Part 2 of you, timothy, and seek teams up

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Y/n : before I go seek 

Seek: ?

y/n : you know how you can morph into human shape

Seek : ya...

Y/n : could you morph into animals?

Seek :... *tries to to sneak away*

Y/n : Seeeek

Seek : ?...

Y/n : Why don't you morph into a cat so I can take you home?

Seek : ...

Y/n : ?

Seek : I have kids well thats what I call them...

Y/n : like screech 

Seek : No

Y/n : ??

Seek : You know the eyes you see before the run scene?

Y/n : ya..

Seek : the eyes are my kids

Y/n : oh

Seek  : ...

Y/n : can you morph into a cat for a day to see the outside world.

Seek : fine but we are bringing food back for my kids

Y/n : yaaaay!!!!!!!!

Seek : *morphs into a cat*

Y/n : can you pur?

Seek : I don't know I really wasn't never that happy..

Y/n : That's sad

Seek : lets just go

Y/n : hehe

Seek : y/n?

Y/n : hehe

Seek : y/n no this wasn't never part of this

Y/n : *Pets head* hehe

Seek : (in mind; why?)

Y/n : Seek

Seek : what?

Y/n : we need a CAR

Seek : okay 

Y/n do you have a car?

Seek : ya?

Y/n : do you know any entities know how to drive 

Seek : me, figure, glitch, hide, ambush, and timothy

Y/n : Nice who should we bring?

Seek : Timothy and hide

Y/n : why hide?

Seek : Hide can also morph into things

Y/n : *runs back in to grab them both* 

Hide : Seek why did you bring me into this?

Seek : cuz you me friend that doesn't look messed up

Hide : *tail wags*

5 hours later

Seek and Hide asleep by each other

Y/n : Soooo cute *pet Seek and Hide*

Seek and hide : *tail wags*

Y/n : *gasp* 

Seek : *slowly getting up* to see Y/n all hyper Y/n why are soo happy?

Y/n : you was wagging you tail

Seek : ... I was having a good dream

Y/n : was it about getting pet?

Seek : not really it was more about my kids

Y/n : oh

Timothy : pay up now we are here

Y/n : i don't have no money

Seek : *jumps in the front and grab a 20k cash stack* here

Timothy : thank you 

All *gets out*

Seek and hide : where are we?

y/n : were at Walmart!!!

Seek : were not using my money right?

Y/n : no

3 hours later

We are Home!! 

Seek and hide : *morphs back to first form* 

Seek : now Y/n don't tell the others or this won't happen again

Y/n : okay

Seek : kids I'm home with food!!

the eyes on the wall : yay dad!!!!

Y/n : *just watching from a distance*  hehe sweet never knew Seek can be so sweet.

(might make a part 3!!!)

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