The Heroes Nightmare

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While the pro Heroes took the fight to the villains and Nomu, the young Heroes in training were still evacuated the civilians in the city, but while doing so they heard constant roaring in the direction of the building where all the stronger pro Heroes were.


"Everyone!, Let's hurry up and evacuate everyone quickly!"

As Iida said that out loud to the entire classmates, Bakugou suddenly blasted himself into the air free then begin making his way towards the direction of the roaring.


"Bakugou!, What do you think you're going!?"

As Iida and his other classmates look towards Bakugou they begin wondering why he was heading towards the building where all the villains are at, as they all wandered that, only one of them knew why exactly he was heading towards there by himself.


"Oh no."

Saying that, Kirishima did not waste any time and begin running after Bakugou, which everyone saw him doing.


"Kirishima!, Come back here!"


"Sorry press I can't!, I have to help my friend!"

Hearing that everyone was wondering why those two were heading towards there, but while they were wondering that, Bakugou was already far ahead and only had one thing in his mind.

~Bakugou's mind~

"I'm coming Izuku!"

~Underground laboratory~

As Bakugou and Kirishima we're making their way towards the building, Deku and Mirko were facing off against one another, as the number sixth hero looked at the monster in front of her, she grinned and spoke to him with her cocky attitude.


"Kill me huh?, Well how about you come here and try that damn freak of nature!"

As she said this, Deku began approaching her slowly until eventually he changed his pace into a quick sprint, even though he was moving so fast Mirko had a clear side of him, as soon as he got close, Mirko raised her left leg and kicked Deku on the right side of his face which sent him flying towards a empty container which cracks during his impact, has he laid there on the floor Mirko just smiled to herself.


"I guess you were nothing but talk huh!?"

As Mirko looked at him with her cocky smile, she suddenly saw him beginning to pick himself up, which made her smile fade away as he then the right back up on his feet and look towards Mirko, as the two look towards one another, Mirko noticed that Deku's jaw has been dislocated.


"Ha, looks like you're not so indestructible after all."

From hearing that, Deku noticed his jaw dangling, so he grabbed hold of me and popped it back into place with ease, which was quite shocking to see for Mirko.


"You have to be kidding me?, What in the hell are you?"


"I am specimen... I am alpha!"

With that said Deku got on all fours and begin making his way towards Mirko who also began making her way towards him, as they then clashed with one another, Deku slashed his right claw straight towards her but she managed to block by raising up her strong left leg, from doing so she then kicked him in the chest with their other leg, pushing him a bit further back, after being pushed back, Deku look towards the direction where Mirko was, but didn't see her there anymore.

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