5. The cute teacher

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3rd person POV:

"Is everyone with us? Please always stay together and bundle up in groups of 4. In that group you will always stay together and if something happens or you get lost, don't hesitate to call me or Ms. Kwan. You all have our numbers, right? Okay." Y/n instructs her favorite second graders in front of her. All of them nodding eagerly or saying "Yes!" quite loud, which makes y/n chuckle at their cute behavior. Ever since she announced that the class will be going to the street food festival here in Seoul everyone has been excited. Y/n was excited too but for different reasons. "I just hope we don't loose each other in the crowd" she mutters under her breath.

After doing a quick but thorough count through they all walk into the festival. The delicious smells of different aromas invade her senses. All around her she can here her students letting out 'Ohs' and 'Ahs' at the sheer amount of food stalls surrounding them.

After arranging a meeting point, she sends her students and her colleague Ms. Kwan off to get some mouthwatering goods while she waits for them. It takes quite some time until everyone is gathered and happily munching on whatever they got.

While eating Hyunjin and Minseo the two little cuties tell y/n about their encounter at one of the stalls. "... and then the woman in front of us bought the last So-tteok So-tteok skewers. And then we had to wait 5 more minutes until we could order." Hyunjin complains "Yeah Ms L/n can you believe it... she bought 15 skewer thingys..." Minseo pouted.

Trying to distract them from whining, y/n asks "But now that you got yours, are they good? I'm thinking about getting some for myself. They look sooo delicious." She rubs her tummy animatedly. And it seems to work, seeing how they now just rant about how amazing it tastes to each other. Grinning about their cute interaction, y/n informs her colleague about going on the hunt for something good herself. Ms. Kwan dismisses her quickly and shoos her away while slurping some ramyeon.

'Hmmm... what should I get? It all looks so delicious.' y/n contemplates making her way through the crowd. 'I am kind of craving Galbitang... weird... normally I am not so much into hearty soups. Maybe it is because of the weather... I should definitely get some while I am here.'

After taking her time do decide, y/n got herself some Galbitang from one of the soup stalls as well as some So-tteok So-tteok and sweets. As soon as she arrives back to the class, she gets greeted with

"What did you get Ms. L/n?"

"Is it good?"

"Can I try Ms. L/n?"

From some of the students closest to her. After trying the food and answering all the questions bombarded towards her, she lets Minseo try some. Not after scolding her lightly for using her puppy dog eyes on her.

"Be careful I added some spice to the soup Minseo-ie!" she warns the cute little girl in front of her. Lifting up the spoon, y/n feeds her some. "Woah, it is delicious Ms. L/n! Sooo, sooo yummy!"

"Can I try too pleeease?" Hyunjin asks pouting his lips at the young teacher.

"Hyunjin-ah you know you can't eat that spicy. You'll get a tummy ache." She reminds the kid while ruffling his hair. "But you could try some of my sweets if you want..." Hyunjin's eyes grow big at that, he starts to eagerly nod his head.

"I want to try some of your sweets to Ms. L/n please?"

"Me too please!"

"Me three...Ms. L/n"

'Maybe I should have shared secretly with Hyunjin... now I gotta give everyone some to be fair.' Y/n realizes, now glad that she got some more in advance for all of them to share.

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