2. Gym Crush

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Someone's POV:

Impatiently I looked out the tinted windows of the gym at the new HYBE headquater. I am not sure what it was getting me here this early in the morning. Something just seemed to call for me like a siren from afar. Just as I sped up on the treadmill I let my gaze travel across the street to the public gym. That's when I noticed her. The beautiful stranger I grew accustomed to working out with. 

The guys call her my little gym crush... But it's more than that. I mean who wouldn't think of fate first thing when an attractive stranger always ends up working out the same time as you even on spontaneous nightly workout sessions. Especially in a world where soulmates exist. 

First, I thought she was a Sasaeng but I dismissed that thought very quickly. Mainly because the windows are tinted black. There is no way she could see through them. But also, because I just don't believe that...Call me delusional but I bet she is super nice. 

Whenever I see her, I just feel the urge to run over and talk to her. Ask her about life, her job, her past, the middle name of her mum.... or anything for that matter as long as I could talk to her. Sometimes I imagine myself working out beside her in the public gym, but I don't think the company would allow that. I might have to come up with a plan to convince my manager.

Looking down I get a glance of my soulmarks. Seven initials. Six belong to my members, but the seventh is still to be found. 

Y/n's POV:

After getting up from my little slump on the couch I grabbed the assignments and rushed out of my apartment. Knowing very well that if I wouldn't the call of my oh so comfortable couch would lure me in again and I would end up doing nothing all day. 

Seoul was beyond beautiful at this time of the day. Glancing down on my watch I checked if my favorite Café was already open. 

'Yesss, already after 8 am... let's get me some well-deserved coffee and maybe one of the cute little cupcakes they serve.'  

As I enter the little shop, I am greeted by the strong aroma of coffee but disturbingly way too many people for a Sunday morning. After ordering the usual I search for an empty table to get a little work done. In the past I would always do work stuff at home or in school but nowadays I lose every motivation as soon as I enter my apartment and since schools are closed on Sundays the only other option was this right here. 

Finding a free seat in the back I get my stuff sorted out and dive into reading.  As I finished grading the second essay the sound of a throat being cleared startles me. Looking up I am met with the beautiful dark eyes of a stranger. Perplex I just blatantly stare at him having not heard his question. 

'Eh...Sorry if I scared you. I was just wondering if I could join you at your table. It is the only empty seat at the moment.' 

'Oh yeah, of course. Please take a seat.'

I quickly shuffled my paperwork out of the way so he could set his tray down. 

After a short very awkward moment he briefly glanced at the papers. 'Oh! Are you a teacher by any chance?'

'Yes, yes I am. I teach at the elementary school nearby.'

'Let me guess: you teach... music...? or ...English? art?' he asked. 'Wow impressive. I actually do teach Art and English.' I admitted.

Normally I wouldn't start a conversation with a stranger like that but I found myself relax into my seat during our little encounter. After a while he took of his glasses and mask. 

I was too stunned to speak. 

The Park Jimin was sitting in front of me casually having small talk with me. I tried to play it cool. 'Idols are also just humans. He just wants to enjoy coffee and a little conversation with a stranger' I reminded myself not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 

As I stretched my arm a bit to grab my mug my sleeve rid up revealing my crossed out soulmark. As I saw his eyes skimming over it I quickly pulled the sleeve down making it even more obvious. 

'Just great Y/n! Couldn't make it anymore subtle right?' I mentally facepalmed myself. 'Get yourself together or you'll end up being the sad woman with the dead soulmate again.' 

But I realized it was already too late as I noticed the pity and pain pool into his dark eyes. 

Gladly he didn't mention it sensing that I was probably not comfortable enough to talk to him alias a complete stranger about my loss. 

Just as I was about to break the uncomfortable silence, he beat me to it. 

'I'm sorry. I gotta go. I have some work to tend to, but it was lovely meeting you here.' And with a small smile he added 'I hope we'll meet again'. Stupid me could only smile and wave not being able to form a coherent sentence blinded by that smile of his. 

As I walked back home from the Café, 30 graded essays about my students favorite place to spend the summer in my bag, my phone started ringing. I took a sneak peek at the Caller-ID. It was Simone, the younger sister of my soulmate Ada. Ever since I moved to Korea we kept in touch, calling each other at least once a week. I know that she is probably just checking on me. After Ada's death I was in a very dark place and ran away to Korea but with time the pain subsided. 

Picking up I was met with her cute voice. 'Hey sister!! How is it going?' I smiled at the nickname. She gave me that one year into dating Ada. Back then we didn't even know we were soulmates, but it sure felt like that. And in 2020 when people started to get soulmarks during the pandemic no one was really surprised seeing our matching soulmarks on our wrists. 

'Oh I'm great! I am actually on my way home right now. You should visit soon! There is this Café with the most amazing cupcakes ever! You would love it... How are you doing?' I missed her and the rest of Ada's family. But I knew they would probably not visit me anytime soon. They just couldn't afford the flight and all that. 

'Same old, same old... I am looking for an apartment right now but sadly there are no cheap ones on the market. But I mean it is 2023... I am nearly 21 years old. I don't want to keep living at my parents' place.' Simone always talked about how she wanted to move out with 18 or as soon as possible. Especially after Ada moved in with me at age of 18 in 2018. 

'Yeah I know that you always wanted to move out as fast as possible, but look at the bright side.. You don't have to pay for rent or food and you get to eat all the delicious dishes of your mum. I would kill for her home-made lasagna right now!'

'I'll send you some next time.' she teased.

We ended up talking until I reached home. As we said our goodbyes I plopped down on my green satin seater, ordered some food and watched some reality tv. 

'All in all, this was one of the better days...' I thought remembering the unusual coffee encounter and his cute eye smile. 

A/N: I'm back with the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Vote and comment if you did 💜
Who do you think the first POV belonged to?

Take good care and please look forward to the next chapter. 

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