Portgas D. Ace

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Telling him:

You found out you were pregnant 4 weeks ago. The thought of telling your partner, Ace made you anxious. You were excited and had no doubt he would be too but every time you were about the let the news out, the words wouldn't follow. You had to plan out what to say. With that being the case, you asked Sabo to come over to the home where you and Ace lived in. Sabo was a great friend of yours and you felt you could entrust him with the information as well as get some good ideas on how to break the news to Ace. 

Luffy came along, too.

Sabo and yourself were at the kitchen table drinking hot cups of tea while Luffy was eating in the living room. He had 12 plates of large slabs of meat and the kitchen table wouldn't have been able to fit it all so he lied it all out in the dining room on its table.

Sabo leans his head toward the direct of the living room "Aye! Luffy! Don't make a huge mess! I'm not about to owe Ace money for a cleanup!"

The straw hat man doesn't respond. All you can hear is him wolfing down the food.

The blonde man looks at you with a big smile. He then leans in and whispers "So you are certain you are pregnant? Congratulations. Honestly? I think you should just come out and say it. The guy can be a little dense. Be straightforward. No need to make this complicated. You're just piling more worry on your mind".

Luffy realizes that either you or Sabo had yelled something at him so he stretches out his neck so that just his head is peaking into the kitchen. He is about to ask to have whatever was said to him repeated but stops his mouth from moving after he hears what Sabo just said. "Whoa! [Y/N] and Ace are having a baby! That's awesome! THAT MEANS I WILL BE AN UNCLE!" he thinks to himself. He can barely hold it in, though. "I gotta tell Ace!" he verbally exclaims 

Ace walks through the front door just as Luffy says that.

"Hey, Luffy! [Y/N] told me you and Sabo were coming over for a bit. Looks like I came in at just the right time because you apparently gotta tell me something".

"Hell yeah, I do! [Y/N] is pregnant!"

You and Sabo freeze for a moment making undying eye contact. Sabo then shoots up from his seat and rushes over to Luffy and covers his mouth with his hand. "Luffy, you dummy! She was saving that news!"

You let out a sigh and rise from your chair. The news is out now.

"Are you sure- Phoenix, where are you!? What's going on!?"

You slowly walk into the living room staring at Ace. He bolts up to you and gives you a tight hug. "Please tell me Luffy isn't joking".

You smile and hug him back "He isn't. I asked Sabo to come over to help me think of what to say ...but it seems that Luffy said it for me".

Ace pulls away from the embrace and kisses you passionately as he rests one of his palms on your cheek. You wrap your arms around his shoulders. He pulls away again "This is amazing news. I love you" *kisses* "I love you" *kisses* "I love you".

Sabo and Luffy are looking at you with smirks on their faces. Luffy is obviously proud of what he did and Sabo is just happy that you and Ace have gladly accepted this next step in your relationship. He suddenly lets out a gasp and turns to look at Sabo, stars in his eyes "That means you and I will be uncles. So cool!"

Delivery or soon after:

The White Beard pirates were throwing a party for you and Ace to celebrate the growth of your family. It was a combination of a baby shower and a goodbye party (Ace would be taking time off from his crew to be with you and raise your child). You were 9 months along and could not, for the life of you, figure out why the party was being held now and not months earlier.

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