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Victoria's  POV: 

My fingers shook as I lifted the case.  I expected to meet eyes with a vampire and die but the casket sat empty. I sighed with relief because honestly I didn't want to see anything. I leaned over and could see an indent in the pillow but the inside had a few webs and a dead spider. Was it used or not? 

I closed the casket after sketching it out and made my way back downstairs. As I stepped into  the art room I heard whispering. "Hello?" is all I said until I heard something answer back.  "Hi," the voice was male and echoed throughout the room. "Ghost?" I look around and coming from the hallway I just came down stood a man. 

He had lanky legs, brownish blonde hair, styled over his face with glasses. "Not quite," he smiles.  He didn't seem threatening so I turned my stiffened stance into something more relaxed. "I'm Victoria or Vic, nice to meet you," I say with a shaky breath and extend my hand to shake his. He kept his arms crossed for a second until our hands met, they were cold to the touch. 

Wait, he looks familiar...

"I know who you are, I'm Mikey," I look back at the paintings and make the connection I so stupidly forgot. He was one of the paintings on the wall, I had turned around for a second to look at the paintings and when I went to talk to him again the man was gone. "Oh!" is all I could say. 

"Oh my god! oh my god! I just saw one! I saw one! GOD ARE YOU FINALLY LISTENING?!"  I yell at the ceiling since I can't yell at the sky right now. I immediately run out the castle and run back home smiling and giggling the whole time. 

I climb back into my window and calm myself down so I can nail my window shut again. Once the job was done I put the tools back and went back to my room but as I walked up the stairs, the front door opened. "Sorry that we left you alone all day, I got you a few things," my mom said guiding me up the stairs to my room. 

She handed me a bag, "What is this?" I opened the bag to reveal a crucifix and stake. "Mom what the fuck?" 

"It's to keep you safe, from the vampires. If you're going to the castle at least take those with you," I was blown away. Why would I hurt them? I don't want to hurt them and never will. They deserve to be treated with respect. "I don't need this shit! Why can't you guys be supportive? They aren't going to hurt me, don't you think that would've happened already? Are you the one who has read several books about them? No? Didn't think so," I replied angrily while  my mom had tears flowing down her face. 

Soon after my father came into the room angry. "Who do you think you are yelling at your mother like that?!" he gets in my face. "I know exactly who the I am," silence filled room when my dad slapped me across the face. "Don't hit her!" my mother pulls him out of the room. My eyes welded with tears but I pulled them back quickly. 

I locked my door and immediately pulled out all the bags I had. I grabbed various clothes from my closet and bathroom items. I also made sure to grab any of my items about vampires and the paranormal. I set the stuff to the side for now. 


Victoria's POV:

I waited until everyone was asleep to leave out my door and not the window. I grabbed everything and tiptoed my way out the back door. I had an emotional goodbye to our dog and I left, for good. I went to the river and laid down on the grass. That's when I let my tears flow, they didn't stop. 

I let myself drift off to sleep peacefully. At 4 am I was being shaken awake by someone familiar, the guy with curly hair. I sat up quickly unknown of what could be happening to me, have to stay vigilant. "Are you okay?" he whispered putting his hand on my arm. "Uh..it's complicated," I smile. I didn't want to show my weakness, I always kept my emotions to myself. 

"Wait, you!" I gasp. My eyes widened and a wide smile appeared on my face. "Me?" is all he said pointing to himself. I leaned closer to him to whisper, "You're one of...them."  

"What do you mean, them?" he asked, I'm not as stupid as you think I am big boy. "I'm not stupid. I saw YOUR picture on the wall in that castle," I said as I pointed to the castle that shined in the night. "Can we talk about that later?" he sounded annoyed with me. Tone it down Vic. 

"Oh, yeah sure. Sorry," I say and look away embarrassed. "I promise to tell you about vampires if you promise to tell me about what's bothering you, deal?" he stared into my eyes and rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. My cheeks felt hot. 

I told him everything that happened tearfully, "...I wanna get away, somewhere I'm not bothered. Somewhere I can focus on my art, live out my princess fantasy. It sounds kinda silly, I know," I smiled and pulled my knees to my chest. "Come with me," he said while picking my bags up and my hand. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with slight panic in my voice. "Don't worry about it," is the last thing I remember him saying to me before my entire world went black. 

Vampires Will Never Hurt You - Gerard Way DraculaWhere stories live. Discover now