Monkey D. Luffy

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Telling him:

You and Luffy have been together for 3 years. Your relationship was a wonderful one and you wouldn't change a thing. However, a change would have to be made because you found out you were pregnant. Bringing in a third person, specifically a baby, would be that change.

No cutesy way to go about it. You needed to come clean to him. Straight up. 

You walk into the kitchen to where Luffy is.

"Hey, Luffy. I need to talk to you".

"Hm? Yeah, sure. What's up?" he asks whilst simultaneously eating from a large plate of assorted meats

"It's important".

A serious expression is now plastered on his face. He puts down the bone that was freshly stripped of its meat back onto the plate "What's wrong?"

You sit down next to him but position your chair so that you are sitting directly in front of him. A sigh leaves your lips and you begin to tremble while feeling your heart beating faster.

"Hey, are you alright, [Y/N]? Did you eat too much for lunch?" he asks while reaching to put his hand on yours.

You suddenly grab his hand with your own and push them both into your thigh, staring at him.

"I'm pregnant, Luffy".

"Huh? You are?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it. I couldn't wait to tell you so I just came out with it right here and now". Tears begin to gather in your eyes and you pull your hand back, covering your face with that hand and your other.

He pulls his straw hat down slightly so that it covers his eyes, going silent for a moment

"...A baby, huh?"

Taking in a deep breath and pulling the hands off of your face, you ask him what he thinks.

"What do I think?"

"Yes. We have been together for a few years and I know we never planned for this but-" you are cut off by Luffy lifting his hat up, revealing his eyes and placing his hand on your cheek. A toothy grin on his face.

"!" he rises from his chair and begins jumping up and down, arms up in celebration. "I am going to be a dad! Hey, do you think they would like to be a pirate? Oh! Do you think they would like to wrestle?!" he asks excitingly, turning to you.

You let out another sigh but this is one of pure relief.

"No matter who they end up being, they will love doing anything and everything with you". You say sweetly with a smile.

Delivery or soon after:

Luffy walks into your two's bedroom where you are holding your son. You all just got back from the hospital only a couple days ago. 

"Hey! How are you feeling? I brought you a bunch of food so you get your strength back! Most of it is meat!"

You look over at Luffy while holding your new baby boy. "Thanks, honey. I won't eat until later though".

"What!? Why? Maybe he's hungry! Did you think about that?" he retorts with a pouty look on his face

"He was only born 2 days ago, ya goof. He can't eat solid food yet. He's a long way off from that".

"Yeah, guess that makes sense" he says, putting the large plate of food on a nearby table and sitting on the chair next to your bed. "Can I hold him for awhile?" he asks innocently.

You gently hand Luffy your peacefully sleeping newborn son. The black haired man looks down at him with loving eyes whispering "Hey, little guy.. Your mom went through a lot to bring you here. She is one tough girl. I know you'll be just as tough and brave as she is".


Your son is now 6 years old.

Him and Luffy are at his yearly doctor's appointment, seeing Chopper specifically. The two are waiting in his office.

Your son is curiously walking around the room, scanning every item with his eyes. He is fascinated with all of the tools and overall set up of the office. He stops in his tracks when his eyes land on a jar of cotton balls. "Whoa! Dad! This thing is filled to the top with cotton balls! Check it out!" he excitedly demands, rushing the jar over to his dad to hold almost tripping in the process. Luffy takes it from him and brings it up to his face. He is equally fascinated. "Wow. It's amazing how far medical science has come".

Just then, there is a soft knock on the door.

The sudden noise causes Luffy to jump "OH JEEZE!" and he quickly stretches his arm out and place the jaw back on the shelf. He gestures his pointer finger to the table where his son should be sitting. He doesn't say a word and nods with serious eyes "I won't tell, dad" is what he is thinking. He proceeds to playfully whistle to express to Chopper that he was definitely did not just have his hands over his things. Chopper walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Good morning, guys! How are you? I see we are doing your yearly check up, [S/N]"

Your son doesn't respond and puts his head down, now frowning. The reindeer asks what's wrong but doesn't get a response yet again. He starts swinging his legs back and forth and looks to his father. Luffy just smiles and extends his arm out to pat his son on the head "He's scared of getting a shot" which followed by a chuckle. The boy interjects "it's not funny! Shots hurt! I don't want one!" his expression now sour. Chopper takes notice of this and tells the boy that while he will he doesn't like shots, he does need one today. However, it will be saved until last and that he will give him a heads up before he gives it.

The reindeer sits on his rolling chair, rolls up to the boy, and stands on it. He takes the boy's heart rate, checks reflexes, and asks him a few questions. The young man does not speak during the process and his dad had to answer all of the questions. He writes some things down on the chart that is clipped onto a clipboard. He turns around and tells his patient that it is time for the shot. His eyes fill with fear and turns to face his his dad as if he is going to rescue him. Luffy puts his hands behind his head "Sorry, bud, Chopper says you need a shot so you gotta get a shot".

"It'll be okay, [S/N]. You've seen me since you were 4 years old. You know I'm always careful. I promise to make it as quick as possible and you can have a sucker afterward! I'll let you choose which flavor you want either strawberry or cotton candy!"

His tension slightly settles but it's clear that that did not let his guard down by much. Chopper asks if he is ready now. Your son looks at his dad one last time and his dad nods in response with a confident smile that says "You've got this".

Chopper uses that as his sign to proceed so he unwraps the syringe and pokes into a vial, filling it a small amount of pink fluid then flicks it in an effort to remove any air bubbles. Rolling over to [S/N]'s side, he rolls up his T-shirt sleeve to expose his shoulder. The boy is shaking and looks like he will cry at any second. However, he notices out of the corner of his eye that his dad is waving at him whilst putting his finger up to his mouth as if to say "Be quiet!" His attention is now completely dedicated to his dad not knowing what his secret move is going to be. Luffy picks up the same cotton ball jar from before, holds it up above his head, and dumps all of the cotton balls onto himself. He pretends he is shivering putting on the impression that the cotton balls represent falling snow.

The action causes the [S/N] to laugh and use his free arm to point at his dad.

"There! All done! See? Didn't hurt at all!" Chopper and Luffy say in unison

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