9. So soon!

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Namjoon's POV:

I woke up to some new messages from Y/n suggesting meeting at her apartment for the next art consultation. I can feel myself feeling slightly fuzzy due to the idea of seeing her apartment. "I bet it is beautiful furnished..." I mumble under my breath typing out an answer for her. Good thing I already talked about our schedule with the guys last night. After pitching a few dates for the meeting to Y/n and reassuring her that being in her apartment won't make us uncomfortable, I emphasize that she can pick any of the days I recommended, wish her a wonderful day and hit send.

With a little swing to my steps, I wash up and go downstairs to meet whoever is filling the dorm with this heavenly smell of coffee. As I turn the corner to the kitchen, I spot Jungkookie stirring something while my oldest soulmate is chopping some veggies. "Good morning" I announce my presence. "Morning sweetheart" Jin sings melodious as a smile spreads over his beautiful face. Kookie mumbles a greeting back while focusing on the pot in front of him. His hair is disheveled, and his eyes are still halfway close. Trying to suppress a laughter I make my way over to the holy grail. The pot of freshly brewed coffee prepared by two of my lovely soulmates.

Little by little the rest shuffles in again all looking equally tired after last nights text writing to Y/n. We all were wide awake after finding the perfect wording for the request.

3rd person's POV:

None of them expected her to answer as quickly as she did. They didn't know that she was just as eager as them to meet again, this time without Jackson. So all of the 7 performer were equally surprised when Namjoon read out her answer only a few hours later after their weekly meeting with their producer team. In her message she suggested to meet in two days. Since no one predicted Y/n to pick a date so soon, some where a little stressed over finding the right thing to wear especially Taehyung and Hoseok.

Back at the dorm they started running around, putting together a runway show of possible outfits while the others had to judge.

"What about this one?" Taehyung asked coming out with yet another ensemble.

"Nooo..." Kookie exclaims seeing the weird colour combination.

"I don't know Tae. Do you like this one?" Namjoon inquires.

"Yes. No. I don't knowwww! I have never been so confused about what to wear." Tae whines.

"Why are you guys making such a big fuss over it. Yes I get it, she is pretty and very charming, but do I need to remind you that she is not our soulmate?! But why dress up it is just another meeting with someone we don't really know..." Yoongi throws in.

"That's bold coming from you. I saw you already buying a new jacket online and have it express delivered so you can wear it in two days. You can't fool me Yoongs!" Hobi shouts from the kitchen.

Tae scoffs slightly hearing that, while the others only giggle and smile.

"I know I am doing the same thing as you two and I am suspicious that every single one of us is making up their mind on what to wear. I am not just asking you two... I am asking myself and everyone else too. Why are we making such a big fuss about that woman. Yes, she is very charming and talented, and you get lost in her eyes whenever you look for too long, but why? Why are feeling like this? Does no one else worry about what this means?" Yoongi rambles.

"I think there is more to her than we think! I know it ... I feel it. Somehow, she will be important. Maybe she'll be the one introducing us to our final piece..." Jimin ponders.

"But what if we are wasting our time here and missing out on our real soulmate? I just want you to remember she is probably not the one! Don't get too attached, you know how easily someone can betray us and how much the press would pay anyone to do it." Yoongi shares his mind, not believing a thing he just said.

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