Part 32

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AN: I'm sorry it has taken so long. I am ashamed to say that I forgot about this story for a while. Then, I just felt like it needed fixing before I could continue. Again, my deepest apologies.


              The babies kept them up most of the night. It was fine. So what if their patience was veiled thin because of their many abrupt wake ups. If people were smart, they would not cross them that day. They were each feeding a tiny baby the milk from a nursemaid when Baoshan came into the room. It was barely 4 a.m.

               Her bright smile made Wei Wuxian scowl at her grumpily. Lan Wangji, the calmer of the two, stared at him with fond exasperation. " Boys, I know you are getting used to being parents, but I need you guys to come with me." Wei Wuxian growled at her, holding his tiny chick closer to his chest. 

               She just rolled her eyes at him. " A-Ying, I am your popo. I do not want to separate you from your children. We do have to move quickly for what I am thinking of. Right now, a bunch of greedy harpies are staying as guests in this castle. We will let Wen Li and Lan Junjie babysit while we go secure a bright future for your kids. Now Move." Wei Wuxian pouted but reluctantly agreed they would go with her.

              He didn't want to be away from his kids at the moment, but if whatever his grandmother wanted could guarantee their safety, then he had to go. Lan Wangji held his hand, his gentle grip reassuring him that he was not alone in his reluctance. With a deep sigh, they walked out the door behind her.

             They stopped a few doors down. After a quiet knock, a sleep-rumpled Lan Junjie opened the door. He looked at them quizzically before letting them in. He quickly woke up Wen Li who had been peacefully sleeping on the bed. Her bedhead was as bad as Wei Wuxian's was normally, making Lan Wangji smile at their similarities.

            Once her eyes took in the people in her room, her face brightened. "A-Ying, A-Zhan, Baoshan, what are you all doing here?" She smiled lovingly at Lan Junjie as he helped her into an outer robe for modesty. Baoshan bowed in apology, startling the couple. " Sorry, A-Li, Junjie, but can you guys babysit while I take the boys to the place we spoke of? I don't want anyone else to snoop in there first."

             The two immortals became deadly serious before nodding. Each one reached out to gently hold a baby. Lan Junjie seemed in awe, almost teary. "They are so tiny. Is this okay? I never..." This was a quick reminder to Wei Wuxian that out of all the immortals, Lan Junjie was the one who had never experienced being a parent. 

              It made Wei Wuxian sad to think of it. He had just become a parent, but he wouldn't change it for anything. " Yes, that is perfect. Don't worry; since you mated with my grandmother, you are my grandfather now. You will get plenty of experience babysitting the boys. Who would be better to teach them runes and things than their grandfather?" The man seemed frozen in place, while Baoshan and Wen Li smiled gently. 

           Baoshan pulled them out of the room quickly when it seemed Lan Junjie was about to cry. She patted Wei Wuxian's head proudly before walking ahead. Lan Wangji took his hand again, whispering a small thank you. The man had become a father figure for Lan Wangji but he lacked the words to express it. 

             They were led quietly through secret passages that Wei Wuxian planned to explore at a later date. The farther they went, the darker and hotter it became. Lan Wangji was forced to create an ice mist around himself and Baoshan. He was immune to Wei Wuxian's flames but not whatever the heat around them was. 

              The walls along the corridor were covered in runes, sparking Wei Wuxian's curiosity. Lan Wangji was more focused on Baoshan. The woman seemed nervous. Anything that could make a woman as powerful as Baoshan Sanren nervous was bad news. 

             Surprise flickered in Lan Wangji when they found themselves in a shrine with a huge array covering the entire floor. Baoshan turned sharply to look at them, a pronounced frown on her face. " Welcome, boys, to the resting place of some of my closest friends. This is where the mythical phoenix god and his companions were sealed. Please let me explain."

             The husbands crossed glances before sitting on the floor outside the array to listen to Whatever Baoshan had to say. Lan Wangji sat primly while Wei Wuxian leaned his weight on his lover to feel comfortable. Baoshan walked back and forth the same way Wei Wuxian did when he was trying to get his words together. It would have been amusing to Lan Wangji if she didn't look so tense.

           " Okay, I will tell you boys what actually happened back then. My friend Wen Hao was the Phoenix god. He was a wanderer who roamed the lands, helping as many people as he could. A-Hao was the glue that kept all the other earthbound gods together. You see, he was bright, Just, kind, and willing to accept his flaws. Like you boys, he loved learning about anything new he came across.

             The only real problem was that, as a full phoenix, he was forced to go into hibernation during his phoenix cycle. So, every five years, he was vulnerable for what could be a month up to eight months, depending on the power he had used to overcome his test. Normally, one of us closest to him would pick him up and take him to my mountain to rest peacefully.

            This time, though, he was alone. We had thought that since he was in his home with his family, he would be safe. Obviously, we were wrong. His younger brother, Wen Mao, had grown jealous of his older brother. When Wen Hao was forced to spend all his energy on a mysterious illness harming his people, Wen Mao took his chance and sealed him here for all eternity. 

            After some time, his lover contacted us to tell us that he had never returned to her. We quickly searched everywhere before we found the seal. You must understand. He loved to travel, but his wife had just given birth to their second child. He was giddy to go home and meet the little one. A-Hao never made it there, growing concerned for the people he was guardian to. 

          With more investigation, we found that the sickness that had been spreading was caused by poison. Wen Mao had spread it in the river to cause Wen Hao to go into his reincarnation cycle. We spent a lot of energy cleansing the waterways in his honor. I moved his wife and children away from the Qishan. There was no way I would leave my friend's heirs to their fate at that man's hands. She was obviously distraught but stood firm, creating a village of phoenixes that managed to escape Wen Mao's insane purge to find her.

          Our friends got together and cursed Wen Mao and all his descendants. Then, they sealed their knowledge in this space. They hoped that someday the seal would loosen enough to allow their friend to be reborn. His wife came here after her children were grown. She, too, placed her hopes, dreams, and soul in the array. She wanted to be able to protect him in her next life.

             You both are here because I recognized your souls at your wedding. The friends around you seem to be the next generation of the people that I used to care for more than the world. This leaves me with a hard decision. I have been the guardian of darkness for a long time. A-Ying, you have already reached godhood but lack knowledge. A-Zhan, I wanted to offer to turn you into a vampire so you could take my power. Shush A-Ying.

             Before the wedding, I was expecting to be able to hand my power over to you since you are my descendant. Your souls were so melded in the array that during rebirth, they refused to fully separate. A-Hao was more like Wangji, while his wife, Wen Daiyu, was more like you, A-Ying. So, since Wei Ying claimed the title of Phoenix God, will you take mine to stand at his side, A-zhan?"

            Lan Wangji didn't even look at his husband before replying. "Mn." Baoshan smiled happily before stating what they were doing there. " Now, A-Ying, you will sit in the center of the array and meditate. All of A-Hao's knowledge and memories will be given to you. This will help you better handle your powers and keep your family safe. 

             In the meantime, I perform the ritual to turn Lan Wangji. I will become his guide. After this, it may be a few years before I see you again, A-Ying. I want you to know that I am so proud of you." With tears in his eyes, Wei Wuxian walked to the center of the array to do as he was asked. He had just met his grandmother, and now she would be gone. He was hoping that with this new knowledge, he could keep everyone else at his side. 

Daiyu- Black Jade

Hao- Open-minded

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