

"Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione said sympathetically.

"Yeah, but what if 'e don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him?" Hagrid said as Filch rolled his eyes. "He's only a baby after all."

"Oh, for god's sake, pull yourself together, man. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." Filch said.

"The Forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are--" Malfoy's complaining was interrupted by a wolf howl. "Werewolves!"

"Actually Malfoy, that was an ordinary wolf, Werewolves sound slightly different." Y/N corrected as Filch looked at them both.

"Oh, there's more than wolves and werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that...nighty night." Filch said before walking off leaving the group with Hagrid. Most of the group wore a look of fear on their faces, apart from Y/N and Wednesday who saw this as little more than a reward. They walked into the Dark Forest, Harry and Ron were next to Hagrid, Malfoy was in the middle of the group but sticking close to Hagrid. Y/N had dropped back a bit to reassure Hermione and to calm her nerves as well as talk to Wednesday.

"It's alright, nothing's going to hurt you." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him.

"I never said it would-" Hermione snapped.

"Your breathing, it was frantic. Your eyes were dilated, and you were looking around nervously." Y/N said calmly as Hermione looked at him.

"You noticed all of that?"

"No, just the breathing and the looking around frantically, the thing about the eyes was a deduction based on the other two factors." Y/N said as Hermione looked amazed.

"Oh, okay. What about you, aren't you the slightest bit scared?" Hermione said as Y/N thought for a moment before deciding that honesty was the best policy, making himself relatable to Hermione might help to ease her nerves.

"No. Fear won't help if we do encounter a monster." Y/N said as he smiled at her. "Besides, we've got Malfoy in front of us, anything attacks, it'll go for him first likely and be poisoned by all the gel in his hair."

Hermione let out a snicker as they looked up ahead and saw Hagrid come to a stop, he knelt down and dipped his fingers in a silver looking liquid, he analysed it for a moment.

"Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asked as Y/N saw what it was.

"Unicorn blood?" Y/N asked in disbelief.

"Correct, Holmes. This is what we're here for. See that?" Hagrid said as he showed Harry the liquid. "As Y/N said, tha's unicorn blood, tha' is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been hurt bad by somethin'...So, it's our job to go and find the poor beast.  Wednesday, Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me."

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