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Telling him:

"Buggy, are you in here?" you ask innocently as you knock on his ship's office door

"Yeah, come in" he responds not getting up from his chair. He was studying a map.

You quietly open the door and quietly shut it behind you.

"What is it?"

You walk up to him and notice he hasn't made eye contact with you. His attention is fully on the piece of paper in front of him. What you had to say was important and required his full attention so you pulled the map away and placed it on a shelf.

"Hey, what gives?! I was setting up our next trip to that island! We got weapons to sell, ya know!"

Now he is paying attention.

Instead of telling him he needed to be focused on you, you ask him a question.

"Can we hire a new crew member?"

With a perplexed look on his face"Huh? Why are you asking me that? I never announced that I was interested in looking for someone to join".

"Well, what if I told you they were already a member? They just aren't here yet".

Your boyfriend squints at you, his voice now concerned but also curious "...What are you getting at?"

Reaching for his hands, you grasp them with yours and gently pull Buggy to a standing position facing you. He just stares at you. After a few seconds, you take on of his hands and place its palm on your stomach.

"Their here right now but will be here with us later".

Buggy's eyes widen as he looks down at his hand's location. He looks back up at you, back down, and then finally back up to you. "Are you pregnant, [Y/N]? You're sure?"

A big smile is on your face and you happily confirm the news.

"I don't know what to say...". He takes a step backward mouth now wide open with the same blank stare

You knew that he was going to be surprised at this but didn't expect him to look like he just lost all of his senses. Before you could say something, a huge grin runs across his face and shouts with his arms up in the air "Yes! FINALLY!" He then dashed up to you and lifts you off of the ground and spins you around in a hug. "Our child will be the most feared pirate in the world! No one will dare cross them knowing that they have Buggy the Clown and [Y/N] as their parents!"

He pulls you into a passionate kiss and you wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"Oops. Should probably be more careful with ya now that you're knocked up" he chuckles, putting you back down cautiously.

Delivery or soon after:

The delivery went well. However, it took place on Buggy's ship. Once your pregnancy was announced, Buggy forbade you from ever leaving the ship as not to arouse attention from pirate bounty hunters and/or marines. This rule had to be followed even more strictly when the baby bump appeared. You were also Buggy's right hand crew member and vice captain so word of you having the child of 2 powerful pirates would not have been good. Therefore, a hospital birth would not have worked.

It was just you, your now husband, and the ship's doctor involved in the delivery. You had a baby girl. Her hair color was a mix of both blue Buggy's blue hair and your hair color: mainly your hair color but with blue accents. She had Buggy's eye color.

It's only been a few hours since the baby arrived. You were lying down in the ward's bed, back prompted up so you could cradle your baby girl. She was asleep.

"Might as well tell everyone that it's over. I really don't need them bothering us" the blue hair man says with annoyance

He exits the ward but doesn't go far. The entirety of the crew is standing right outside of the door.

"Gah! What are you all doing out here?! How long have you been out here?!"

"We wanted to see the new clown- I mean baby" Alvida says

"Like hell you will! [Y/N] is exhausted so she is no condition to be bothered by any of you! I only came out here to tell all of you that it's over. Now that that's settled, go the hell away! Captain's orders! GOT IT!?" He comes back into the ward and nearly slams the door shut behind him. However, he remembers that the newbornis asleep so he quickly goes to shutting it as quietly as possible.

Looking at him with tried eyes, you insist that a visitor or two would be fine. That won't fly with Buggy, though. He is now a father and a protective one at that.

"No one is going to get their dirty hands on you or our daughter. Besides, look at you... You're worn out and look like you're ready to drop dead at any second. Not to mention, I don't wanna hear the baby cry again if I can help it... She's definitely got a pair of lungs on her. Jeez".

He wasn't wrong about your state. You felt exactly how he described. You had enough energy to let out a chuckle and ask him if he was going to be this protective forever.

"You're damn right I will. No one can see you or our little girl unless I say so".


Your daughter is now 18 and an official member of the Buggy pirates. She is outspoken, fun loving, and a little sadistic. She ate a devil fruit that gave her the ability to manipulate and conjure weather and she loved using it to screw with her dad once in awhile.

Buggy was inside of the ship's mess hall and he hears his daughter shout from the ship's deck

"Hey, daaad! I brought my new boyfriend to the ship! I want you to meet him so come out here!l

Buggy was restocking the bar's booze and slammed a bottle down nearly breaking it when he heard the word "boyfriend".


He angrily makes his way to the deck talking to himself "No man is going to get involved with my daughter unless I say so. I hope he doesn't plan on living past today because I've got some knives I'll be stabbing him with..."

Opening the door to the outside of the shop, he is ready to carry out the threat. But... He doesn't see the guy or his daughter. The look on his face is now that of utter confusion but he keeps his guard up. He wonders if the boy is nearby but hiding. "You should be afraid! You're messing with Buggy the Clown here-"

"Dad! Come over this way! We are in the storage room!"

"There's the bastard. Trying to make a move on my daughter while in a closed space, huh? Not gonna happen!"

Buggy races toward the sound of his daughter's voice and reaches storage room. He furiously opens the door and is about to use his weapons when he realizes that no one is on the room. All that is in there is a broom, stored food, and stored water.

His head tilts to the side "Huh?"

Then, a torrential downpour of rain. It quickly soaks Buggy causing his makeup to run down his face, his hair to fall flat down, and his clothes to be absolutely drenched. 

Hysterical laughter can be heard "HAHAHAHAHA!! I gotcha, didn't I?!"

"Grrrr... WHAT THE HELL!?"

"There's no guy".

"Jeez, this devil fruit power is annoying, ya know that?!"

"Hey! Be careful what you say, dad! I can ruin any of your sea expeditions by unleashing a monster storm".

Buggy lets out a a sigh and then laugh. "Yeah, I guess you could!"

The rain falling onto him ceases, revealing his soaked self. He rings out his hair and then proceeds to playfully shove his daughter. 

"Nice one, honey".

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