6. Yes or No?

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3rd person POV:

Y/n flips sleepily through some folders she needed to grade.

"You will probably not even meet them. You already got lucky that you met Ada that early in your life."

Jackson's loud words from yesterday echo in her mind. You could say the phone call yesterday didn't go as she expected It to go. Jackson is under normal circumstances the person who always gets her spirit back up and encourages her to not loose hope. But yesterday was totally different...

His words had hurt her. They had stabbed a small part deep down in her heart. But she knew that there was a reason for Jackson to act that way. He himself hadn't met his soulmate yet. It is not an uncommon thing. Actually, the opposite it is quite rare for people to meet their soulmate as early as Y/n met Ada.

'Still not a good enough reason to snap at me that way... But Jacks was never one to keep his temper in check on occasion like that.'

~Flashback to phonecall~

"You really shouldn't get your hopes up. I mean seven people?! How do you think that will work Y/n? And I am not even mentioning the fact that they could easily reject you when they realize you already had a soulmate in the past." Jackson fired back at Y/n right after she shared her thoughts on the matter.

"I know. Do you think I haven't thought about that? But they are my soulmate, don't you think they would love me regardless of my past?" Y/n all but sobbed into her phone.

"Hell no! At least I think I couldn't do that. Knowing that I am only the second-best choice of the person who is supposed to complete my soul." He answered, obviously getting agitated by every passing second.

Y/n knew better than to share more of her thoughts with him. She knew how stubborn he could be.

Jackson on the other hand was furious.

'How could fate be so cruel? Y/n and I had gotten so close in the past year.'

He knew they were destined to be soulmates. Fate just fucked up big time. What else would be the reason of Ada's death and him not finding his soulmate for so long. It had to be the reason, right? Fate brought them together. He was her light. The one person she could always count on. And Y/n was his beautiful flower. So why the hell would she need a new soulmate? And why seven?

~End of flashback.~

Y/n sighed, shaking the thought away from her mind, she tried to focus on the task at hand. Still, she could stop the little twinge of disappointment surging through her while thinking back to Jackson's words. Yeah, her first reaction wasn't ideal either. In fact, she just went full on panic mode, but with a bit distance she could see the opportunity life was giving her. And who was she to oppose to fates wishes. She knew right there and then if she was ever to meet her seven new soulmates, she would try to give them a chance. She could just hope they would do so too.

'And maybe, just maybe they could close the void that Ada's death left behind step by step...' She could only hope for the best.

Today was a rough day for Y/n, work was more exhausting than ever. And she needed to keep her emotions at bay while working so the kids wouldn't press her on that matter. Not that she could set her boundaries with little kids, but she just had a soft spot for some of them. Especially for their cute little puppy dog eyes.

~At the same time at Jackson's gallery~

Hobi looked around the office Mr. Wang had led them to.

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