This story follows the life of rimuru tempest but his past life will be different.
After dying fighting for humanity 'Azatoth' perishes. When Azatoth believes that his life is coming to an end, A miracle happens.
He is reborn as a dragon.
This is my...
I am in my office as Shuna is helping me in my paperwork. I had to do a lot of paperwork in my past life, but this is still too much. There are stacks upon stacks of paperwork I need to do. I am currently using thought acceleration as much as my can to quicken my pace but I am barely half as fast as Raphael. I can't even use my own skills at their full potential. I still have a lot to learn.
I was busy doing paperwork when Akamaru came into the room. I usually do the paperwork in the fourth floor to seperate my private and public work. "Rimuru-sama, it seems that a pixie has come here calling herself Demon lord Ramiris. Even Treyni-san is there. What should we do?" "Oh. Ramiris is here. Bring her to me." "Hai." After that Akamaru went outside the room. I continued to do my paperwork. After about fifteen minutes Ramiris finally entered the room.
"Rimuruuuuu. Is it true that you will give me a job? Will I not be a shut-in anymore." "No. You will still be a shut-in but you will be getting paid for being a shut-in." "Huh?" "You see, I want you to build a labyrinth in Tempest. I will show you the location later on. You can stay in the lowest floor and continue your research. I will even support you in your research." After that we continued to discuss about how to create a dungeon and decided to use Veldora as a magicule battery. After designing the labyrinth for nearly a week, I let Ramiris create a 100 floor labyrinth for challenger's and adventurers. There were 10 extra floors for Ramiris, Veldora and researchers.
After Ramiris went to Veldora to build a labyrinth, I continued on the paper work.
That night....
After completing my paperwork, I was in my room. I had just come out of the bath and was about to go to sleep when I got a thought communication from Testarossa. 'Rimuru-sama, can I have a bit of your time?' 'Ya sure. What is it Testa?' 'It is regarding your vision of diplomacy with other countries.' 'Isn't that important? Come to my room, let's discuss there.' 'Hai.' I stood up and made tea for us while waiting for Testa. As teleportation wasn't allowed, she had to come on foot. After some time I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." "Pardon my intrusion." Testarossa said as she came in. "Sit down. The tea is nearly ready." "Rimuru-sama, there was no need to do that." "It is alright. You have been working quite a fair bit. Anyhow." I place the tea for the two of us on the table. Even though I will go to sleep, I can forcefully dissolve caffeine, so it's alright." About what you were talking about." "Yes, as the military attache, I wanted to know what kind of relations you wanted with other countries." "Hmmm. I believe it will be better to have a friendly relationship with them. Try to enter the council if it doesn't undermine us. Also, I know that someone called Granbell Rosso is trying to oppose me in the West, so be careful of his schemes. If only Yuuki took the mangas I gave him to meet with him." "Mangas?" "Nothing. Anyway, does that clear your doubts." "Hai." "Well, I also want to ask about a few things." "Please ask, Rimuru-sama." "It is about souls. Could you tell me everything you know about it. You demons should be good at manipulating them right?" "Well, that is true but majority of it is still speculation as we cannot confirm it."
"That's alright. Why don't you tell me everything you know about souls and reincarnation." After that Testarossa explained it to me. In short, a soul is like a ball. The outer part of the soul is the one that defines our personality, meanwhile the inside or core is the astral body. True Dragons have such strong souls that even after their death, their astral bodies remained unharmed. The astral bodies protect certain memories. This is something that I can confirm due to Veldora. She said that the demon believe that after the soul goes for reincarnation, it gets broken into thousands of pieces and it randomly assorts itself with millions of other soul pieces of other people to create a new person and a new soul. There is a minuscule chance that the same soul will be formed. The chances that it happened with me should be non existent. Was I really just that lucky?
After that Testarossa went back to her work. I then went to sleep.
1 week later....
The labyrinth is finally completed. The only thing remaining is to optimize the labyrinth so that adventurers could come here to make money. By making it possible to revive inside, it is the perfect place to train and become strong. I went to the 100th floor. Ramiris and Veldora were there.
"Ramiris, how are you?" "I am completely fine Rimuru. Mentor's magicules helped a lot." "Is that so? Well, I came here because I think it is the perfect time to absorb all the chaotic energy inside you." "Its finally time? Yay!" She started screaming. I look towards Veldora and he is busy reading manga while releasing his aura.
"Fine. Ramiris, do not create trouble for me. It will take some time. Also make sure you don't tell it to anyone that you have gained your true form." "Alright." >Raphael< <Understood> Raphael then started absorbing all of the Milim's chaotic energy. It took about five minutes before I could absorb it all. Considering how much stronger my absorbing rate had become, it still took me five minutes to absorb, just how strong is Milim?
After I finished absorbing I sensed something changing inside of me. Raphael started working on whatever it was. I focused on Ramiris in front of me. She had regained her true form. She surely looks to have a lot of dignity. I can't blame Treyni if this was the form she remembered.
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(Milim and Ramiris's true form. For reference. Photo is not mine.)
I just hope she got back a bit of intelligence as well. "Rimuruuuuu. I am back in my true form." She then jumped on me. "You know what, just turn back to the pixie." "Ehhh? Why?" "Because you are not mature enough. Also it will hide your identity." "Ehh." "Also if you use that form then you will have to help me in my work and won't be able to do your research." She quickly transformed back into her pixie form." Alright." I hope she is able to research it. I will provide her the blueprints of the Combat Suits and other weapons from my world. I then walk back to my castle. This city has really grown quite big. I remember when this was just an ogre village. We really went a long way. Many people greeted on my way and I waved back at them.
Once I reached my room, Raphael finally reported to me. <Master, it seems that your awakened demon lord seed has evolved into an unawakened true dragon seed> >True dragon seed?< <Hai. It will allow you to become a true dragon upon its awakening.> >!!? Wait. Aren't there only three true dragons alive. How can I just evolve?< <It us possible. But to do so a large amount of dragon aura needs to be absorbed.> >How much?< <All the aura absorbed from individual Veldora and Ramiris together combine to form only 7.92%. Absorbing magicules from the air is possible but it will take nearly two to three centuries for awakening.> >I see. So I can evolve into a true dragon. Isn't this a bit sudden? Why did I only get it now. There must be some conditions to sacrifice only then I should get it. < <I am not sure of the conditions master, but it can be deduced that taking in 2 different dragon factors might have played a role in it. One from Veldora and the other from Veldanava which was inherited by Milim.> >I see.< After thinking about this for some time i gave up and decided to just go to sleep. Too much just happened today. After waking up, I told Shuna and Testa to send the invitation to the kings and queens of various countries. I also sent an invitation to Erald and told him to invite the empress of Sarion as well. I have heard a lot about her from Ellen so I also know that she wanted to meet me, so I decided this would be the perfect time.
---------------------- That is all. I hope you guys enjoy. Like and follow me.