Eustass Captain Kid

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Telling him:

Kid has been giving you the cold shoulder as of late. You had been irritable for the past few weeks and it was putting a bit of a strain on your relationship. It wasn't in danger of ending but it was obvious that your attitude was driving him to avoid you to a noticeable degree. You couldn't figure out what it was that was upsetting you, though. Everything seemed to make you angry whether it be accidentally dropping something you were holding, Kid making a stupid joke, or even hearing a random loud noise. 

Then it hit you: your period was late. Your hormones were all out of whack and were likely the cause of your irritability. You really weren't sure how to proceed but after some thought, you ultimately decided to take a pregnancy test. You were confident that you weren't pregnant but the possibility of a positive result became more likely when you remembered that you and Kid had sex not many weeks ago.

You take a test and it reads positive.

Kid is lying down on the couch with his hands behind his head, eyes closed. You tip toe up to him and poke his face.

"What is it?" he asks without opening is eyes

You sit down next to him and begin trembling. "I'm sorry I have been so angry as of late".

"Would be lying if I said you weren't acting like a bitch".

You put your head down. You knew you had been treating him awfully. Before you could apologize again, you hear him chuckle.

"Would also be lying if I said I thought you wouldn't get over it" he says sarcastically yet lovingly, opening one of his eyes and looking at you with it.

You lie down next to him, face him, and wrap your arm around his chest, cuddling him. You rest your cheek on his chest.

"There is a reason why I was behaving that way" you speak up

"Oh, yeah? And why's that? Hey, you're shaking. What's wrong? Are you sick with something?"

You grip his shirt tightly and tell him what you found out.

He immediately sits up and you as well. He places both of his hands and both of your shoulders and looks you in the eyes. "Are you serious? How do you know?"

"I took a test".


You begin to cry and go in to hug him. "I'm sorry! I could have found out sooner but I didn't think to take a test! Please don't be mad at me!" You cry in his shoulder for a little bit until you feel him rub your back.

"Hey. Stop crying. I'm not mad".

You pull away, eyes red and tears falling down you face "You're not?"

"Are you joking? This is awesome! Our son or daughter will be a badass!"

Delivery or soon after:

You were lying in your hospital bed holding your newborn daughter. She was sleeping peacefully in your arms. Kid was sitting in a chair next to your bed with a disgruntled look on his face. You turn your head toward him and ask if he wants to hold his daughter.

"I...I do but I'm... Look, I don't know how and I don't want to hurt her. I mean, I got a giant metal arm".

"Kid... You haven't held her once since she was born a few hours ago. You need to hold her, you're her father".

"Like I just told you, I can't bring myself to do it. She's...too fragile".

"What happened to what you said all those months ago? About our kid being a badass? How can she be a badass if she isn't be held by her badass dad?"

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