7. The first glimpse

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Jungkook's POV:

I don't know why I am so restless tonight. Maybe it's the fact that Joonie told all of us about the potential meeting with the artist for dinner sometime this week. Or maybe it's because I haven't eaten dinner yet. Probably the latter

I had to stay back longer than the others due to fitting for Calvin Klein. It took way more time to finish as it should have. So now I am stuck here with stuff I should have done during the time the fitting went on and on ...and on. My brain hurts from thinking so hard, but my body is thriving with nervous energy.

I sigh, slowly shutting down my PC. I walk down the floor where all our offices and studios are at. Outside it is already fairly dark. 'This really took a lot longer. Totally unnecessary...' I mutter under my breath. Just as I turn the corner towards the elevator, taking one last glance out of the huge windows. My look is caught by a familiar feminine figure. I turn my head so fast I might have gotten a whiplash from it.

I slowly approach the window closest to me and immediately recognize her small frame although I can't see her face properly. She is expertly putting some weight on a hip thrusting machine. I exhale the breath I didn't know I was holding as soon as her beautiful face is finally in my view of sight. Even when it's coated in a thin layer of sweat, I would still consider it the most attractive face. Female face of course... I wouldn't want to compare her to my lovely soulmates.

Speaking of soulmates I whip out my phone checking for texts. And surely Jin hyung texted me a few minutes ago asking if I would be there on time for dinner. I shoot him a quick thumps up emoji back not wanting to look away from her for too long. As I lock my eyes back on her I notice she looks like she is crying. Her shaking form is slumped down on the machine, weight now locked in place. I see her chest rising and falling in a very fast rhythm. I take a step forward. And watch helplessly as her small sobs turn into full wailing mode.

'Fuck, I wonder what happened. Poor woman, she looks so exhausted. Why is she crying? I wish I could hold her and tell her everything is going to be alright...'

3rd person POV:

Unknowingly to Jungkook the voice of one rsoulmates was telling her that exact same thing at that moment. Effectively calming her nerves and settling her uneven breath.

He watches as she seems to calm down step by step. Bobbing her head to whatever music was blasting through her headphones she walks around the empty gym shaking out her limbs. After what feels like 5 seconds to him she sits back down on the machine. Increasing the weight on there she pushes up in one swift hip movement.

'Holy shit... I never wished to be someone's spotter that bad. I bet her squats look amazing from the bac... ' he trailed off.

The way her body was moving so powerful after just seeing her in such vulnerable state was doing things to him.

'God, I need to stop thinking about her in that way. What's wrong with me?' he sighed. "Get a grip on yourself Jungkook! She is a woman, we don't objectify woman or any other living beings..." He wanted to give her privacy for her workout, but he couldn't stop himself from nearly drooling at the thought of her body.

"I need to stop watching her like this. She would probably think I am some weird stalker ogling at her if she caught me.' Jungkook breaths out. He knew he should look away, but his eyes seemed to be glued onto her petite form, admiration mixed with lust pooling in them.

Only when she ended her workout heading into the dressing room did he tear his eyes away. He checked the time on his phone.

"Shit the hyungs will whoop my ass... I am late for dinner."

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