10. Everything will be okay!

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3rd person's POV:

Y/n opens the door of her apartment letting the 7 idols into her home. They didn't know but this was a huge step for her, except for Jackson they were the first people ever stepping foot into her home ever since moving to Seoul.

They shuffled in standing in the crowded entrance slightly awkward.

"Hi Miss Y/n, how have you been?" Namjoon tries to break the ice.

"Great, thanks Mr. Kim. Please be so kind and take off your shoes and coats. I'll hang them here and I also have some indoor slippers if you'd like some." Y/n requests her guests.

After everyone exchanged greetings and took of their shoes and coats, the 8 oft them proceeded into Y/n's living room.

"You have a beautiful apartment, Miss Y/n. It looks really cozy!" J-hope compliments.

"Well thank you, Mr. Jung. It is probably not as big as you are used to live in, but it fells like home and that is what matters." Y/n says shyly avoiding eye contact.

'Why is it everything I imagined her home to be and even better...? It's cozy, warm and stylish at the same time... just like her.' Namjoon ponders.

"Please follow me, I'll show you my other artwork in my makeshift studio" Y/n instructs.

Following her the 7 men can't help but let their eyes wander to the rest of her flat. Seeing some pictures of what looks like Y/n's family and friends on a shelf and all her beautiful indoor plants.

But every strayed pair of eyes comes back to focus to the front when they finally enter her studio. Many different canvases are on full display, each and every one telling a different story, showing different emotions and facets of the woman in front of them.

"Woah!" V can't help but exclaim. The others are quick to follow with noises of admiration.

"This is insane!"

"Oh wow!"

Y/n chuckles lightly seeing their lit up faces and hearing all the praises. She is and always has been a sucker for those. "Please take your time and look around. If you have any questions regarding a specific piece, let me know, I'll be happy to answer all your questions."

While all of the guys take a look around the room, Y/n connect her phone to her stereo system, which she often uses while painting and starts a soft chill playlist on Spotify.

After a while of contend silence disturbed by only a few whispers between the men, Namjoon turns to Y/n.

"These are very impressive, Miss Y/n!" Y/n can't stop her brain from remembering her dream of the man standing in front of her once he softly smiles at her. Dimples on full display. She catches herself loving the way her name rolled off his full lips.

"Thank you, Mister Kim. I am glad you like them!" She hesitantly admits.

"I don't like them... I love them. I am not sure what it is about your art, but it somehow really resonates with how I feel in a lot of situations." He chews on his lower lip, lost in thought, catching a certain someone's eyes with the slight movement. "This one for example. It feels incomplete. Like there is a missing piece somewhere out there waiting to be found by the observer."

"I was thinking the same exact thing Joon! It feels lost and confused, but still has a unwavering certainty to it. As if you were missing a piece of your soul, like soulmates, you feel incomplete, you know that you're missing a piece, but you have no clues where to find it. And still, you are 100% certain that it is still out there somewhere." Hobi buts in.

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