Rimuru's POV
As all of us slowly begin to eat, we also begin our discussion.
"So, Rimuru. What exactly do you want to discuss, calling all of us here?" Gazel asked. Truth be told, he is the one who knows the least about what is going on.
"I would love to elaborate, but I believe someone like Guy or Feldway would know more about this." I say, allowing Feldway to continue.
"Yes. So, the main reason we are all here is to deal with Ivarage."
"Ivarage?" Gazel asked confused. He wasn't the only one though. Elmesia was in the same boat as him. And so was Leon, but he didn't let that show."Right. I completely forgot that the new generation will have no information on Ivarage. Ivarage, also known as the world destroying dragon, is one of the, if not largest menace to this world. Veldanava-sama himself sealed him in a seperate dimension."
"So? What's the problem?" Elmesia asked.
"The seal holding Ivarage is broken. For now, I have somehow managed to put it together, but it wouldn't be long before it shatters completely. The seal made by Veldanava-sama is too complicated for me to replicate."
"What about you sensei? Aren't you really good in such stuff?" Chloe asked.
"*Sigh* I also analysed the seal. You need some sort of authority to even tinker with it. Unfortunately, I don't have the authority. I can't even analyse the seal properly due to this."
"So, how long do we have?" Leon asks.
"Nearly a year.""Let's get to the main point. What can we do? If even God could only seal it away, what are the chances that we can do anything?" Gazel asked. A realist as always.
"Well, there is a still a shred of luck left with us. All preperations for the revival of Veldanava-sama is complete. The only thing is, it will take nearly a year for him to revive."
"And? Which one will happen first?" Elmesia asked.
"Unfortunately, Ivarage will most certainly be released first."
"Tch. What can we even do? Can we even stall for some time?" Ruminas's asked."Guy, Velzard and I had fought against him once. We had somehow managed to hold our own for a few days before we ran out of magicules and it was then that Veldanava-sama intervened."
"Then why call us? I can understand the demon lords, but why us? We are nowhere near as strong as you guys." Luna said, and Gazel and Elmesia nodded in approval.
"Now now, don't say that. Especially after your recent fights. Right now, we need all the fighting force we need." I say, "and really, to tell you, I do have done other motive." I continued.
"Dwargon, Sarion and Hyme. These three kingdoms are one of the largest and strongest countries in the world."
"What are you implying?" Elmesia asked, a bit skeptical.
"Nothing. Just that, like Tempest, you all have a secret weapon, don't you?"
"You mean like that wall that came out of nowhere and wiped off the invaders?" Luna asked.As expected, she was really keeping an eye on that battle.
"Not exactly the same as that, but yeah. Something like that."
"And what makes you so sure?"
"Well, Hyme, Sarion and Dwargon are much more advanced than other countries. Especially in terms of military power."
"Technology isn't something that just progresses on its own over a short period of time. It's practically impossible for just some parts of the world to be overly advanced, while others live in the past. But! But, that is exactly what's happening in this world. Why do you think that is so?" I ask.
Feldway and Guy were seriously interested in what I had just said and giving it serious thoughts. Meanwhile Gazel and Elmesia were surprised that I had caught up onto their secret so quickly.
"... Because the technology regressed." Guy mumbled.
"Exactly! It's not that Dwargon, Sarion or Hyme became more advanced than the world. Rather the technological level of the world fell, but Dwargon, Sarion and Hyme were able to preserve that technology which is now lost."
"And what proof do you have?" Elmesia asked, trying to hide her secret, though it is completely futile.
"Well, I guess Luna already knows why and what I know about Hyme, so I guess I don't have to tell you that, do I?" I ask facing Luna. She just smiled and shook her head in denial.
"Well then, for Dwargon, there is a large empty region inside the mountain. The amount of magicules there is also limited, and from my experience, I can tell that it is a hidden base. As for Sarion. The great tree that you worship. It isn't just a place where people's faith gather, but also their strength. It also hides something inside it. The amount of magicules inside the tree is just off."
Elmesia had no way to counter it. Even though this wasn't conclusive proof, she had no way to deny it.
"Hahaha. You are as interesting as always Rimuru. That's correct. We do have something inside the mountain. But unfortunately, we have no way to utilise it." Gazel spoke up, accepting what I had said.
"Hoh? I am quite interested. Why don't you show me what it is? Maybe I would know how to use it."
"Haha. That's right. It might as well belong to your past world, because it most definitely doesn't belong to this world."
"So you want us to help you fight against Ivarage using our secret weapons." Elmesia asked.
"Aah! It seems you misunderstood. We don't 'want' you to fight, you have no other choice but to fight. If you don't, you say goodbye to your precious country." I state as a matter of fact.
Elmesia, who finally accepted reality, realised the gravity of the situation.
"But, even then, what are the chances that we can even do anything. I don't want any sugarcoats. Tell me the truth." Gazel asked.
"Me and Guy, along with Velzard were able to fend it off. With Rimuru's and Milim's help, it might not be impossible to stall for time." Feldway answered.
"If that's the case, what is the point of us being called here?" Gazel asked.
"You see. The fight will leave the world in a huge dilemma. Especially with us demon lords away, most people might give up on life and start doing dangerous activities. Dangerous not only for them, but their surroundings as well." I answer.
"So you want us to look over them and prevent such tragedies?"
"Yep.""I see."
With this confirmation, the party continued in a solemn silence as everyone tried to register all the information they had received and continued to plan what to do.
After the main dinner was done, both Feldway and Dino left. Leon went to talk with Chloe. Masayuki and Velgrynd were busy flirting. Ramiris, Milim, Guy and Velzard were taking about something.
Meanwhile, I joined Gazel, Elmesia and Luna in their discussion about the future of their kingdoms.
"... That's what I believe would be the best." Elmesia finished proposing her views.
"By the way, King Gazel, I am thinking of visiting you in a few days regarding the weapon you were taking about."
"Alright. I will prepare for your arrival."And slowly the night came to an end. All the demon lords returned via teleportation. Meanwhile Elmesia and Gazel went by carriage. Luna decided to stay and talk with Ultima, so she left the next day in the morning.
I hope you guys like it

That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?
FanfictionThis story follows the life of rimuru tempest but his past life will be different. After dying fighting for humanity 'Azatoth' perishes. When Azatoth believes that his life is coming to an end, A miracle happens. He is reborn as a dragon. This is my...