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3rd Person POV

Rimuru had received proper co-ordinates of the Spaceship hovering over them. He knew that his brother was there, thanks to the information from his future, but that doesn't mean he had the exact coordinates.

But now, now that he had the coordinates, he could make a swift move to take them down in one fell swoop. Rimuru quickly turned his Spaceship, making it turn around the mothership. Rimuru used the Spaceship as a slingshot and made his way towards his brother's ship.

Obviously, before leaving, Rimuru left a present for the mothership. A present that they wouldn't like. Rimuru had shot 8 missiles, the maximum his ship could at once. These missiles are much more powerful than normal cannon blasts and could easily dent, if not pierce the hull of even a defensive Spaceship.

The mothership, still recovering from the EMP strike could do nothing but be at the missile's mercy. Out of the 8, only 3 managed to connect. 4 of the missiles were shot down, and one brave pilot, sacrificed himself by bringing his own ship in the path of the missile, to prevent the missile from hitting the mothership.

His sacrifice was not in vain. The missile he had stopped were aimed directly at the ammunition room. If it were to connect, all the ammunitions would explode, completely destroying the motherships. This might also be the reason why other Spaceships didn't try shoot down the missile.

Even though the mothership wasn't destroyed, it was effectively useless. It already couldn't move, but now, it couldn't attack or carry resources. It's storage, auxiliary engines and weapons were destroyed. It could just sit there and wait, hoping its side would emerge victorious.

"Why doesn't Rimuru just use fire magic? Just blow up the entire piece of junk." Guy commented.

To this Veldanava just laughed.

"There is not enough magicules in this world to make an explosion as large as in our world. It will only be useful for starting a small ember. Even that won't last for long. But that doesn't mean it isn't used. Humans are quite a curious species after all. They found a way to use even that weak flame for their cause."

To this, Guy couldn't say anything. He had felt the lack of magicules in the surroundings. But he believed it was because they were in a void. To him, this entire world was like an encrypted code. He could only decode a bit at a time.

As Rimuru continued to close the distance between his ship and his brother's, Rimuru could see his Target. In the darkness of space, he wasn't able to see the ship he was looking for, but now that he had seen it once, he had decided he wouldn't let it go unnoticed.

He shot 4 of the remaining 8 missiles he had, straight at the Spaceship. Unfortunately, they were blocked by the barrier of the ship. The barrier, though, was unable to face the attack of 4 missiles, shattered.

Realising they were attacked, the ship moved, without wasting a single second. What ensued was a literal cat and mouse game. Rimuru didn't give his brother any chance to turn the tables on him. But, his brother's ship was superior in nearly all specs. Rimuru, who was unable to catch up, and his brother, who was constantly trying to create a breathing space, were completely unbothered by the things going on in their surroundings.

After some time, most of the other pilots had decided to hold their positions and let the two leaders sort it out. Rimuru, realising that everyone had stopped, also stopped chasing his brother. His brother realising this, finally stopped his ship, and turned it around to face rimuru's ship. For the first time, his ship was aiming at Rimuru.

Everyone continued to wait and see the next move that Rimuru would make. Rimuru slowly stood up from the cockpit, and sent a message to Krishna through a secret radio frequency.

"This is an order..."

Rimuru came out of his ship. He came out of his ship and stood outside the hull and climbed his way to the top of his ship. Seeing this, everyone was surprised. Thanks to the airfield, he was able to breathe, but even then, he was completely defenseless. Any of the ships could have shot him down, yet none of them did.

This is because Rimuru had challenged his brother to a duel.

"Brother. Let's fight one on one. Let's decide this once and for all." Rimuru said as he summoned his black sword. His strong voice being the only sound to be heard in the other wise dead silent universe.

This sword was the reason no one attacked him. It is known to devour any attack that comes its way. Everyone believed it to be one of the best defensive relic. But what they didn't know was, that the sword hailed as the strongest defensive relic, is in fact, a weapon that can cause mass destruction. The reason no one knew about this was because no one survived after seeing the true capabilities of the sword.

"Very well." Rimuru's brother said as he himself left his ship.

Rimuru's POV

As my brother came out of his ship, I decide on the future course of events. There is no way I can defeat him. True, I have a lot more experience than him. But there are some things in this world that cannot be defeated by just experience.

My brother was clad in an armour. Just like mine, it was also a soul armour. He had two short daggers, a single hand sword and a gun. All of them were soul weapons. Weapons beyond comprehension. I, obviously, had faced them. I know what each of them can do, yet there is no way to stop them. It's the same as knowing that a nuke will fall on your location in ten minutes. Even if you know about it, there is nothing you can do in ten minutes.

Similarly, without preparation I have little to no chance of winning this duel. Neither do I have my soul armour, which I had acquired later, nor do I have my sister's sword for defense. Right now, I cannot defeat him. But that doesn't mean I cannot win. I just have to make sure that I don't lose.

3rd Person POV

Unbeknownst to even himself, Rimuru had come to a conclusion. Somewhere deep down, he had realised that this was not real. Even though everything around him was real to him, the fact that he had spent an entire century in this world, followed by his reincarnation into another one. It was just too elaborate for it to be a dream.

And also, he remembers that moment vividly. The moment that had haunted him for years. The mistake which he spent his entire life to correct. He realised that the Ciel he had met with wasn't the one he had known. The Ciel he knew was dead. This world was nothing more than a fiction.

But, even if this world was fictional, Rimuru wanted to correct his mistake. Correct what he had done wrong. Even if it held no value now. Even if it was too late, he wanted to protect that precious smile.


How was it? I hope you guys like it. Also, many of you seem to be confused regarding what is going on. So, here's a summary.

Ivarage, while dying activated an unique skill he had gotten from Veldanava. Rimuru, the target of the skill, was sent to an alternate universe, where he relives the most depressing of his memories. Rimuru has a single way of escaping, that is, by changing the timeline to be better for him. Who decides it is a better future? He himself. If his soul is satisfied, then he will be able escape, but if it isn't, his soul will be destroyed. Also, Rimuru had no idea regarding how to escape.

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