11. Song Y/n?

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Peeling his eyes open Yoongi lifts his head off his mixing console. He looks down being surprised to find the pages of his lyric booklet full of something he must have written last night. With his hands he rubs his tired face lazily and starts to read the full song he wrote a few hours ago.

"Everything will be okay..." He trails off. The essence of his thoughts during their meeting with the young artist. He hated seeing her so down when she talked about focusing on the negatives in the past. She spaced out for a bit immediately after and all he wanted to do was take her in his arms and keep her safe from the world.

"I really don't get why I am so intrigued by her... she makes me want to hug her all day, just as Jinie did but without the letting go part." Yoongi murmurs "God, what is wrong with me?"

Not being able to stop thinking about her, he opens Naver and starts his search to get to know more about her besides her art.

"...Song Y/n..." He types into the searchbar. Wiggling in his seat he gets comfortable and starts scrolling.

Coming across a picture of Miss Y/n with a class full of bright smiling kids next to her at what looks like a school festival. Her smile is genuine and spreads over her whole face. Yoongi catches a broad gummy smile breaking through on his own face.

"Hm... there isn't anything more. God, I feel like a little stalker, what am I doing?" The rapper asks himself but continues his little innocent search on social media.

"What do you mean you're not on social media ... "he gruffs after not finding any account that seems to be related to the young female artist. Suga was close to giving up when he came across an Instagram account for artwork. Somehow, he gets the feeling that this could be Y/n's art account from a few years back maybe ...call it a stupid gut feeling, but he was certain. The style and technique looked familiar, although the color use was a bit different. The artist used a lot of lighter colors, and everything seemed more harmonic compared to the art he saw at Y/n studio. "Wait but that looks like Y/n's signature on these art pieces." He opens up the picture Namjoon send through their group chat from yesterday. "Yep. They are almost identical. Maybe this is her anonymous art account?" he ponders.

There was only one thing wrong about this... "Why is there a different name in the bio? Y/l/n Y/f/n? Let's see. "Trying to find more about this Y/l/n Y/f/n he reopens Naver. "Nothing! ...weird. Maybe our big brain soulmate could be helpful." And with that the tired faced guy made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Luckily he finds just the guy he was looking for there sipping a brewing hot cup of coffee with Jin. "Namjoona! I need your help with something!" Yoongi announces. "Oh do you need help with the new song? I saw light under the studio door until late yesterday, did you stay up all night writing your new masterpiece hyung?" The younger teased.

"Nah, nothing song related. I think I know why every single one of us is so immensely invested in Song Y/n..." He reveals.

"What do you mean?" Jin joins in quizzingly.

"I think our little artist's name is not actually Song Y/n but Y/l/n Y/f/n, which would mean she matches our soulmate initials. I believe I found an inactive Instagram account from her; the art looks similar and the signature under the paintings are painfully alike. Here let me show you!" He turns the laptop around sharing the results of his research with the two men.

After a while Namjoon starts clicking through the evidence, checking everything twice. "You're right, the signatures are almost identical.'' Jin shouts from over Namjoon's broad shoulder making the younger one wince from his booming voice.

"Did you search up this name online?" Namjoon asks.

"Of course, but there were no results on Naver."

"Maybe you searched at the wrong place. Let's try something..." Rm murmurs typing swiftly.

Peeking over his shoulder Yoongi recognizes the Google search engine and pats his soulmates shoulder approvingly.

"Let's see what we got here..." scrolling through the search results the three idols scan for hints.

"There! That's a picture of her seems a bit old but..." Jin exclaims, accidently hurting both of his soulmate's ears ...again. They click the link and end up on an old facebook page from a young girl called Ada. And right there Y/n's cute smile is blinding them from the very first picture.

"Holy shit!" Yoongi whispers. He urges his soulmate to scroll further. A few pictures down they find a post of both the Ada girl and young Y/n posing with their arms stretched out towards the camera, sporting one initial each.

Y/I... reads the mark of the supposedly soulmate of Y/n. (Y/I - your initials)

"Fuck, that's impossible..." Yoongi curses under his breath. "I was so sure..."

"Stop Yoon! Don't go down that road. I was and am sure, even if I would never word it that way around the younger ones..." The leader said.

"What do you mean... don't go down that road. The pictures is clear isn't it? Her name is apparently Y/l/n Y/f/n and that Y/f/n has a soulmate since 2020. How can I not go down that road Joon, hm?!" Yoon shouts aggressively.

"Woah what is going on guys? Why is grumpy grandpa shouting?" Jimin teases as he comes down the steps gracefully.

When the only one answering was the silence engulfing his hyungs Jimin comes walking over quickly taking a glance at the laptop screen.

"Oh, is that Miss Y/n when she was young? What year is this from?" Jimin questions looking at what seems to be a family and friends' picture with Y/n standing in the middle smiling from one ear to another. "How cute, look at her smile!" he exclaims happily unaware of the tumult going on in his hyung's heads.

"Take a look at this before you continue to squeak like a little teenage fanboy!" Yoongi gruffs scrolling upwards to THE photo.

Silence engulfed the four idols, yet again.

A/N: sorry very short chapter aaand cliffhanger but hey I am already writing the next one so stay tuned :)

Lots of love, your ladyofthemagicshop!

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