The Kind Monster

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After what they discovered  in those underground corridors, each group begin began heading back to the surface, once everyone return to the surface, Sir. Nighteye ordered the other Heroes and police officers not to head inside the building without his authorization, with that said he then had the entire building completely sealed off until further notice, after that he then began to approach Aizawa who was sitting right next to Eri in the back of an ambulance truck.

~Sir. Nighteye~


Hearing his hero name being called out, Aizawa look the head and saw Sir. Nighteye approaching him, but while he got closer and closer with each step, Aizawa suddenly felt Eri grip onto his left sleeve which then made him look over at her to see a worried face as she looked at Sir. Nighteye approaching, so to calm her down Aizawa raised his left hand and placed it on top of your head which made her look up at him.


"It's all right, he's a friend so there's nothing to worry about "



After Eri said that she then let go of Aizawa's sleeve and the back at Sir. Nighteye who is now starting right in front of the two.


"Hey there Nighteye, is there something I can help you with?"

~Sir. Nighteye~

"Yes you certainly can."

He says that as he adjusts his glasses to look over at Eri who is looking up at him, saying that he kneels down so she doesn't have to look up at him.

~Sir. Nighteye~

"Hello there little girl, I am Sir. Nighteye and I am a hero who has come here to stop Kai Chisaki."

Hearing that name she begins to tremble out of fear, but she's quickly calmed down once she felt Aizawa place his hand on to her right shoulder.


"It's all right, he won't hurt you anymore."

~Sir. Nighteye~

"He's right, Kai Chisaki has been... Takin care of, so you won't have to worry about him anymore."


"O-okay then."

Seeing how calm she is now, Sir. Nighteye decided to ask her some questions.

~Sir. Nighteye~

"Is it okay if I ask you a question or two?"

Eri response to his question by nodding her head yes, seen that Sir. Nighteye went ahead and begin asking his questions.

~Sir. Nighteye~

"Do you know what happened down there?"


"Yes, the monsters came and begin hurting everyone."

~Sir. Nighteye~



"Yeah, they were big and scary, well all of them but one."

~Sir. Nighteye~

"And which one was it?"


"The one with the green hair."

Saying that Eri begins to have a flashback on that day she met a kind monster.


As Eri was in her room curled on her bed, she then began to hear screaming from the other side of the metal door that had her sealed inside, as the screams outside got louder and louder, Eri's fear grew but so did her curiosity, so she crawled off her bed and slowly approached the metal door where the sounds of scream have suddenly stopped, so she gets on her tippy toes to reach up to the keypad that is on the side of the door and begins pressing the numbers that she seen Overhaul press countless times he was there, after pressing those buttons the door automatically slid open which Eri then steps outside, first she looks to her left and doesn't see anyone or anything but once she looked towards her right she saw groups of monsters tearing apart the people she was held captive by, seeing that horrifying sight Eri couldn't make a single sound, instead all she could do was just watch as she sees those monsters gruesomely tear those people apart, but while she stood there watching in horror, one of the monsters saw her and let out a ear piercing scream which alerted all the other monsters, after that screen Eri soon saw all of those monsters running towards her, so she quickly went back inside of her room and pressed the clothes button on the keypad, doing so the door automatically sealed shut, but even after doing that she began to hear the monsters pounding against the door, afraid that they might come in, she ran over to the bed and crawled underneath to hide, but while under the bed she looked towards the direction of the door and held her breath, but suddenly the banging then stopped and a whole minute past which felt like complete hour to Eri, in that silence she was deciding to come out from underneath the bed, but right when she was going to come to a decision the door suddenly opens automatically, looking towards the opened door, Eri sees the feet and hands of the monsters outside the door from underneath the bed, but out of all of them one steps inside and begin walking around inside, as she looked at the monsters feet walking around the room, she kept her hands over her mouth and nose so she can stay silent, as the monster paced around the room it shortly began walking towards the door, but it then stops right when it was about to step outside, it then turned around and walked over to the edge of the bed which Eri looking under from, as she looked at the blackish gray feet, she began hoping someone will come and save her from this, but suddenly the bed wasn't thrown to the side of the room, revealing Eri to the monster in front of her, as she slowly begin to raise her head up, she finally saw the monster with green hair looking down at her, seeing it she was so terrified that she she couldn't even let out a single scream, as she laid there on the ground the monster then squatted down to and just looked at her, an unexpectedly she heard the monster speak to her.


"What is name?"

Hearing him ask something like that she gulped as she then raised her body up and was on her knees in front of him.





After saying that, Deku she looked over towards the right and saw a little teddy bear on the ground, so he grabbed it and began handing it over to Eri who slowly took it from his hands and held it tightly, but while she held it, Deku begin to extend his bloody right hand towards her, which made her think of the worst, but instead of feeling him grab her, she then felt his finger press against her right cheek which he then began to paint a smile on her face, after Deku did that he stood back up and begin stepping outside with all the other monsters, once he was outside he slammed his fist against the other keypad on the outside which then shut the door, once the door shut she then heard the sound of metal tear, after that she then heard footsteps walking away from her door until she couldn't hear them anymore, once it was now dead silence Eri dropped the teddy bear on the ground and curled up on the floor, walk curled up on the floor she couldn't believe that the room she saw only as a cell was now more like a safe room to her now.



"I always thought all monsters were like Chisaki, but not that one."

~Sir. Nighteye~

"The one with the green hair?"


"Mhm, he was scary but different."

~Sir. Nighteye~

"I see."

After saying that Sir. Nighteye stood backup and leaned over towards Aizawa to whisper into his ear.

~Sir. Nighteye~

"Eraserhead, make sure you keep a very close eye on her."


"I will."

Hearing that, Sir. Nighteye backed away from Aizawa and began heading over to Fat Gun who retrieved video footage of the so-called monsters.

~To be continued~

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