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Rimuru's POV

Mizeri and Rain, who had just heard my statement were frozen on the spot.

"Like I said, I will evolve you two, so don't resist. Let's start with you Rain."

Rain then comes and stands in front of me, as i transfer nearly a 100,000 souls to her, causing her to awaken. But, unlike all my executives, except Diablo, she didn't fall into an evolutionary slumber. Her body got wrapped in a blue cocoon. As her evolution was progressing, i moved on to Mizeri. I quickly transfer a 100,000 soul to her as well, and just like Rain she also begins evolving.

"I still don't get it why you can do this, but not me."
"Don't worry. It just means that I am better than you."
"Sure. Let's keep it at that. I am sure you wouldn't tell me anyways."
"After all, you are strong enough already. I don't want to make you any stronger."

"Tch. So you do know about my skills."
"Only guesses though."
"I am surprised as to how accurate these
'guesses' of yours are."
"Why, thank you."

Soon enough, both Rain and Mizeri complete their evolution. From the outside, nothing seems to have changed, but the amount of magicules in them has increased a lot.

"Well then, now that this is done, i will go and take a look around your country. I am sure you don't mind do you?" Guy said with a grin on his face.
"Sure. Do whatever you want. Diablo. Guide Guy around Tempest." As soon as I called him, Diablo teleported beside me.

"Understood, Rimuru-sama."
"Oioi. Wait a minute, Rimuru."
"Well then, have a great day." I say as i teleport away to my room in the labyrinth.

Haha. He thought he could outwit me. Serves him right.

I then proceed to move out of the labyrinth and head towards Yoshida's shop, where Velzard is.

Once I open the door to enter the shop, I don't even have to search for the spot where Velzard is sitting. Everyone had their eyes glued to Velzard as she was eating the cake. I quietly entered the shop and went to the reception.

"Ah! Rimuru-sama. How can I help you?"

I visit this shop often, so the receptionist has gotten used to me. So it usually isn't much of a hassle like it used to be, whenever they saw me.

"Could you bring the usual coffee. I would be with Velzard." I say pointing towards Velzard.

I then go to the seat Velzard was sitting in, and sat opposite to her. Most of the people only noticed me now, and upon recognising me, went on with their jobs. Obviously, there were some humans who continued to look lustfully at Velzard, but she didn't seem bothered by it. More like, in front of the cake, she didn't even bother about them.

"So? How are the cakes?" I ask.
"Quite delicious." She replies without even looking at me.

She continues to eat the cake that was on the table. After some time my coffee arrived as well, and i started drinking it without disturbing her.

"Done with your talks with Guy?" She abruptly asks me, while I was looking out of the window.

"Hmm? Yah. Diablo is showing him around the city."
"The black primordial Noir."
"I see. Mind if I ask a question?"
"Sure. Go ahead."
"How many people have you killed with your own hand?"
"Huh? Why do you ask? Or rather, what type of question is this?"
"Just something to satisfy my curiosity."
"I have lost count. In my past life, i killed many people. There was also a phase of my life where I was an assassin, for money."
"What did you do after you earned the money? Did you quit?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"I will tell you. Answer me first."
"Because it would have been a betrayal to all the people I had killed. I personally believe that the way a killer could die, is to be killed the way he killed his victims."
"Do you regret killing them?"
"Then, you will be fine."
"Fine. I will tell you. You know about my elder brother, right?"
"The first True Dragon, Veldanava?"
"Yes. His ultimate skill «Justice King Michael» is from the virtue series. It is in fact, the strongest barrier in this world. But, that is only the main use. It also has a passive subskill. That subskill will weaken you the more regrets you have. My brother told me about it."

Rudra has someone else's skill? An Ultimate at that? Is that even possible?

"Why tell me this?"
"Because you are going to fight Rudra, right?"
"Not like I have an option."
"I see. Then, good luck. I want to meet my brother after all this time. Could you take me to him."
"Sure." I say as we both leave the cafe towards the labyrinth. On the way, she tells me quite a fair bit about Velgrynd and how she fights.

After a bit of discussion, we finally reach the labyrinth. I got a lot of information from Velzard. I do feel bad for Veldora, but i guess it was not a bad deal at all. I take Velzard to Veldora's room.

"Yo Veldora. Your sister wanted to meet you, so I brought her here." I say as i open the door. The look of dread on his face was something else. Oh boy!

"Well then, i will not disturb you siblings. Take your time." I say as I quickly peace those two alone and close the door.

"DON'T SCREAM. Looks like you need some training."

Those were the last words I heard before i teleported back to my room. I spent the rest of the day thinking about how to deal with the Empire. During the evening, both Guy and Velzard, along with Mizeri and Rain came to meet me.

Velzard had a refreshed look on her face as if she had vented out all her pent up anger on Veldora. Meanwhile, Guy was dead. So were Mizeri and Rain. Just what the hell did Diablo do?

"Going back? If you want, i can have Diablo prepare a room for you."
"No. No need Rimuru. I have some work to do. So I really need to go."
"Is that so? A pity."
"Well, then we will be going."

Just as I thought everything would settle down, some more bad news came. Moss Souei teleported and was the harbinger of bad news.

"Rimuru-sama, there is movement in the Eastern Gate of Dwargon."
"Eastern Gate? Wasn't that where Yuuki's forces were?"
"Hai. It appears a single woman has caused rampage. From what i have heard, it could be the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd."
"I see. Continue to monitor. I will those three there."

She is most definitely not serious, if she was, her actions wouldn't have ended with just 'movement'.

'Testarossa. Listen, take Carrera and Ultima with you and go to Dwargon. It appears that Velgrynd has made a move. I want you to stall her for me."
"Understood, milord." Testarossa said before our communication was cut.

Now then. Let's get the preparations to meet her finished. Looks like things will become chaotic.


That's it. A bit short, but was busy, sorry about that. I hope you guys enjoy.

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