8. Not our Soulmate

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Jackson's POV:

'She really just left me standing like that. I don't get how she talk to me like that after flirting with 7 men right in front of me. Do I mean nothing to her?'

We never argued like this. I think I really overstepped her boundaries with what I said given how strongly she reacted. But can't Y/n see that I only mean good. I mean who is going to take care of her and nurture her once these guys broke her heart or use her. No one can love her the way I do.

I should probably get back on her good side, I really can't loose her! But then again maybe I am just overthinking the whole thing. She didn't even give them her real last name. Only the korean one she took after moving here. Except from me no one really knows that Y/n's family name is in fact not Song but Y/l/n. And because she is an artist and works with kids a lot no one questions the fact that everyone just calls her Y/n or Miss Y/n... I'm glad she didn't tell them. That means she doesn't trust them too much.

'But then again why should she share such private things with clients. Yes, attractive famous idol clients, but still clients. Y/n always keeps it professional. Oh man I really fucked up by accusing her in that manner, didn't I? I need to fix this. I need to make sure no one other than me ever gets so close with her. No one should know her like I do.'

It already took me one year to get her to open up towards me about her past including her real last name.

'On whole year. She trusts me now. I can't loose her trust.'

3rd person's POV:

And with that Jackson makes his way home, dreading the day Y/n will confine in someone other than him.

Meanwhile Y/n is already fast asleep, face smushing down on her soft pillow. The first night without nightmares since years, waiting for her to get a good night rest.

At the same time in the apartment of seven particular idols everyone is wide awake. On the way home the talked about how beautiful Y/n is and how kind she seems. Soon it is revealed that Y/n is in fact the beautiful woman Namjoon, Hobi and V saw at the vernissage. As well as Jimin's cute teacher from the Café and Jin's cute teacher from the food festival. The last one to reveal is JK.

Blushing slightly he clears his throat. "I know her too. Actually I know her the longest." He proudly states. His six slightly confused soulmates turn to him. "What? Where do you know her from?" Asks Yoongi a tad bit jealous he is the only one who met her for the first time today.

"She is my..gmcrhs" Kookie mumbles under his breath. "She is your what?" inquires Hobi eyebrow raised.

"She is my gym crush." The youngest states a bit to loud. As soon as those words leave his lips everyone goes haywire.

"She is your gym crush?!"

"Hold up what?"

"You didn't tell us she was this cute. I would have joined your training kookie!" Jimin states offended.

"So you all met this beautiful, creative and kind woman. And I am the only one who never got to see her before today?" Yoongi concludes jotting out is bottom lip in an upset manner.

"Trust me Yoongi-ah you didn't need to know her prior this day. You were just as whipped as the rest of us without it!" V teases is hyung.

"As if you were any better Tae tae!" Hobi snorts. " I think we all crush equally hard for her"

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