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Telling him: 

You and Jinbei have been together for over 4 years. Your relationship wasn't seen as the most fathomable but you both came to easily brush off any negative comments. You loved each other. Even so, you were anxious to tell him what you recently found out.

Jinbei was practicing his fish man karate on the beach right on the shoreline as you watched. The sun was setting and the water was calm. You could see all of the prints his sandals were leaving in the sand.

"You should practice as well" he says, letting out a punch

"I wanted to watch" you respond

"Watching can help one hone their skills but it's always better to act".

"I'm just not sure it would be safe for me to practice anymore".

"And why is that? Have you gotten hurt?" he asks concerned, his full attention now on you

"No, I'm fine. I am worried about someone else".

"Care to explain?"

You stay silent. The only sound that can be heard is the waves softly creeping on and off the shore.

"I'm pregnant, Jinbei".

The man's eyes widen and he stand still for a moment not saying anything. The silence breaks when he begins walking toward you, the bottoms of his sandals making contact with the wet sand. He stops when he is only inches away from you. He speaks.

"Is this something that you're sure of?"


Before you can add anything else, Jinbei holds you in an embrace.

"I never thought I would have the privilege to start a family with someone I love as much as you ".

You begin to cry and he holds you a little tighter and then you tell him that you love him.

"I will protect you and our child with my life".

Delivery or soon after:

You had just delivered and Jinbei was standing by your bedside. Breathing heavily and exhausted, he takes your daughter from you to give you a few moments to collect yourself. No words are being said. Jinbei just holds the baby close and smiles at you.

The silence doesn't last for long when he speaks up "You did wonderful. I am thankful I was able to be here with you through the process. I swear that I will not let any harm come to you or her".

"I'm glad you were here, too" you say weakly

"Please rest. The toll this has taken on your body is immense. I will hold her for now".


Your daughter was now in her late 30s  and nearly an expert at fish man karate. To get near her father's level would take much, much more time but the level she was at now was very impressive.

"You've grown so much, [D/N]. I couldn't be more proud of the woman you have become. You surpassed my expectations with training".

"I have no one to thank for that but you and mother".

"She loved you dearly and I know she is looking down at you right now feeling as proud as I am. Her illness may have taken her away from this earth but that cannot take her away from our hearts".

One Pice Guys x F Reader |You're Going To Be A Dad|Where stories live. Discover now