12. Missing you

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"Oh, is that Miss Y/n when she was young? What year is this from?" Jimin questions looking at what seems to be a family and friends' picture with Y/n standing in the middle smiling from one ear to another. "How cute, look at her smile!" he exclaims happily unaware of the tumult going on in his hyung's heads.

"Take a look at this before you continue to squeak like a little teenage fanboy!" Yoongi gruffs scrolling upwards to THE photo.

Silence engulfed the four idols, yet again.

Analyzing the picture Jimin's face slowly turns gloomy.

"See I told you ..." Yoongi butts in.

"That must be her soulmate who died." Jimin contemplates shocking all his soulmates present.

"Exactly that is her soulma-... wait what? Her soulmate died?" Jin stutters.

"Yeah. Guys I told you when I met her at the Café. Her soulmate initials were crossed out in red. Means her soulmate died." Jimin reminds them.

"When did you tell us that?" Yoongi asks bewildered.

"That day Jin came back smiling all dreamy from seeing the cute teacher alias Miss Y/n..." he giggles looking at his dumbstruck cute soulmates.

"Does that mean she can still possibly be our soulmate?" was suddenly heard from the living room after a few seconds Jungkook, V and Hobi came crawling out from behind the wall having been eavesdropping the whole time.

"Yeah, I think so..." Jimin trails off, not being sure himself.

"Or maybe not, loosing your soulmate can be super painful as far as I know." Yoongi throws in "I mean, it's a piece of your soul being ripped out, which usually never grows back."

"Painful as in the one time, Namjoonie hyung thought that he wasn't good enough for us and doubted our whole bond?" JK questions head tilted to the side remembering the sudden pain in his chest that day.

"Much worse, I think. I only doubted our bond and myself. What she has been going through ever since her soulmate died must a have been unspeakably worse." Namjoon ponders feeling his heart grow heavy thinking about the pain the young teacher must have been going through and possibly still was.

"Most of the people who lose their one and only soulmate like Miss Y/n did, don't survive. Whether it is out of physical pain or out of mental agony, but most of them die after a few years." The pale rapper injects.

"But given Miss Y/n is still alive her soul must be extra strong, right?" V says with hope in his eyes, not wanting to lose the young artist before he actually got the chance to know her.

"That or faith is giving her a second chance..." Hobi smiles knowingly at his fellow rapline soulmates earning an eye roll from the smaller one.

"Let's not cling to that illusion to much. She may have fitting initials with our last soulmark, but from a few medical soulbond books I know it is normally common that the initials change once the name does." The leader tries to reason.

"Not necessarily!" Jimin interjects having looked into soulmarks during all those years searching for her "Normally you would be right hyung, but if the name is only changed on paper and her heart still belongs to her name given by birth, then the soul initials would stay the same."

"I know Jiminah. I just don't want us to get hurt, but I hope you are right!" Namjoon mumbles.

"Pretty sure Y/n would never hurt us, we may not know her, but I have a good feeling about her." Jin smiles brightly patting Joons head soothingly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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