CH-3 Storm Dragon Veldora

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Veldora's POV

Kwahahaha. I am the Great Storm Dragon Veldora. I have been in this cave for the last 300 years. You must be wondering why someone great like me is in this cave.

The truth is that I was sealed here by a human hero. I was just rampaging a bit and she told me to stop. Of course I decided to fight her. How dare she tell me the Great Storm Dragon to do something.

The fight was fierce even though I was taking it easy on her. But she caught me off guard and sealed me in this unlimited prison. I had been bored for the past 300 years but recently something interesting happened. I could sense a new dragon had been born. A dragon that was born by my magicules. This dragon must be very strong then. Of course , for me he would be nothing much. So, I decided to call for him and roared loudly.

Azatoth's POV

I suddenly heard a loud roar. I instinctively started to move towards the sound. What is this?

(This is Dragon's voice. Two dragons may communicate to each other via it. As Master's body is still young it reacted instinctively to move towards it. Do you want to suppress the dragon instincts and have better control over your body?

Azatoth: Yes. It would be better if the body is in my control.


Even though my body is now in my control I continue to fly towards the source of sound. Yes. Fly. Even though I have just been born I can still pretty much do everything that my body is supposed to. I guess unlike a human baby I can already hunt and fly.

In these thoughts I arrived at my destination. There was a magnificent dragon standing there. He was behind something like glass but my instincts told me to stay away from it.

Veldora: Kwahahaha. Little one you did great to come till here on your own.

Little one? I am atleast 100 years old. Due to genetic modification we humans could live for atleast 200 years. But I guess I have just been born as a dragon so I cannot deny that.

Veldora: Why are you not replying? Could it be that you cannot speak yet?

Azatoth: No. I can speak. It's just that I was surprised.

Veldora: No need to be impressed. It is natural to be awe-struck after seeing me. After all I am the Great Storm Dragon Veldora. Kwahahaha.

I look at him wide eyed. Is he that sort of guy? Just feed him a few a compliments and he will do anything for you.

Veldora: So little one do you have a name?

Name? Of course I have one. Its....
Why can't I remember it? Wisdom, what was my name?

(Master did not have a name engraved in his soul. Master's name in past life was just like an alias to the soul. Just like how Azatoth was an alias to your real name.)

Is that so?

Azatoth:I do not have a name.

Veldora:Is that so? Then let me give you a name. Your name will be Rimuru.

Suddenly a lot of magicules started flowing into me and I felt a lot more powerful. So this is naming. Wisdom did tell me that it was a process to make a monster stronger. But I did not expect it to be this effective. I am already as strong as S-rank monster and a bit more I could be categorized as a low tier disaster class monster.

Rimuru: Hey. Why don't I give you a family name. After all you are the first friend I made in this world. I could also help you to escape this prison.

Veldora: Friend. Very well we are both dragons after all. Kwahahaha.

Rimuru: Then your family name will be Tempest. Just like a storm.

Veldora: Tempest. Very well. My name is Veldora Tempest and your name is Rimuru Tempest from now on. Kwahahaha.

After that for the next few days  I learned a lot about how a dragon fights, eat and a lot of other stuff from Veldora. During this time we got closer and he started calling me his brother even though I am not a true dragon.

Veldora: So brother. How are you gonna free me?

Rimuru: Well I have a unique skill which will allow me too seperate you into a seperate sub- space where I can work on breaking your seal.

Veldora: Is that so. Then you should start right now. I have nothing else last to teach you. All you need now is experience.

Rimuru: Very well.

After that I devoured Veldora and went towards the exit of the cave. I mimicked into my human form and it was exactly the same as I was in my previous life. I did not want this look anymore. It reminds me of my past life. So I made a clone with the help of a skill I got after I killed a shadow spider and started fiddling with it until I made a look which was satisfying for me. It was more cuter than before and I could be mistaken for a girl from afar but close up it was clear that I was a boy.

But most importantly, I looked like her. I wonder if my child would have looked like this.

After changing my appearance I went towards the exit of the cave. The door of the cave was broken. Had someone entered the cave. I might have to kill them if they saw me. I am still quite strong from humans point of view.

(3 people entered the cave while master was playing with his clone and not paying attention. As for Master's second question they had not noticed you as by mimicking into a human form the amount of magicules released also decreases.)

Is that so? Let's go before anyone notices me. I quickly got out of the cave and looked around. So this the Jura forest. Let's see how strong I am and how much I can still fight. I use my magic eyes and search for the monster with the highest magicule quantity. After finding it I move towards it.


I hope you guys liked it. This is the first chapter I have t written to cross 1000 words. Anyhow i hope you guys enjoyed it. Criticism is always welcome.

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