Chapter 25*Revised*

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               Sitting innocently behind their pillows was an egg covered in frozen flame crystals. It was just there like it hadn't just flipped Wei Wuxian's world upside down. Lan Wangji had to firmly grip his husband and talk him through a panic attack. He had quickly dressed his husband and himself before using his mind link to call his brothers and Jiang Yanli to teleport over for an emergency. 

           Wei Wuxian was still hyperventilating when the others showed up still in their night robes. Wei Wuxian just pointed while running his hands through his hair before rambling. "It's a fucking egg. Like an egg with people in it. Am I supposed to take care of this egg? Lan Zhan, I can't do this. I can't even take care of myself! What am I supposed to do with an egg..... Oh, DAINXIA eggs hatch!!!!! Don't they?!?!?!"  Jiang Yanli rushed to his side to hold him close and calm him down. She told Lan Wangji to bring the egg over.

           After everyone sat down at the table, each with a cup of tea, they just started at the egg while sipping their cups. One would almost believe that they expected the egg to disappear. Nie Huasang had tried to poke it with his fan, but as soon as it made contact, the top half of his fan froze. They all just started wide-eyed at the egg, not knowing what to do. They continued sipping their calming tea. 

          A few minutes later, Lan Xichen reached a finger to touch the egg since his power was also ice. He was able to touch it for a second, and then a whisp of black fire burned him. Jumping back while cradling his finger against his chest, he looked at the others, completely lost. Don't get them wrong, it was possible now for same-sex soulmates to have children together. 

          It was only achieved through a very detailed and time-consuming ritual. This egg's existence made absolutely no sense. A calmer Wei Wuxian placed his hand on the egg, making a warm pulse of energy surround all the inhabitants in the room. He pulled his hand away quickly. Then, he sat back down by his husband, just staring at the egg. More rounds of tea went around. They each seemed to be trying to make sense of the random egg in the middle of the table.

           It was Jiang Yanli who finally had enough of the nonsense and spoke up. "Ok, so A-Xian and Wangji will be parents during the war...... We need to have Wen Qing check the egg since she is a doctor, and maybe we can take it to Wen Li and Lan Junjie for answers??? Anyway, congratulations on your blessing! I will be the best aunt! Oooooh, I have lots of presents to buy. We need to build an extra room here in the Jingshi. Xichen, we should get planning. You three handle the war. Xichen and I will handle the baby stuff." 

          Nie Huasang sputtered indignantly while the two older siblings nodded happily. " That's not fair. I can plan a war and get baby stuff. Why are you guys trying to make me the bad uncle? I'm supposed to be the fun one. Besides, isn't Lan Xichen needed to lead troops while I will be staying back? No, this egg will know I am the best uncle. That is more important than some awful, boring war." 

           Everyone sweatdropped at the young fan-wielding heir. All three of them started arguing over who would get what before Wei Wuxian had enough and kicked them all out. He noticed his husband's uncomfortable behavior. Lan Wangji had not spoken or moved at all since he had moved the egg to the table.

           He made sure everyone was on their way before turning to look at his husband. He was now holding a gently pulsing egg, pouting. Wei Wuxian thought it was adorable. Now that his panic had receded, understanding was actually hitting him. How many men could say they could have children with their husbands without losing part of themselves? None, really. From what he knew, the childbearing ritual was still rare. The couple had to each be willing to give up a piece of their souls for the process. Not a price many cultivators were willing to pay.

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