Rimuru's POV
It is the next day. Today we will be heading down to the second section. We reach the door and I pass magic through the last part of the lock, opening it.
The middle section was dimly lit. Along with machine lit lighting of the earlier section, there were candles here as well.
"The mood changed here quickly, didn't it, bestie?"
"Yep, Milim. It is quite oppressive. The ceiling is low, the walls are closer making the place narrower and it appears it wouldn't even be possible for two people to walk side by side."Alright. Me and Milim will be walking in front, checking for any traps. You all can follow behind us. Shion, Gobta, come at the end to protect them in case of something."
"Understood."We then continued to delve deeper. We found various ancient murals, drawings etc. The problem is that all of them seem to date back about 2500 years at most. Yet these ruins are built on top of another ruins which are much older.
After a few hours we decided to take a break. A person set up a temporary camp and was about to start a fire to cook.
"No need to cook. I have brought food with me. Also, do not make fire in enclosed spaces. Even if the ventilation seems fine. We have no idea when the ventilation route might shut down."
"Hai. Sorry." The person looked down timidly.
"Well, here you go. Start eating." I say, taking the food out of my stomach.After having lunch, we continued to go to the deepest part of the section. There was a mysticist and a shamaness. With the help of spirit communication and making maps, we made it to the end of the section quickly. After that we decided to go back for the day and continue tomorrow.
Day 3
We decided to divide the group into two. One group would crack the code on the gate to go deeper. Meanwhile the others would explore the rest the middle section. Milim, Shion, Gobta and few of the group along with Ranga went to explore. Meanwhile I was with the group cracking the code. This was more complex than the last one. It took me nearly half an hour to crack it, without help from Raphael. I am sure Raphael had this cracked like in a second. Anyway, I didn't intervene and let them do their job. Mainly because it would be troublesome if Milim came here and the gate was opened. After nearly an hour, Milim and the other arrived.
"Bestieeeee. Look at this. We got so much loot."
She was busy riding on Ranga. The other members and Gobta was carrying all the loot. They had majorly found weapons. Though not great, they had absorbed a lot of magicules and become strong.
"We also found this odd sword. It seems to be a unique grade." Kagali said giving me a curved sabre. My eyes widened as Raphael told me what it was.
<These types of swords is called a 'tulwar' and was used in 16th to 18th century in the Indian Subcontinent.>
Tulwar? Why is a weapon like this here? Did someone get summoned here with it? This confirms that time is not a major factor when being summoned. I had only met otherworlders who were from the early 21st century. Of course, I am an exception, but I was reincarnated, not summoned. So I might be a odd case.
"I will be keeping this sword. I return you can keep some of those armors." I said pointing to the armors they brought. They were not unique grade, but rather on the higher end of rare grade.
"That is fine with us" Kagali said.
"By the way, where did you find this?"
"A golem had this."
"Yep. We just turned into a corridor and a defense system activated. Many golems came in. They were carrying this."
"Milim, how many time have I told you to be careful? We don't know about what might be here. You mustn't let your guard down."
"I'm sorry." She said in a low tune.Just as she said that, sudden jolt was felt throughout the ruins.
"What was that?"
"Earthquake? "
"We must leave.... it might cave in."
"Calm down. It was a jolt. Not an earthquake. " that one line from Kagali was enough to calm everyone down.Suddenly alarms began to ring.
"Did the alarms to Amrita's defense system go off on their own?"
"No. Their are intruders. They set off some alarms on their way."Many golems came in poring from different places.
"Looks like the intruders are behind me. Don't worry though, I will protect you guys."
"Thank you."
"But who would be foolish enough to go after a demon lord."
"But, Rimuru-sama, what was that tremor earlier?" Gobta asked quite a valid query.
"Don't worry. It isn't something that you need to know. Rather, you and Shion should focus on taking care of these golems."
"Understood-ssu."I use magic perception to see outside and saw it. The chaos dragon. It looked quite fundamentally different from me. I guess even if we have the same species, here can be variations. Oh well. I am pretty sure I can deal with it. Even if it has more magicules than me.
"Umm. That. Bestie, I have some work to take care of. You see that dragon.."
"I know. It is the one, right? Good luck. I will come to help you quickly. Don't destroy the nearby area too much."
Her eyes went wide for a moment but soon a smile came over her face.
"Thanks, Rimuru."
She said and teleported. Meanwhile Gobta and Shion are struggling due to the cramped space.
"I will open up the gate. It might be wider there."
"I see. Then we will quickly-"
"Don't worry. I will do it." I say as I quickly undo the seal and open the gate."Quickly, get inside." I say. The investigation team enters followed by Kagali and me. Gobta comes next, followed by Shion and then finally the golems. But now the fight was turning around. Shion is now able to move freely and is pulverizing the golems without a second thought.
It seems I will have to get serious if I have to save that dragon.
>Raphael, battle mode.<
<Understood.>My arms and legs were now covered by my scales. These are a part of my body and their defense capabilities are low class mythical class.
Meanwhile my torso is a bit less defended. This is because of my fighting style. We humans were weak. So in my previous life, I had to make my own self bait to mange a counter attack on those species which were stronger.
Seeing me transform, a member asked, "Who would be stupid enough to fight a demon lord."
"I have many people who want me dead. Well, I guess we will get to know soon enough."Hearing my reply they stood there silently.
"Why do you have so many opponents, Rimuru-sama? You seem like someone who will talk through things if something happens. Is it because you are demon lord?"
"Hmmm. Why huh? Maybe it will be better for you to understand this way. Every person has his own viewpoint and ambition. Some are willing to go as far as hurt others to accomplish what they want. For reference, Farmuth attacked us because they wanted to take over our goods and prevent us from growing. I wouldn't sit quietly would I now?""So, do you think that you are justified in what you did?"
"Hmm? No. Not really."
"Listen to me. What is justice anyway? Different people have different descriptions of justice. Even the God Veldanava himself had the Ultimate Skill Justice King Michael. I heard it from Milim. Even then, he is dead now. Whether he can or cannot revive is a different thing. What I mean to say is, that in a war, only the winning side is just. Only the winners have the right to write history. That has been the untold truth. Whether you accept it or not. The wars themselves occur just to maintain peace.""Even so. If you respected the other side, couldn't you have come to a conclusion?"
Hmm? How should I explain this to her. Lucky for me, another person said it for me.
"Impossible. It's impossible. People have endless desire. Even if one side gives up, their demands will keep getting bigger and bigger." A child like voice answered.
Everyone turns to look who it was. There was a girl there, who I had met seen in the festival, Maribell. Beside him was Yuuki, Gaiye and another person whom I don't know about. I wonder who he is. Anyways, the three are manipulated. Atleast that is what most believed. I guess this is the place where we fight.
That is it. I hope you guys liked it. Enjoy. Like and follow. Managed to write this in the middle of my exams. I will become regular only after the exams, somewhere in early April.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?
FanfictionThis story follows the life of rimuru tempest but his past life will be different. After dying fighting for humanity 'Azatoth' perishes. When Azatoth believes that his life is coming to an end, A miracle happens. He is reborn as a dragon. This is my...