This story follows the life of rimuru tempest but his past life will be different.
After dying fighting for humanity 'Azatoth' perishes. When Azatoth believes that his life is coming to an end, A miracle happens.
He is reborn as a dragon.
This is my...
I have sent Testa over to Farmuth. She should be back by tomorrow. Let's see how I evolved. >Partner, give me my status.> <Affirmative.> >One minute< <?> > Is it just me or are you more fluent?< <Negative. It is just your imagination.> >Really? Are you sure you are not more fluent than before,Wisdom?< <Negative. Notice. Unique skill 《Wisdom》has evolved into an ultimate skill《Wisdom Lord Raphael》.> >Is that so? Well then, I will still call you partner, okay? Still to think I will get an ultimate skill, which is at the pinnacle of skills upon becoming a true demon lord.< <Correction. Two Ultimate Skills.> Ehhhhhhhh!!!!!! Two? >Give me my status quick.< <Understood. Name: Rimuru Tempest Race: Chaos Dragon EP: 5,625,017 Ultimate skills:- 1) Wisdom Lord Raphael 2)Gluttonous Lord Beelzebuth Unique skills:- 1)Covenence 2)Degenerate (Copied from Shizue) All the unique skills of you subordinates are also available due to food chain of Beelzebuth. > (A/N:- I am not writing Resistance and such as they are mostly the same. Also for comparison, Rimuru after the true dragon evolution had an Ep of 7 million.) >Wait. I don't have mimic? How am I maintaining my human form?< <Master's body has been completely seperated from the metallic part. The metallic body still counts as a part of the body and can be used as such. It has evolved into Dragonite and is present in Master's stomach.> >Is that so. I see.< I see teleport to the the Sealed cave and transformed into my Dragon form.
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(Kudos to TURN_NULL for sending this to me. Image is not mine.) There was no hint of any metal left. I quickly turned back to my human form. Not many know that I am a Dragon. Surprisingly, Milim kept her word and did not reveal my secret.
I went back to my room and summoned Carrera and Ultima. "How are the preparations for the attack?" "They are going without a hitch, my lord." Catrera replied. "Very well. I only want 5 archdemons and about 200 greater demons. You can divide it amongst your lineage. Also, you are free to rampage as much as you want, but don't forget your main tasks." "Understood" After that they went back to the room where they were before most probably to decide who will attack. I got a thought communication from Benimaru. 'My lord, it appears that refugees from Eurazania have arrived. What should we do?' 'Refugees? What happened? Bring their representatives to me. Meanwhile, tell Geld to prepare a place for them.' 'Understood.'
After waiting for sometime, Benimaru entered the room followed by Albis and Sophia. "It is a pleasure to meet you again, Ruler of Tempest, Rimuru-sama. " "Me too, Albis. So what happened?" "Milim-sama declared war on us a week ago. We evacuated before the common folk could get injured. Carrion-sama should be fighting her right now." What is Milim thinking? Declaring war on Carrion. "I see." Suddenly a guard enters, followed with Phobio. "What happened to Carrion-sama? Weren't you spying on their fight?" Sophia asked. "Carrion-sama lost. Demon lord Frey joined with Demon lord Milim and then Demon Lord Frey killed...." He hesitated to finish his sentence. Anger could be felt in his tone yet at the same time it was helpless. "Did you see Carrion die?" "No. But there is a high chance." "No. I believe he is still alive. Milim has nothing to gain from killing you." "Demon lord Frey flew back to her territory afterwards along with Milim." "Don't worry. I am pretty much sure Carrion is alive. Tempest, as an allied nation will help you." "We are glad to recieve your help my lord." After saying so, everyone left the room. I contacted the clone that I had slipped into Milim along with the honey when we first met. I took in all of its memories. It appears Clayman is trying to control Milim, Milim is acting like she is controlled, Frey is being threatened to work for Clayman due to Milim. What the hell is happening? I leave Milim alone for a few months and she wiped out a entire country. What the hell?
1 week has passed. Today is the day that we will attack Farmuth. Nearly 200 greater demons and 4 archdemons, namely Veyron, Zonda, Agera and Espirit, had been put under Testa's command. Half of them from Ultima's lineage and other half from Carrera's. I told Testa to capture the king, archbishop and any members of the Ten Great Saints. Moss had already reported to me that Saare and Glenda from the Ten Great Saints had been deployed in Farmuth.
I was not present at the battlefield but the battle, or should I say massacre, only lasted for a few hours. Testa used all her resources perfectly and ended up sieging and taking over the capital within an hour. Most of the nobles had already escaped, but Moss had tracked them down and captured them. This is where Youm came in. He had the job to hand over the nobles to us in return for the safety of the common people. He would then continue to say how it was a rulers job to think about the people and so on, gaining support. In a country which had lost majority, if not all the top brass, he will quickly ascend to power. With his title of Champion, he would be crowned the king. Tempest would then make a peace treaty with the new born Kingdom of Farmenas, which will make Farmenas a vassal state to Tempest. I thought it would take quite a fair bit of time to complete this procedure, but Testa managed to the first half of the plan within two days. Meanwhile, the only thing that was left was the peace treaty. While there was carnage in Falmuth, Gazel had come to visit. Ellen also came a few days back to check on our condition. Gazel, as usual, came on his pegasus. As he dismounted he said," You look fine, Rimuru." "Ya. Nothing much happened. Other than Farmuth attacking and me declaring war on them." "Farmuth, huh? Their king was quite a greedy one. In the past few years, our relationship deteriorated quite a fair bit." "I see. By the way who are you?", I said pointing towards the tree. Suddenly an elf came out. "Oh, its the elf. It's been a long te Erald." "If it isn't his majesty. You have surely been buttering up to the ruler of monsters. " "Homonuculi?" "Oh it seems you know what this is, Rimuru Tempest. By the way I cannot forgive you for laying your hand on my daughter." Daughter? Seeing the confused look on my face Gazel told me," Ellen. He is talking about Ellen." "Oh. I see." Meanwhile Erald was casting a disaster grade magic. It was a magic that could have wiped out a city if launched. But it would be much more threatening if he had enough magicules to attack. Seeing that I did not respond he stopped. "Looks like I can't fool you." Suddenly Ellen came running from behind and hit him with her wand. "Papa, you baka. Stop bothering Rimuru-san." After that we decided to have a meeting regarding what to do. Though there was not much deviation, it appears both Dwargon and Sarion wanted to keep their distance from the Church. During the meeting, Ramiris barged in telling me about the Walpurgis. It really is one trouble after the other. ------------------ That is it. Daily updates might not be possible in the future. Will try though. Enjoy.