Chapter 5*Revised*

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           Lan Wangji nodded to himself seemingly pleased with the answer. He picked up Wei Wuxian like a bride to the boy's confusion. Wei Wuxian watched stupifyed as Bichen Lan Wangji's sword activated and floated barely an inch off the ground.  It took him too long to realize that Lan Wangji was taking him somewhere without giving him a choice. 

         "LAN ZHAN?! LAN ZHAN?! THIS IS KIDNAPPING YOU KNOW?! PUT ME DOWN! please Lan er-gege." Lan Wangji looked at him with a raised brow put the Lan silencing spell on him and climbed on his sword. He took them right out the window to Wei Wuxian's terror he expected to hit the wall on the way out. It seemed Lan Wangji knew what he was doing though and just pressed Wei Wuxian tighter to his chest letting Wei Wuxian bury his face in Lan Wangji's soothing scent.

             The wind whipped at Wei Wuxian harshly giving him a hint of how fast Lan Wangji was flying without him having to move his face from his hiding place. The scent of Sandalwood calmed his nerves enough to try to see where they were going. From what Wei Wuxian could see they were heading back to Cloud Recesses but not through the front gate. They were heading to a mountain towards the back not that he could ask Lan Wangji since the stupid silencing spell was still on. 

                 Wei Wuxian was aggravated. First, they acted like lovers holding each other tightly then Lan Wangji had to be a jerk by silencing him and kidnapping him?!....... actually shouldn't he be more worried about the whole kidnapping thing? No Wei Wuxian didn't feel scared just annoyed and confused. He focused again when Lan Wangji landed on one of the back hills and walked straight through a false cliff face with him still in his arms.

             It was an extremely cold cave with ice lining the walls completely different from the warmth just behind the false wall. Wei Wuxian felt himself shiver and press closer to the warmth radiating from Lan Wangji. He was working hard to suppress the urge to call forth his phoenix heat. It would have been bad in an enclosed space like this. He could have accidentally baked them..... or well he would be fine but Lan Wangji didn't have his protection to heat. Besides this was a perfect excuse for Wei Wuxian to cling to his 'I don't touch others' mate. He would enjoy this while he could even if he was a bit cold. 

          The cave opened up to a large ice cavern with a thin icy path leading to a pedestal holding a white guqin. Lan Wangji walked confidently forward only setting Wei Wuxian down gently in front of the pedestal before he kneeled at his side bowing his head to the floor. Wei Wuxian watched the scene with light trepidation seeing the reverent attitude of Lan Wangji towards the guqin. He watched in wonder as the air behind the pedestal shimmered and a beautiful woman with the main clan forehead ribbon appeared. 

           She seemed young but her eyes held tiredness that came with years of wisdom. "Rise my grandson please explain your request as I gather this is not a social visit." Her voice was kind and her smile gentle as she watched Lan Wangji lift his head. It reminded Wei Wuxian of Lan Xichen. " Master Lan Yi this Wangji seeks your aid in freeing my mate from a binding so he can be mine."   

          The woman looked amused at Lan Wangji's request and then motioned for Wei Wuxian to show her what Lan Wangji was talking about. He slowly opened his robes again embarrassed to be so exposed to Lan Wangji's elder. People called him shameless but even he had some limits. He watched as the amused gentle face of the woman closed off into cold fury. "Boy are you or are you not part of the Sanren bloodline?" Her voice was now sharp as steel while addressing Wei Wuxian.

          "I.....I don't know. My mother was Cangse Sanren but she died when I was very little so I don't know much about my family at all." Wei Wuxian answered honestly but hesitantly any time someone was this angry around him he ended up hurt. Especially if they knew of his mother and her vampire heritage. Lan Yi's eyes blazed with a strange otherworldly glow as she studied the seal on a terrified Wei Wuxian's chest. Even Lan Wangji looked tense. 

            She closed her eyes and breathed out pulling herself together. By the time she opened her eyes, she was completely back to her gentle persona. It made him wonder if all the Lans had such extreme mood swings. Between her, Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji he was starting to think so. Lan Yi cupped his cheek and Lan Wangji's with one of her hands gently like he had seen mothers and grandmothers often do to the children in town.  It was strange he felt warm even in this ice cave. "My poor sweet boys come back to me in three days and I will have everything we need to take that nasty seal right off you for good." 

           Lan Yi let them go and then proceeded to almost give Wei Wuxian a heart attack when she turned into a giant serpentine white dragon. She flew off through an opening in the ceiling of the cave. His mouth opened and closed not finding words while pointing at where the elder had just left from. To Wei Wuxian's annoyance, Lan Wangji looked at him with his face as stoic as usual but Wei Wuxian felt as if he was being laughed at on the inside. "Lan Zhan that was..... she was.... how was she a dragon?!?!" 

          Lan Wangji gently pulled Wei Wuxian's robes back on straightening them out nonchalantly. "Wei Ying all main Lan clan members have some dragon blood in them. The stronger the core the more dragon blood awakens. In three days we return then Wei Ying is mine." Wei Wuxian gulped at the possessive note in Lan Wangji's voice and the flare of power shining from his gold eyes. For a second he could have sworn Lan Wangji's pupils had become slitted while looking at him but it was gone too quick to tell.     

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